2morrow we are leaving already..the archis back to Sevilla,
Miss Pi and omi back to Biella into the UNIDEE and Antwerp
tasks..before a :-(mail reaches us: Basels art jury isn’t convinced by our the icon..did we do the presentation papers to
hurryhurry or have we been not enough “politic”..god knows,
those people never tell you how they found the desicion..okay
icon, we’ll present you in the cultural office of the city of Turin..
good that it was at least a payed contest..we’re all pretty broke..
Oviedo..4th of September..hasta pronto amores..see you soon
in Antwerp..when the big cittashow opens!
this time Miss Pi and omi stop in Marseille to meet Sylvie,
Yanick and the Bureau de Competences...hola amigos..
only some hours..but good ones! we let them know what
geografia affetiva means and how we imagine to present
the project in the Bureau..by a workshop..or two..maybe with
students from the art- or/and the architecture faculty..that Eva
had the idea to come with a 3D model of the interface..we leave
them our g.a.papers and go before sundown.we’d like to make
it to Torino before midnight..we’re looking forward to come back..
Torino! 6th of 09..ciao You!! how was the deep italian south, how
was the spanish north? You and Lou want to do a Sistership in
Calabria..Lou got this ruin from his parents..aiaiai..thrilling! we
could directly sail over from Fuengirola after having breakfast
with Topos parents ;-)
one night in the babyshipbed and the 3 of us are back in Biella..
full programme..finishing the posters..doing the graphic..the
8 images and slogans we already chose with Michelangelo
before August..4000 of those posters will be spread all over
the city..inviting people to be curious..
1000 little details and decisions..what will be how where in the
Logo-space? which ex-residents we would like to invite, which
projects..and going on shooting around with the digi-cam for the
long strip we want to add beside the logospace..
and of course the work with the residents..but again..little time
to really follow and help them.. next year - if we’ll go on - we will
definitely only do one project in the cittadellarte context either
UNIDEE or..for example curating a show..
one day after comming to Biella Nico Dockx and friends are
arriving, a whole bus of them! they are on their way to Venice
where they will do some performances in the Utopia Station..
finally we can meet Louwrien Wijers..que bien..you know, the
Women who invented and organized
Arts meets Science and Spirituality in a changing Economy..
Nico told us a lot about her..unfortunately we’re too busy with
UNIDEE-Antwerp to really take time for each other, but this
first touch is much more than nothing! we will see us on the
opening on the 4th of october in Antwerp..
Peter the cook, the artist who works in the kitchen, is one in
Nicos bus..they arrive just in the moment when there is no
cook in citta..Maria and Salvatore also left and actually we
wanted to go downtown to have some pizza..but then Peter
discovers the deep freezers! madonna, we didn’t know what
there was buried under ice! we have a great meal all together..
Ni&co are leaving, Catherine, Michel and some students from
the art academy in Perpignan, where we did the first geografia
affettiva workshop, are arriving..short visit, also on their
way to Venice..they are invited by Nico..
Tal is also here..you remember? Tal Adler..Itemz.org..he also
will go to Venice, but he got invited by Filippo from the politic
office of cittadellarte..Love difference..which is also present in
this utopian pavillon..
Tal tells us how we could propose geografia affettiva for the near
east after it didn’t work out with the Musrara school..he tells us
to get in contact with the people from the digital artlab in Tel Aviv..
thanks..we will..
no news from Scott Snibbe and communimage in San Francisco..
maybe we should forget about? hey and did you read? Taschen
made a big book about Muhammed Ali G.O.A.T..Greatest Of All
Times..didn’t we always say in Goat we trust?..we have to lough
about how funny synchronicity can be sometimes..
its middle of September .. in M HKA the realisation of our plans
start..the wire to Tom is excellent, we don’t doubt a second that
this is the perfect partner..we only doubt that “perfect” means the
same in Antwerp then here in cittadellarte..good that Miss Pi
and You are already going up tomorrow..and will find out..omi will
follow in about a week or so..only two weeks until the opening on
the 4th of oct!
we have this idea to do a poster for UNIDEE 2004..you know, there
is this advertising pillar in the logospace which represents the
education office..and it will be full of all posters which were made
so far..it would be nice to also have the poster inviting for next years
UNIDEE..we do a democratic design: each resident of 2004 (apart
from Kai who still didn’t return from Tokio..) chooses one digit out
of u n i d e e 2 0 0 4..from each one omi takes a photography of
the left eye..the chosen digit desides which slice of the eye is part
of the whole 11eyes-eye..what? this:
Miss Pi and You almost didn’t arrive and send very good news
already: Tom is as de Luxe as we thought! AND: they had an idea
how to produce the Logo-Sofa in that very short time: M HKA will
pay the production, after we’ll try to sell it and they get their expances
back! now Tom de Luxe is trying to organize that..
to come to the point: it worked!
today we are writing the 14th of october already, the opening
lays 10 days behind us and there is a lot to tell and show you!
but give us a break..look, here’s a little page done by the M HKA
about it..after the presentation day of UNIDEE end of the month
and after our workshop and workshow in Medellin we’ll be back
and start where we end here. okay? or maybe we even make it
before we’re leaving to Colombia.. betrue-beyou..