one little wave which means 54 days and nights..
its the 7th of December – 20:30 now and all calcies
are well..
..as well as widespread all over Europe > Miss Pi
down south in Sevilla (setting up her new sisterflat
withTopo el Deivi and working on geografia affettiva),
You up northeast in Torino (back in her little flat
after we gave up the babyship in Via Milano, and
working on manydees tasks and also g.a.), l°°ks
up north in Basel (where he visits his family, does
a medical alround check-up and working as the
webmaster on orilla-orilla.net), Malesch near there
in Zürich (working like crazy in helping Johannes
Gees bringing helloworldproject.com online - he`s
the chief-programer again..) and omi riding right
now an ALSA from Oviedo to L.A. (relaxing after
very intensive weeks in Colombia and some days
in Sevilla, where c a l c wants to set up and share
a new babyship..)..
but hey, how are we, who and why?
we are c a l c, we learned some important things this
year, felt in loves and believe in each other more than
but wait a minute, where were we? ...right...
middle of september still and Antwerp is getting very
close.. Miss Pi andYou are sending images then and when..
from the process there..they are glad to have Tom Luyckx,
the architect who was our contact person the last weeks
and who’s no working very close with them..-
in the meantime als Kai is back from Japan..back in cittadellarte!
good that he also wants to do a project for Antwerp..and for the
presi-residay..he wants to work with this shrinking supermarket-
bags...you’ll see..
Miss Pi and You have a weekend-break..they go to Brussels...
and arrive to Asturias..and they make omi a funny present..these
images from graffities all around Antwerp..”we are spraying for your
welcome omi!” of course they don’t..there must be another omi
up there..
but what’s that? Malex found an interesting image which only moves
in our minds..like all images, but this one makes it obvious:
while in UNIDEE everybody is working on the projects for Antwerp
Miss Pi and You started to draw the logo on the museums floor..
Daniele helps us a lot since the calcgirls left and since omi can’t be
the only assistent in these crazy days..
an e-mail reaches us..again the people who organized the curating-
degree-zero-shows...now it goes to Bremen..
we’d love to go too...actually we know very little, just that we’re part
and who else is..and partly with what, but no idea how things look
and work like in space..
l°°ks sends omi a link where the text of one of his favorite songs
can be reat..never understood what mister Bubba Sparxxx was singing..
ooo…but now we know..a bit more...how curating_.._..
looks like, there was arriving another mail today:
28Kb 34Kb 36Kb
Michal, a resident from Isreal is working quite a lot now
with omi..her project consits in getting a german passport
(...!) and omi phones around..until they find a really nice
guy in the german imigration-office..sounds like an angel
but is a lawyer..explaining them the chances..there are
chances! Michal would love to be a german resp. an european
citizen..imagine your life in Israel!
she’ll present a israelian-german passport in Antwerp in
order to make that clear..but hey Juan, omi! – you have
to leave, your plane to Brussels is leaving tomorrow!
in the last minute omi does the selection for the 99 images which
should “talk” about cittadellartes daily life..he took them during the
last weeks..Miss Pi and You had the idea to put those next to logo-
curtain-space..like a horizon behind the veil..and...lift-off to Belgium!
thanks for bringing us to the airport Daniele! see you residents,
everything will be prepared for you...in Tom we trust!
the three calcies in Antwerp again..and Juan! Juan will build up
all the structures he developed, such as the production office and
the economy office.. and Tom Luyckx: finally, this guy is real!
Tom thought that omi is blond..the e-mails and phonecalls provoked
blondness...omi though Tom is is a big bear! both were wrong,
gracias a dios! nice to shake your hand Tomomi!
the last days Miss Pi and You were preparing the drawing
on the floor for the logo-curtain-installation..we all wonder if
it will work as they all tell us. in few days we’ll know..they are
cleaning the window while we are doing a joint session..
Juan and Teresa Miss Pi started to do the Caravanskin..this
time Juans wants to cover it with plastig bags..the caravan
will serve as the economy office...
yesterdy the truck arrived..now all Minus Objects and the
residents pieces are here..today we want to set up Imans
falling-standing-up blackboard tower..