around the 15th we arrive in L.A...Miss PI and Topo from
Andalucia, Evita and omito from Galicia..and Märle and Curt
arrived in the meantime! hola guapos, que bien veros aqui!
and Cristina, Francesco and Mathilde from Piemonte! they
are living in Pacos and Fuens house. and Arno and Gabi
from Innsbruck (you remember? Arno’s the 1 who runs the
architecture forum there...) You told him that he should come
here..a ver a ver..
uuuu...sssssogood to be back in mothership and mothertown!
august! pitty that You and Lou and also Malex and Salome
couldn’t come, but they are sharing feelings somewhere in
Calabria and Switzaland..
we here in L.A. have to start to work again..but as always
50:50..half studio, half beach..half active exhale, half passive
why does only august swing so perfectly between playing and
working? we should find ways to extend summer culture to all
this image above made our friend Txema..in the early evening..
the Pasodoble at the beach of Navia..we’re all in there drinking
a beer now..
Scott Snibbe mails again..and sends images of his gallery in
San Francisco..remember, he wants to show communimage
there..okay, ultimate proposal: we’d like to do a print..no
computers, just a view onto the polymoment..but the space
is very small and Scott wants to show also 3 or 4 other works..
we would scale the “image” down to 40%.. what you think Scott?
meeting Alvaro again..long time! he has been travelling with
Alicia and the kids..and he’ll travel again when we will celebrate
the 5th L.A.villageparty in two weeks! first time without him..its
almost as if the orange tree would not be part..Juice (Jesus from
LAstudio..) found an old display case for L.A. finally we can
easily communicate to all people of L.A. whats going on around
the park..and the village..
first display will be the poster for this years fiesta! Topo offers to
do it..great! Soto will do the big entrance banner again and L°°ks is
already organizing a lot..
in the meantime Ruben arrived in L.A.! immediately he joins
Evas and Topos work..working on those architecture projects
for/in Sevilla..Teresa and omi are deciding and drawing proposals
for Antwerp..how to present the work office..how to present the
religion office..who to present the communication office..we are
strange curators, aren’t we?
this year only Miss Pi and omi will go from shop to shop
in Navia..to ask for money..so we’ll be able again to offer
everything for its cost price..we’re a bit late, all the others
from all the other fiestas from all around came already..
but first we want to go to la noche de Porcia! the big concert
night in the forests near Tapias beaches..it’s the first time that
Eva, omi, Topo, Teresa and Ruben go there..its absolutely
amazingbeautifulcrazyunique..L°°ks went every year and he
told us every year..everybody’s there..ey folks, lets doodl!
Cristiana, Francesco and Matilde have to leave some
days before the fiesta of L.A. starts..que pena..not even
Porcia they can enjoy with us..
Cristiana was quite bemused by this reality here..we still
don’t understand if it was the absolute lack of design down
here which made her look a bit lost..until now only people
from Zürich had this kind of culture shock..anyway..the fiesta
would have shown Cristiana that this its just very different,
and no images from the familiar world helps to understand
this one..only life does..
look, like these people bellow looking all together at some
images in the new display case of L.A..we did them yesterday..
what this has to do with Cri’s culture shock? good question!
yesterday was the footballgame! solteres contra casados..
you know, the married ones against the not yet or the divorced..
this is an old tradition..doesn’t really matter..there are some
who are more married without a golden ring than others who
have already two..anyway..next year we also want to propose
a ladysoccer game or even a mixed match..although Juice wants
do change from soccer to bungee jumping..when the bridge
is already finished then..just a joke* of course but L.A. is was
often the place where jokes came true (*Etymology: Latin jocus;
perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yAcati he asks)
and today >> 2nd of September 2003 - 5th villageparty of L.A.!
Miss Pi and omi collected more money then ever..la fiesta is
already known as something particular..compared to so many
others on this coast the L.A.party is just more festive..off the
big beaten commercial tracks (bigger, louder..) and back to
the party roots (non profit, good-all-kind-of-music-for-all-kind-
of-people, and all exept intolerance tolerated)..
also Arno and Gabi had to leave today..they didn’t even
pass by Casqueiro so busy was their sightseeing-agenda..
but amazing how sometimes things meet without causal
connexion: Arno tells us that he worked intensively on the
theme of the Bridge..in the context of the architecture forum..
he invited architects to investigate the “negative space” under
a bridge (“the roofed space”..)..he tells us tons of interesting
stories and finally we ask him if he wants to give us also a
suitcase for Colombia..?..”maybe” he says..”maybe, i have
to see if i find time to pack this bag..”
Ana sent this bridge-image the other day..she’s back in Berlin..
studing construction engeneering now..she really does it!
also him – Arno - had this kind off shock..but more than
the “cultural palette” (“i want to go out of my house and
find everything”) he missed this kind of “intelectual landscape”
(“i need certain people to talk to”)...well..same as above..i mean..
how could you talk to them not knowing spanish? can you
read eyes and gestures so well? do all “intelligent” people
speak english? or german? or where is the center? Beuys
knew what he did when he was “looking for the most stupid”..
well anyway..anywhere..today the center is in L.A.!
this was the best L.A.village party ever..next year we want to
bring two life gigs..one celtic again..and one hip hop maybe..
who is doing celtic hip hop?? where is the asturian Bubba??