Topi arrrives by plane from Sevilla..the flying baskman..
Teresa leaves Eva and omi alone and drives to the
airport to pick him up..Topi? who the fuck is Topi??
this is Topi!
and..hey, it's time to tell you something..you know, a lot
of things and relations have changed..actually since the
BIG social game, but now, after some time has passed
and some new spaces have grown, we have also words
for it: Teresa and omi seperated..not everything, but the
bed and the bank-account. they still love each other and
want to go on working/playing and living together, but this
love transformed over all these years into something brother-
sisterlike..they have the feeling that this is a natural evolution..
its not about stoping something or giving it up, its about going
on new ways..more parallel then synchronized..only strange
that they never saw the same or something similar in relations
of friends..well..its also c a l c what made this possible..the
inner dynamics of an open family structure..thanks unlce L°°ks!..
no psychostress and no vorwuerfe, just the comon wish for a
big change and restart..now you also know who's Topi..David,
who was a.i.r.2002, is Miss Presidents new boyfriend! he also
lives and partly works with c a l c - with Mala, Teresa and
omi in babyship Torino..
next morning in Barcelona, we have breakfast..look,
here we are - Miss Presidenteresa on the left, Topi at
the topi and on the right side Eva..omi's the eye,popeye..
our new homepage-image > "cree en dios pero..." is
made from Evas living room window, you know..do
you know what this sentence means? d'you have an
idea who could have written it?
some hours later > Teresa, Topi and omi leave Barcelona..
ciao Eva, hope to see you soon again, no, sooner..
o writes a sms' to E..she's writing back! ..
and ping..and pong..ping..pong..pingpong..
we arrive very late in Via Milano, Iris and Max are
still awake, 'ey belli..Mala went to a party...welcome
home in bimbaboat! tomorrow we - Teresa, Topi and
omi have a meeting with Juan and some a.i.r. from the
last years - in cittadellarte, because of aim..
arte atraverso il muri..did we mention that project already?
good morning/meeting! good to see Benoit again and Aya,
and Uli and Armin and Leopold and Steve and Dafna
and Charlie (Charlie, the video, the video, Charlie!)..almost
all open questions become clearer the factory walls and the
contexts..what will we all propose? as soon as things become
fishual we'll link them here..
next day, again we go to citta', but this time only Mala and
omi..they want to propose to bring the curating degree zero
expo-archive to Biella..it fits! Michelangelo and Paolo
are very interested..c a l c will propose a whole programm..
Mala will..
next day > another day in citta', talking with Michelangelo
regarding the unidee website, which needs urgently
some updates..but first lets meet on the 11th and 12th
of 01 2003 in San Sicario - whole stuff..to go through
all open questions and find new yes' for cittadellarte and
babyship! it's the first time we all life here..for some days..
it's a good house! the kitchen is big, the ceiling high and
our neighbours legends > Mario and Marisa Merz are
living above us!
northwindows and southwindows. this is a view from
omis southwindow to the door of his room.
the apple was a present from Eva..from who else?
O's last sms was a big question: why don't you
come to L.A. for the new years dinner..and some
more days..??
tomorrow we'll drive back to L.A.! Mala comes with us,
perfect moment, time..maybe the newest year of all..!
ciao sister Vernedi (= Iris..she found out that we're the
Adams family, she seems to be really happy to have
"experienced" that), greet Napoli..Casino..Mamapapa..
peepeep..peepeep > Eva comes up for the newyearparty!
que bien, cuanto se alegra omi y Topi y Teresa..tambien
L°°ks esta muy curioso..
down south to Genova and then to the right > cote a'zur,
it's the 22rd of december..Mala never has been to
Monte Ugly Carlo..where the rich celebrate the
color beige..and Father Xmas hangs on facades
like the holy snatcher..
..and like in London some weeks ago…la noria,
the ferris wheel is the best again..best artpiece
in public space in Beigelehem! one day we'll do
a ferris-wheel-project..remember? we wanted,
when there was this invitation from the KUB and
Paolo Bianchi..but the square in front of the museum
was booked out already..and others where not inter-
long way back home..
Mala and omi are peepeeping a lot.
sms is great, isn't it? but muchmuch to expensive!
where is the organisation who fights against telecoms
price policy?? how can it be that these gangsters
charge 80 cent for one intereuropean peep if it
costs them near zero?? anyway, we have to, because
Mala seems to fall in love with Luigi (who the fuck is…?)
and omi seems to fall too..he flies in loVe..ay, que dias!
and while the children are playing with their mobile phones
and their friends on the other ends of the lines, Teresa and
Topi are driving them all savely to L.A…where L°°ks is
already doing old/new-year-dinner-plans..
a night in a french village..Castelaudary..santa claus!
we never know what it makes so strange in these
french minicities..is it so silent? does it look like everybody
left or will leave soon? but there is a nice documentary
about synchron-swimmers in the hotel-tv..
later we wake up from this very loud BUMM!..Mala suposes
that it's the x-mas-snatcher who felt..we leave early next
morning..stop in bellugly Biarritz for a walk..a tea..a look out
to the sea. we see this barrelbuilding..:
..while L°°ks has a walk on the beach back home and
finds this dead dog..
we arrive in the early evening in L.A. - its x-mas today..
o no, tomorrow..and its warm, there are callas in full
blossoms, some roses even..and L°°ks looks good!
Miss President cooks an incredible x-mas- and
welcome Mala-dinner! viva la Presidenta!
the next days we go out a lot (specially Mala and omi..),
to the beach > Pasodoble..downtown >Triciclo ..Mala is
deeply interested in Navias underground and almost
can't believe her eyes..she couldn't imagine how under
this ground here is..special thanks for Raul, Luis and
Javi 4 introducing Mala so enthusiastic 2 Navias songlines!
the calcis are working on the concept for Konstanz, while
Topi is working on the question what type of company
he should set up..
it's the first time that we all are and work/play together
in Casqueiro! its so good to have Mala here, finally!
L.A. likes Mala and Mala likes L.A.! and omi can't get
eVa out of his mind..but..why should he? in few days
she's coming!
the Konstanz-work goes very well! every day we take some
hours and play with this idea to use the databank of the uni-
versities library to generate with its search-keywords and
-results a relational/visual landscape.
It's the 29th of december - the real x-mas, at least for
omi: eVa arrives today! by train from Sevilla..to Oviedo
bienvenida en Asturias! que bueno que veniste de verdad!
are you hungry, i am hungry, vamos al Vesuvio en Gijon..
L°°ks, nuestro comandante de fin de año is doing little
checklists..everybody gets some tasks..there's a lot to do,
we expect 20 people.. we'll do a fish fondue..we'll celebrate
in C's acropolis, in studio2.