happy 2003 new yes everybody!
eVa and omi and Teresa and Soto and Jose and Topi
and Bego and Alvaro and Alicia are dancing, Javi and
Luis are showing up..later we go out a bit..some to the
bars, some to the beach…sunrise in the NAVE..Janet
Jackson sings "tonights the night"..she's right!
next day..the 2nd - Teresa and Topi leave to Sevilla..
on their way down they stop in Extremadura to meet
Tomas Ruiz Rivas, the curator who wants us for Vera…
llegamos a Pasarón de la Vera, en la región conocida como
Vera, en el norte de Extremadura, de noche, lloviendo y con
mucha niebla. y para empeorar las cosas, un pequeño susto:
Teresa sufre un ataque de ¿alergia?
y se le inflan los mofletes como a un Hamster. visitamos
urgencias y a la mañana siguiente todo parece controlado,
excepto la niebla, que continua...
Tomás Ruiz nos espera para enseñarnos la región, una serie
de pueblecitos al pie de la sierra. dos productos típicos aquí,
el pimentón y el turismo histórico, porque aquí paso sus ultimos
años y murio el emperador Carlos I.
la primera visita la hacemos al monasterio de Yuste, donde
murió "carlitos". demasiado "recogido" para nosotros...
Tomás esta preparando una bienal de arte
contemporaneo en esta region y nos muestra
los diferentes pueblos que la forman...
Finalmente nos lleva a un pueblo en el que los
habitantes estan muy orgullosos de su jardinería...
until Mala leaves on the 4th omi and her work a lot for
the aMAZEing concept..we want to present it end of january..
after that - in case it will be accepted - we also can add it
to the BOO©..so u'll see..if they don't want to realize it
as the full "package of strategy" we will present it to
"any" other "gallery"..
before Mala flies back to Torino she spends two days in
Madrid..ciao chica, take care..see you soon in babyship!
greet Luigi the peepeeper..
on the 5th also eVa leaves..by train back to Sevilla..this
was the longest week in omis life! and the widest....the..
at the same time it feels like a huge moment..see you
soon eVita! tonight you'll meet Teresa and Topi..greet
by the way >Teresa and Topi are having a nice room
with a nice view down in Sevilla..listen..:
nuestra habitación en Sevilla, balconcito a la alameda
y abajo el cine de verano, ahora vacío. continuación de
una vueltecita, España en pocos días: Navia (L.A.),
Vera, Sevilla, Benidorm, Barcelona...luego continuamos
pa Italia. en Sevilla tenemos días ajetreados, mudanzas,
me sacan una muela (ay!)...mis papis...Teresa conoce
a los Sres. Cañavate, sólo puedo decir una cosa:
gracias papis por vuestro cariño..
L°°ks and omi send e r b s e online! thats our working
title for the Konstanz proposal..the Jury asked for the
concept by e-mail, by snail-mail and by a URL..wanna
read it? as soon as they kicked us out or send us to
round 2 we'll link it..
Gigimon Scaria sends an e-mail..from Banglore..he
showed some c a l c projects to this indian net-art-group
he mentioned already during unidee2002..and tells us
that him and them are interested to invite us for a certain
coop..they have a flat there, small studio..a residency in
Banglore..maybe 2004 for some months? yes, we are very
curious..lets keep in touch Gigi, grazie..
Juice invites L°°ks and omi for lunch..he wants to talk about
the possibility to colaborate in an architeture competition for
Europan, this europewide and brussel-initiated thing…
this year there is something to do for/in Luarca ..we call miss
President and Topi to ask them if they are interested..they are..
omi asks also eVa..she'd like to be part too..maybe..guay..
okay Juice, lets try it! but when and where? early spring in
babyship, Juice and L°°ks will come for a week or so..we'll see..
adios todos, tutti, alle..hey L°°ks - see you and Juice
soon in Torino, but hopefully before in L.A..since Mala
felt in love also with this place we might return for few
weeks in february..enschahallah..take care brother c a l c,
thanks for this week..por todo!
T'n T are passing by Benidorm..listen..:
en carretera, camino de Peñiscola donde dormiremos esta
noche, decidimos parar en Benidorm donde ni Teresa ni
yo hemos estado nunca. paisaje increible, torres fantasma
(estamos en invierno). más increible que la cantidad de
edificios, la densidad y la altura es la cantidad de gruas...
la cantidad de edificios que habrá. mezcla de atracción
y repulsión. ahora entiendo porque MRVDR eligieron
esta ciudad para su trabajo "Costa Ibérica"...en cualquier
caso el libro me parece una porquería..
omi leaves now too..with Soto..it's the 8th..to Bilbao..
hey hola Ismael, hola Lou, hey Ainara! nice to hug you
all again, how's art'n life going in Guggitown? everytime
more the same or more different?
early next moring > Barcelona by bus, meeting Teresa
and Topi..in the bus omi reads the book that Stefan and
Dr.Nops sent him for x-mas: das buch der von Neil Young
getoeteten..its like looking into a milky mirror..it's a good
book! but where is the CD to listen to what he talks about?
last night T'n T made a stop in Peñiscola, where Teresas
mom has a flat..escucha..:se mezcla la hora (es ya de
madrugada) con la estación del año (pleno invierno) para
crear una auténtica ciudad fantasma. parece que somos
los dueños de la ciudad. hace frío, mas de lo que parece y
estamos cansados. la mañana nos sorprenderá con una
¿bella? vista...no se, una montaña artificial, pero a caso no
todas lo son? vamos a por omi...
we meet at 14:30 in north Barcelona.. what a pitty that
eVa isn't here..ciao belli…and we continue right away..
we'd like to arrive in Torino this night! the car is packed
to the top..Topi brought his books from Sevilla..
look..we're passing Perpignan..the city where our friend
Nico Dockx teaches in the art-academy..he just sent us
an e-mail, asking if we'd like to do a workshop there..
yes we'd like to, first of all we'd like to see Nico again!
lets find a date when we're well installed in Torino and
can overview our next steps..hear you amigo…
Torino - late night, its cold here..Mala and Iris are sleeping..
wait..no, Mala isn't here, she might be with this misterious
Luigi..so her sms-culture also brought some nice fruits?
..the next days we organize the house, mainly the little
studio in the entrance..we have to set up our laptops and
the net as soon as possible..but also the kitchen, the rooms..
the 11th and 12th of 01 Teresa and omi are going to San Sicario,
where Michelangelo and Maria have a house and where all the
citta-staff meets to talk about the most important things we
need to re-formulate and to change in cittadellarte and unidee..
what a place! we didn't feel this kind of cold and didn't see this
kind of white for many years..white, dry and thin air..
we spend two days here, sit together all day long, have
long talks and short walks in the snow..we touch all
questions we had to..have a look at unidee in some
weeks, its definition and invitation..if your interested
in what we decided here..