el arte que? its the 7th of 01 of 2003, we're already
one week in the newyear A.C…whataweek, whatweeks!
lets scrollback intime andsee..
4th of dec. 2002 >
greetings from L.A. to L.A…from the old one to the new
world >..Pipilotti Instep sends a funny link,
omi is an .org in newyorg: http://www.artomi.org/
..and Laia a.i.r.2002 sends an image..her uncle..
tio Toni..the moment..:
funny and treffendes image..a lot reason to lough down
here, a catastrophe a la olé! and to shout from anger
'bout all this dirty dealers in all this dirty deals!! the only
hope related to that desaster is that it brakes the political
necks of some señoritos..
an e-mail from TELEPOLIS arrives…(german only..)
TELEPOLIS aktuell vom 06.12.2002
[] Großdemonstration und Generalstreik (Ralf Streck)
Update: Ölkatastrophe entwickelt sich zur Regierungs-
krise in Spanien
the beaches and coasts more west and east from here
are much more affected than ours..but what we're talking
about? little dirty coasts where some little dirty fishes die?
here comes the real phish! http://www.stopesso.com/funstuff/nose.html
Malex found him in the net..do we just dream that or is
this really the worst year since we are living?
L°°ks is going to help to clean a beach..down to Freixulfe,
where also other friends and neighbours are trying to
do their best...what an ugly stuff this black oily shit! looks
and smells like the gewissen of the dealers and politicians
who are responsible for that!
and while the world is going down the phone rings..its
Casimiro, its about a little folder they want, el consejo
de Franco..not a very inviting name to fold..what is
it? a folder for the village, where all shops and bars
and special things and roads are indicated, a tourist-
guide to La Caridad, Viavelez and the other hicktowns..
a look at the fridge and we agree - we'll propose something
for el Franco, the consejo..and we talk about euros
and timetables..Casimiro tells that theres this amazing
creche, biblical and regional and huge..in some days
there will be the opening..the artist did some new scenes
in the creche landscape..
we go to see it with Curt and Märle, L°°ks and omi -
miss presidenteresa is still down south in Sevilla breathing
the orangelight and studying the shapes of things and
songs, Mala (Youdid) starts to heat up the babyship in via M,
downtown Torino..and yes, L°°ks and omi like this job, this
village, the people..good to practice something so different..
from all other projects we did..and do..and don't.
the mayor does a little speach..he's coming from the beach..
helping the people helping, checking the situation..he's sad
and angry too, talking about "this now" and this "...moment of
collective joy and culture..." and this other now, only some minutes
ago, where the world seemed to be one big tragedy, without any
culture, without any jpy..only raffgier.." he concludes his talk saying
"..never forget what a real community and a real party (una fiesta
de verdad) means in times like this!", drinks a red wine
and goes straight back to the beach..
today - 14th of Dec. it's Alvaros birthday! we have a cake-reunion
with him and with Juice Manrique..
its about Juice' proposal for el Paseo pa L.A...taking
last decisions and finding some new ideas before he
will make precise plans...Teresa and Juice, both native
Laceñanos, start talking/imaganing a remaping of all
mills who served L.A.. they outline a possible "camino
archeologico", from the orange park, pues de la ria,
all up the valleys, following the rivers and its mills..
Juice says that the mayor will be very interested in
that map and concept..Juice knows the M..
will this idea touch paper or even hearts one day?
Teresa and Juice look/sound like..
we write Gernot..call him too..leting him know about
geografia affectiva and this competition for Konstanz,
of the library..big library..just got finished..big budget..
good frame..lets propose something..
we tell Gernot about our idea to visualize search-results
he wants to work with us! again, not only in same waters,
but on the same beach..also regarding geografia affectiva
G's interested to coop, supa!.."hope we can invite you soon
to babyship-torino!"
bye Märle and Curt..(they are leaving Casqueiro after
three months)..its always a pleasure to be your neighbours!
thanks for paradising the jungle!see you in Zürich middle of
02-2003, when this big groupshow opens in the Shedhalle..
or in Torino before..
but - o! - it's time to go..go to Barcelona..pick up Topi..Topi?,
meeting Eva..Eva? friend of Topi..and then driving straight to
Torino, somuchbabyshipwork'sawaitingusreally!
ciao L°°ks, we're back very soon..sii joder, we'll be back in
a week, we want to be here when you make the fiesta del fin
del año..it's a big change this year..its our dinner baby, count
with us..ciao bello, ser bueno..lets sms-mailn'phone-us!
"look the greewichbow..a timeline sculpture..where are
we, in Castilla Leon? shot an image"..clksst..:
and clkssts to the other side..a quite dusty'n friendly olive-
village and a linear windmillforest..slow moves, low winds
long ride to Barcelona..night..harbour..Columbus..traffic..
Teresa calls Eva.. lets meet near that park..10 minutes..
ciao..now..hola Eva!
T'n T told omi so much about her..architect..from oléland
downsouth..living here..trying to find roots..or wings..who
knows..holahola, thanks for hosting us..I'm hungry, are you
hungry? we all are hungry..little pakistani-restaurant..fine
food..no signs of fundamentality..allhamdullah!