
next day. some hours. car like new. while we are waiting and walking around in the surburbs of Turin we see a strange sticker in a bank window. if you're a gangster they warn you here.

one night in Menton, one in Biarritz, another one in Gijon. sky is open, air is fresh. welcome home! .Luks! he worked so much on studio2, him and Alvaro. the spontanous idea Curt had when we where fighting with the problem of a falling slope became a great space! soon we have to do a real fiesta! with all the people who ever worked with us in making Casqueiro what it is today. and it only starts! when Märle and Curt come.

we ask Pablo, who is studying gigital design in Oviedo now, if
he wants to to realize the plans Ricardo made for the chabola (the bikehouse). he starts with Paco some days later. some weekends...
Asier calls. he's working on the website for Funky Projects, his project for arte al centro 2001, but over all for KISSARAMA.
he talks about a shareholder system for cittadellarte, which gives to
everybody living in Biella a share. a little real, not symbolic part.
and a rissotto festival for the inaugural celebration. "I'll come to navia at easter and we talk...", "good"...
its like the change from an old 2CV to a Buick Electra - our new computers are really nice. time gets lighter by not wasting it with lazy bits. but we all are still in the digital neolithic period. and we are glad. good interfaces need hundreds of years to get really good. art is to relate.
we work concentrated in the research for bigguest.net, call people,
write mails, visit web sites and web sites and web sites. we still don't want to talk too much about Turin here, too many questions and ideas in the balance. see bigguest.net beginning of july if you wonder, please.
but the schlafhaus gets windows! finally we decided to install aluminium.

Bar Central visit. great little space. since they opened this bar in the sixties nothing has changed but the newspapers. history sticks
on every millimeter. they rent the whole house. but we can't see how we can make that possible now. we'd like to have a bar, a place where
we could do all kind of fiestas and plays. but now? lets think about it later. the first time we think that our yearOFF maybe needs a subsequent OFFyear, to do all we want to do HERE. here where we have our garden and our telephone number.
Luks and Alvaro are finishing studio2. after painting the new plaster walls there are just few things left. doors for the tools closet, light, cleaning. in some weeks our friends Rolf and Esther (Luks parents) are coming. they'll live in casita, Märles and Curts house and in studio2, which is now casita's extension. we are looking so forward to move all our scattered tools up to this building. we will be able to do much better models. and better fiestas. we'd liketo have a direct video-contact between the mothership and studio2. communicating houses, telematics with only 30 meters in between.

the next project we want to do here is Luks sleeping house.
O'Leo's Fred would be perfect. something like this - a flexible
minimundus for sleep and shower and drinking tea. we ask O'Leo
if he'd like to to a project with us for Casqueiro. Luks sleeping
house. he's interested. lets see when we find time...
also for the living room. a space which can host around 10 armchairs
in a circle. we spoke once with Much Untertrifaller junior about it.
he also was open to do a project together. we imagine a massive
slate-cube square-structure, little clear windows, like lamps. we
got this idea from a slate quarry in Galicia, 90 minutes from here.
when we saw the gigantic slagheap of what they call waste there,
the living room almost started to build itself.
on the same day, 12th of april, Asier from Bilbao and Stefan and
Annette from Berlin arrive in Navia. they are easter gifts. they
make us stoping everything in the lab, give a little rest to the
work in casqueiro. Annette? Annette Spohn (Dr. Nops), she's works like Stefan as a redactor in the german tv-channel ZDF. It's love at first sight.
while we are criticising art-systems and -presentations and try to
explain what we want to organize for bigguest.net, Dr. Nops proposes
a mail-dialog in order to talk about art, and in order to find a different form of text. maybe we can use that for Turino? we also think that talks, at least when two or more speak about what they really are interested in, are more than monologues. more sense of openness. we decide to try a talk (by email pingpong) about bigguest.net. we hope that this will become the text we want to write for the catalogue. yes we'll try that, Annettes will start when she's back in Berlin.
Johannes (Gees) finds an interesting communimage link.
James James Jung-Hoon Seo who wrote us some months ago -
he toled us that he wants to a investigation about communimage
as a project of his studies in the MIT-medialab - did it.
communimage (a net connected terminal and the print we used
for spacePLACE) is shown in Frankfurt right now. Lisi Hämmerle
took it there.
after a week of friendshiping around, talking, walking, eating, drinking, we are concentrated again in the questions for BIG and back to 1500 calories a day. a lot of fruits, no alcohol, early to bed . we are starting to do the interface for bigguest.net. in a week teresa and omi will leave for Turino again. just two weeks…Ricardo and Valerie and Esther and Rolf will be here when they return.
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