
18th of august, where did all the time go?.
today it's sunny. no, now it rains. yesterday was "la gira de navia", the biggest party of the year, when all people of navia and from all around come to the beach.

we saw the "little-big-wheel" again - the one we wanted to bring to .
the KUB-square. did we mention this here? we wanted to bring it as our contribution of "LKWII - things between art and life", right next to michelangelo pistolettos segno-arte-sculpture. we wanted to invite the little-big-wheel and the whole family who runs it.

but no way - the square was already occupied with other events, cinema, performances, ..., so we did spacePLACE, a play with models of some of our projects. but slowly, one after the other, where did we stop? end of february, coming back from biella. after some quiet days in casqueiro - to visit and to get visited - we start to do the preparations for the SCHLAFHAUS. beginning of may marCo is coming, then we'll have 7 days to cover it! we ask Potcholo, our carpenter-neighbour to do the windowboxes. after looking at the possible windows again we change plans radically: now there are 7 windows looking to the southeast and only one to the northwest. schlafhaus will show its back to casqueiro.
middle of march and spring is like warm winter. rains and mists, brooms and frogs. Amador (on of the 8 neighbours son) comes often to look at the wall he wants to build up again. he started almost half year ago, but stopped then because of a better job. now he could continue, but spring is too wintery.
from middleeurope we hear that spring is an african summer, from south-spain that its a stormy autumn. is this a mood of nature or is nature moody because of us? Amador decides (he's an artist) to work whenever he has the feeling that the rain is far. and he brings Javi, his brother as an assistant. they wash every single stone before they set them!
we are in contact with Fred. you remember? the carpenter from Linz, we met when we installed a park for L.A. Fred made a model for the second studio, which we want to build in a traditional woodway. we want to include the whole old structure. Fred and Brigitta (Fred's love who will come too when we wanna do the buildup beginning of June) ask if we have things clear allready - date, permission...but we don't. the next morning we start also to think and decide about studio2. we get a big box right away: a real expert tells us that we.need to spend around 8.000.000 pesetas to fix the northern ruin-wall, which is stuck to the hill. joooooder!! tanto??
yes so much - no alternative, if we want to use the original structure. "we don't" says Curt, "we just use the half, where the hill is not so critical, and extend the structure to the street". we look at it, we draw it, we talk about it, we like it! we mail to Fred and show him the new drawings.

Fred likes it too! he says now the re-building "is more a sculpture than a house". Curt loves it and we love Curt! Märle also rises her eyebrows when she sees us dancing around the new decision: S2 will be not long, but fat! as we always said we want to leave everything open to Fred and his way of doing wooden structures for buildings. not architecture but old
knowledge of how to put things in relation. or is it the same?
we meet the people from Feve, the little railway which passes
Casqueiro. Feve have to give, beside the townhouse, permission to S2 actually we are too near to the rails with our plans, but where there is a law there's an idea to go around it. at least here sometimes - we really have lucklaw! again the argument that "this is ONE project" helps us. the context with the sleeping house, the mother ship and the new road makes clear that we need the new building. we are looking confidently into the future of art and real life.
Potscholo and Tarzan start to work on the window boxes for
the sleepinghouse. also the water and the e-people come, great, it looks like we really can organize the first mayweek for its covering. with marCo we are almost in daily contact, by icq. we meet in the net, we click each other, because we have so many questions to type. also about his invitation to write something for the book that will be edited for the biennale of venice (of architecture this summer), where he and Carlos will "represent switzerland". what can we say? but we like that calc goes book and try between the lines of the busy build-days to write about how we work/construct with marCo (sorry, text only typed in german).
Märle is 60! we travel to las rias bajas, Galicia..
what a good moment for a break! feliz año nuevo guapa!
end of April, sky still crowded, and Amador and Javi finished
the wallwork!

its funny that all the craftsmen we ask to do a job for SCHALFHAUS like to do it. they really say: i like to do it! we go to Gijon to see bath-pieces. what toilet, what shower-saucer, what bath? Gijon! and when we only come to you to buy a toilet in your ugly suburb, we love your city!
little time and lust to work on the question how we want to
"fill" the KUBspace in summer. we don't like that the curators
decided that there will be one or two more "positions" shown on the same plant. much more people than in Linz get invited to share the show. we really thought and started to imagine in the direction of the whole, empty space as the problem. not a crowded groupthing again! we get drawings and sketches from our art-neighbour Walter Pilar. its a seperate room he wants to implant there. so we won't work "against" an architecture, but with. we won't skip the chance, but no idea what we could do now. neighbourhoodart again?
Teresa says: "we should bring thousands of butterflies to this
introverted space, their lightness and beauty would give the house the touch of a breed-jail". Luks talks of his grandpa, who collected and bred butterflies. after having the butterfly-idea for some days on the table, we love it and decide to extend the greenhouse Stefan Potengovski wants to do with us next spring for a butterfly-section. there are so many in casqueiro, on this coast. maybe we can bring some rare specimens back. when we look at the flight of them we think about a lightsystem which can simulate this nervous fly by a flipping spot. but no way, no, maybe we come back to it in September in Biel, when LKWIII should happen.
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