
only one crazy week in Casqueiro and Teresa and omi leave again for austria. right after we will meet in Biella for the UNIDEE-brainstorming...
in Vienna GET TOGETHER ends... about 1000 people left their
Segno Arte in oneDROP's system, more that we thought, we also
did not expect that so many realy did signs...have a look!
Stefan Potengofsky (the one who wants to do the c-greenhouse)
does the de-installation. mille grazie!
another time going through france, stoping in Biaritz to have dinner in the little indian restaurant... is this all true? how can we move so fast from one world into the other? its not. we still are in isreal, eating gefillte indian fish in Biaritz, missing Tal, looking forward to see him and the others soon... but where are we, why? aaa the big print...
we arrive in austria, we go right away to the lab, Malex sent us a CD with all patches. we can put the dinA-0 pieces together in this lab, almost 600 megs fo one image with 72 dpi...but no problem and hey, wow, the test looks perfect! shining colors, amazing details. we print the 1:1 communimage on five 107 x 350 cm parts and glue them on wooden pannels (we can't affort aluminium, the photo burns all the budget already..). all goes so easy, why did we worry so much?
the installation of the big image is a pleasure, the room is made for it, all goes well. thats the best part of doing shows: getting it all ready, how all pieces fit together more or less by themselves, just because they are part of one idea. Teresa gets ill some days before the
opening, omi and Johannes have to do it without her...25th of january, gong, welcome everybody! we miss Teresa... she sleeps and sweats while we are confronted with a strange situation. Teresa said: interesting is the turn around of the normal situation. normally many (the audience) look at the work of one (the artist), but here one (the potential artist)
looks at the work of many...

after Bludenz we meet marCo again to take with him the last SCHLAFHAUS decisions, windows and all that. at the end we WON'T use the Goretex material. its great, but not for this use. we lost a lot of time by checking this synthetic texture. now we are back at the beginning: we'll do it as it was done in Bregenz: cotton, tension varnish...in April we can maybe do it marCo could come to Spain, he's the one who knows the technique best...we also talk about how to make DROPone as a permanent system for cittadellarte...see the best results in real space and life in summer 2000 in via Serralunga 27 in Biella!
okay, lets go to Biella now. when teresa and omi drive (Teresa is mostly the copilot, reading maps, talking route decisions, while omi drives) they feel more and more like spaceriders. like making huge drawings on the asphalt, songlines. we pass by Biel to meet Andreas Meier who invited us with LKW for a show in september. the Centre parsquArt looks good to us. what the architects Diener & Diener from Basel did there to bring the light in is simple and clear,
we remember what Zumthor did in Bregenz' KUB - complicated and not convincing, too much structure for a strange twilight...in this light "we" should "stand" in july...
pero vamos a Biella ahora!
the crew arrives from all around, Hague Yang from Frankfurt, Stephen Miller from Leeds, Suwan Laimanee from Vienna, Lyn Lowenstein from Edinburgh, Cees Krijnen from Amsterdam and Digi Tal Adler from Jerusalem. we thought we come early, but we are the last, they all sit with Michelangelo in the salon and drink wine when we arrive in the evening. mama mia what a bunch of people. Michelangelo and Maria have the best nose we know! they smell it all together!
the next day we start early to work, how will we talk next week. Michelangelo brings all basic questions around UNIDEE to the table. he also wants us to think about a congress he wants to do in late summer or autumn, dedicated to the (not)relation between art and religion or art and spirituality. why do the confessionists own all symbols and all language about religion today? why is there no spoken language outside confession circles? what can art do? should art try to work on that "border". the BORDER. Tal tells what Teresa started in Israel some weeks before...the congress will be called THE BORDER, we all want to participate...
Tal also tells us about Eitans project with the palästinian and israeli children. this would fit perfectly into THE BORDER. Michelangelo thinks the same, Eitans project will take place in THE BORDER context... | |

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we start to lay out the structure (draw) UNIDEE's main conceptual lines. the students will work for 3 months in Cittadellarte (July, September and October - August they can stay and continue or just relax...), so we are simulating this 3 months ourselves. we are THE ZEROS. THE ZEROS are mediators between the students and THE ONES. THE ONES are the "professors" who come (almost every week a new one)to present their way of thinking and working and to help the students
bringing further the project which they came to Biella to complete. we like THE ZEROS and THE ONES because it implicates all possible "codes" of interacting. the week is very productive. we sit together every day for 12 - 14 hours and imagine how it would be to be a student of UNIDEE. we also come to the very practical things, we make a kind
of DUTY-ROTA as well as the designs (plans for carpenters, etc.) for the huge round table (oval), the Aula and the workshops. but we also leave a lot of decisions open for the students. this has to grow, as all living things...one off our last common decisions (Haegue and Cees have to go back to their work..) is that at the end of every student year there is the "student congress" which is about the future of UNIDEE. this congress shall formulate questions on all our decisions and correct them if better ideas come up...
why don't YOU apply for UNIDEE?
we make a plan which decides when individual ZEROS will come back, so almost always some of us will be around... Teresa and omi and Tal decide that they will work together with Luks for sure on two projects this year - the two LKW shows in Bregenz and in Biel...so we three will be there between and during the shows in Biella...
one after the other leave, Teresa, Tal and omi are the last...
last breakfest with our dear Pisti friends and then we are leaving, Ciao bellos, we'll see and hear each other soon, grazie per tutto!
we bring Tal to milanos airport, he's going back to Israel until June when we meet in Cittadellarte to install DROPone and start our ZEROcareer... Ciao Digi, see you soooooooon....
on the spaceride again....we go down south to the mediterian, one night in Menton, still cold down here, but first fruit trees have blossoms...Luks tells us that in Casqueiro the spring has already started! in a little town in france we meet omis parents, they are coming to Navia for a few months.
we take it slowly, three days and we are back, back to the place were we want to live.
the dogs almost eat us... Luks looks good! the Callas flowers are open already, it smells like spring, yeah. lets stop a while, walk a while on the seashore...
we want to work on calcaxy 3.0 soon, its just a boring system now...
17th of february, its raining today...
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