
we have to go back. Anna arrives tomorrow from Sweden. Anna studies landscape architecture and looks good. thats all we know, we just met her a moment when she visited Tal last year in Biella.
thank you Amir, hope to see you again! take care man...
Bienvenido Anna! Jerusalem is quiet. where are the masses they all predicted? we like that people seem to prefer their private home space. this year even fewer people than other years come out. angst from bombs, milleniumstress... good sign that everything happens dfferently than the marketing manipulators hoped for and worked on. there is no mass, there is no society. just people everywhere. digiTal goes crazy. he wants to send a huge hand into communimage. when we go to bed late at night he still is working, he has to send
about 50 patches...

we like that he transforms the whole image into one big buddy. at least the "newyear-print" (link auf totale print) we wanna show in january in Bludenz will be this body, before the hand will be overgrown by new image patches... when we wake up the next morning Tal is just finished. he realy did it! digi Tal!
we wanna go down south now, down down south. for new years eve. through the whole Negev to the red sea where omi and Teresa lived 10 years ago and where the idea for calc was born (we talked the first time about a "infrasculpture" there...) we pass by endless fields of greenhouses. like another planet, the reflecting light from the plastic reflects and changes air into flimmershimmer.

Basata, where we once lived, building huts for "artists in the desert" and now: the village Sherif and Maria always dreamed of. even a mosque has been built, a station where they change salt- into sweetwater and a little school where their own and bedouin children go. Basata grew the same way as Casqueiro. Tal doesn't like it first, because Sherif gives us a stressed welcome (so many people arrive from escaping center-millenium-stress...), but soon we sit glad in the sand and drink tea. new years eve, THE new years eve is what we all wished - a night at the beach on red sea like so many -
sky clear and people calm...we go to dinner to a neighbour bedouin camp, Tal knew it. great fish with Koriander! Tal did a collectors item piece there Nr.:21)... on the wall...

Sherif and Maria also built houses.
we told them to install a telephoneline in one. we would like
to work out a project with Tal here...
on the the 01.01.2000 at 00:00 we sit together and Tal says:
I want to call my mother. in this moment omi's handy is ringing, it's Tal's mother...hours later we sit under the bright star sky and omi says: i'll switch off my telephone now, my mother won't call anymore, right at the end of this sentence the telephone rings, its mami...
mamis night. the future belongs to women!
now Malex does (the program he made does..) the "communimage-
taping". this moment of the growing image we will expose soon in Bludenz. back to Jerusalem, adios Sherif and Maria, how good to know you in the middle of your dreams, see you soon and please put a telephoneline to one house...

Jerusalem! Tal makes his last supersoup for us, we have to leave tomorrow, we would like to stay much more time...but we feel it:
this land is our friend, as conflictive and shimmering it is.
this is calcfloor. we tell Tal that Michelangelo Pistoletto will invite him and we will meet soon in Italy, where we will brainstorm about UNIDEE... and hey! good news from Luks, who had a visit from people from the trainline, which passes our land. they will give us the permission to built the second studio house! after so many years of planning, waiting, asking...they probably changed their mind after they saw that we mean what we say when we did the park for L.A...
they maybe understood that we just need more space... shortly before we left spain two weeks ago Fred from Linz sent images from the model he made for this studio. we want to build it like he planned it, a clear wooden structure for a big roof:

Tal! byebye, see you soon in Italy! lets work together this year on some projects, lets talk in Biella...thanks for all...ooo wow, we get all Shimon & Shimon posters! when tal comes to spain we should do webpages of it, so you all can see it...
sababa DigiTal!
back in Casqueiro on the 3rd of january. Luks comes
to the airport, we talktalktalk all the way back home, so
many new ideas, questions and plans...but now we have to concentrate right away in communimage's production. we make contact with the people who produced the orange prints
for the park for L.A. good, they are able to "print" it on photographic paper, we'll try that. from communimage's facettes we want to make simple statistic visualisations...just copies to take away for free, we also want to produce visitor cards, on which communimage from the 01.01.2000 is shown as 1 pixel per patch....
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