
we are also in good contact - sababa! - with Tal. we'll meet soon in cittadellarte to join UNIDEE's opening! we invite Tal to share the KUBproblem. he does, but he also is very busy with a photographic project he wants to finish before coming to Europe some month. he tells us about a roomsize-camera wich is at the same time the studio where the image gets projected on the final printmaterial. it's an absolute world-premiere! no one ever did it! but we don't understand what. .
for the ano ZERO-exhibition in cittadellarte in july we decide
to show just the first schlafhaus-model marCo did and one
silkscreenprint on its skin. we imagine this exhibition, which
shall give the artists in residence an idea of our work, light, empty, almost nothing, few things, a lot of open space. what will the others bring/do? .
Ian starts to mail us this first plan. he proposes a platonic
game on this plans. ping-pong.

Fred sends plans, detailed drawings and images of the model of S2! he just translated our first clear sketch to a carrying structure out of wood. we see nothing that we should change. Curt and Märle are leaving, they take Freds plans, we will decide the definite plans next week, but there will probably be no changes.

little updates for KFN - they really build the prototype, and how ironic: they name it FRED. we are in fredtimes! Fred - the bi-mobile system - would also fit into casqueiro very well. a guesthouse for shortstoppers, it happens so often!
suddenly we have an idea for Bregenz. when we remember the invitation from Rudolf Sagmeister from the KUB to do something retrospective and see all the models around us, we start to talk about a modelshow: a kind of "prospektive" which shows calc-models of past, present and future projects. we imagine to transform the space into a poetic "holodeck", where models "show up". we see that Zumthor did the whole museum within a grid, which is also reflected in the ceiling-glasses. we transmitt the same grid with fine lines onto the model. this could work. we will do that! we like to see models of different projects in a modelrelation. we always do models, just models. also the "final pieces" are models, because we learn again from some mistake, or something ugly...the last model is never. .
end of april, marCo arrives in two days! sleeping house is prepared, all materials and people ready, sky grey but what else can we do? - we have to risk it! we go to Santiago where marCo lands tomorrow! 7 days we will have together! lets start the first in Santiago. short walk/break in the Sizamuseum, a bit of the old city. lets go to Navia now, the crew is waiting - next morning Paco, Pablo, David and Freddy arrive. Freddy will be the cook for this week, so we all can concentrate 100% in the covering. weather looks terrible, like the fat black belly breaks every moment and lets tons of water fall. marCo prepares a system to cut the canvas easily, we put the scaffolds, Freddy serves lunch I. sky opens a bit. first evening - we did a lot, almost 2 thirds of the underpart is
covered. marCo says "tomorrow we'll finish the canvas, in two
days everything is ready!" sky laughs loud and rains a bit...
next days full of work, like weeks. sky always the same,. terrible. we remember Bregenz. when we finished there the last aluminium paint and took away the protecting tent, it started to rain like hell. little water entered then and the next morning we had to get a cranecar to paint the top again. almost the same happens this time - when we put away all scaffolds, after the last beer of the done!-party (marCo already left yesterday) it starts to rain. and it rains the whole night. next morning sunnyblue - no drop entered
the sleepinghouse!

we call Jesus Frank Chappa, he already did the rain gauge, now we want to ask him to do the leg-endings with metal sheets. we worked with Jesus about 8 years ago when we realized the concept for the blue bOx. he made the conic tin-saucer-lamps then for it. "tomorrow" he will come to have a look, so maybe in a week he will come.
we have a last pingpong of question with Fred - wood - transport -skills... everything should be ready. .
almost end of may, omi goes to Madrid some days. he meets Johannes and Martin from Belleville there, because Casqueiro is to overloaded with projects all- ready... Teresa and Luks stay in casqueiro, they start do build the models models. in madrid we concentrate in few questions around Cyberhelvetia and feedbacking Navia. in Navia we conecentrate in finding the models measurements and feedbacking Madrid. after two days Luks sends an image of the models model! Alvaro helped also.

Teresa came up with the idea to put in the middle of the space a huge amount of the "modelplastic" we used for TIMEcloud and DROPone. like a modelmountain of possibilities. this "open hill" we call yearOFF - the model for next year, when we want to have an art-break. we want to retire at least a year from doing shows in a-houses. yearOFF means to be more in Spain, at home and all around. restart calc. actually the artbreak means an artstart, because we want to come back to our first questions and ideas, to see what we did with it and where we are with it. is this it? now we can afford to stop and take a overview. its going too fast and we don't really know where to stop. did we get up to this bus? or did we get kidnapped by vanities and curators? we have to find like our own timesystem for our projects. we need more times for everything. and more time for nothing too.
with Martin and Johannes omi is officing through Madrid.
we start to talk in the first office, the breakfestoffice in the hotel, have a walk and continue in the cafe next to the lake in Madrids park Retiro. after talking we have a walk again, till we find a bar or a restaurant, where we can have a chair and a water to talk again, till we... till late night, when we walk after the last office back to the hotel. this madrid-office-method provokes a little revolution within
Cyberhelvetias concept! soon it shouldn't be so secret any more and we can talk more about it. well anyway the revolution came from the FOTOBOT, Belleville invented...
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