
when omi arrived in Madrid Teresa calls and tells from a mail that Paolo Bianchi sent: near Madrid lives Justo Gallego, he's building a cathedral since 40 years, Paolo wants him to share also the LKWII this sommer in the KUB, on the same plant as we and Walter.they all say his cathedral is fantastic. a fantastic cathedral next to our modelneighbourshiping? well, omi IS in Madrid! he asks a taxidriver on the way to the hotel if he knows the cathedral from.." what you don't know?? you have to see it, you won't believe it, you never saw..." for half an hour. the next taxidriver he asks reacts the same. we have to go there! Martin and Johannes like the idea to extend the office till Mejorada del Campo, where Justo is living/working. Paolo calls omi after hearing that he's in Madrid. he tells him more from Justo, his curator-wishes...
Joooolines! we see it already from far - a huge building with all kind of shapes and structures lightning in the hot sun. when omi opens the big metal door he first sees Justo. he is working on something little in his hands, sees us and comes with very critical eyes "what do you want!?", "well we want to wonder first and then talk to you about an exhibition where we could be neighbours". we like each other! he shows us the Catedral de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, we don't have words. since only two years Justo got an assistant! we stay some hours, look around from the crypta to the highest spot in the towers and on the roof. we are in the first church for the poor. this is really a church, hopefully also when its finished. Justo says he needs 10 more years, then he will be 84 and the cathedral ready. .he wants to see the first mess. thats also why Justo won't come to the opening. but he gives us some paintings Paolo also can use when he wants... he says everything what helps to finish the cathedral he does, we shall greet the others...

we like that Justo will be our Neighbour. now the situation changed in a way we like. Walters room Lebenssee, our models and Justos cathedral, reflected by photopraphs of Pierre Montavon, together. like three ways met by coincidences in a space where they start to touch each other, just for a curve to change energies. now we are looking forward to do the installation!
weeks later, Jesus didn't show up. well, no hurry, 'cause now we go to Santiago again to pick up Curt - he'll be also in the Fred-team! soon Märle will come back too, they'll stay in Casqueiro when we all leave to Biella and Bregenz. but now comes Fred and Brigitta! Fred and Brigitta allready? sunny day, we all are doing last preparations for S2 buildup, when they walk into Casqueiro. Curt lives with us in the mothership so Fred and Brigitta can have the Casita next to S2. we didn't finish the first glass of wine when a man from the navias gas station calls: "listen, we have a packed austrian truck here, the driver always says 'calc, calc', you expect something?"
"the wood!" Fred says, "its the wood!" me and Fred go downtown to pick up Jaroslav, a nice man, who brought the wood from upper austria where Fred bought it (with transport 30%
cheaper .and better wood than here). Luks and Curt went out get a Dumper, to carry with it beam by beam to Casqueiro. Luks is a born dumper-driver! one day and the forest is where it has to be.

Fred prepares beam after beam with drawings after meassuring
everything again what we sent him by mail. Paco, Pablo and
Freddy come again. one of us work half day in the lab, to keep
on organizing all we need for the KUB now. we will build the models all there, so all depends how good we can organize all their parts to be ready when we arrive. we propose to Paolo to use this text here for the catalog. will he use it?
Fred likes Pablo and Pablo likes Fred. Pablo says: "joder, when i could go with him, i mean for some weeks or month, to learn, i'd do it right away!" Fred tells us that Pablo works very well... Freddy serves lunch.
after some days of cutting and making all kind of holes and teeth we start to rise in the 3rd dimension! wooow! Alvaro shows up everyday and helps/learns with us. Fred is really amazing! we all are proud to be his assistants! his mayor tool is the chainsaw and he works with it like it is a fine, precise tool. Fred and Brigitta tell us one evening - we work since almost a week now - that they talked about the possibility to invite Pablo to work and live with them. they are restoring an old farmhouse, where a lot of the wooden structure need to be changed...we can't wait to meet Pablo the next morning to tell him! today we already worked on the roof,
tomorrow we maybe will have the ridge-party! sky the whole week was more than open, almost a blue hole which sucked us to the infinite.
Fred and Brigitta tell Pablo that he can come if he .wants...he wants, he laughs, he almost cries, he is very happy about it. he doesn't think about it 5 minutes, he imagined it the whole week! Pablo will learn to be a carpenter! that Pablo goes wood we celebrate as a calcfruit! like the house we just build, wow look at that, a real house!

we do an original upperaustrian ridge-party: first all who helped and are associated with the house must go up to the roof. then the houseowners say something: "thank you all for putting up this roof, which would not be here if you couldn't have build it so perfectly, gracias, gracias!" then the Fred must say something:"this was a good week with good people
good wood and good sky. we are lucky people! now we will all drink a deep sip out of this bowl [filled with orujo, like asturian grappa], I'll take the last one and then throw it down over my shoulder, if the bowl brakes this house will never have problems". sip, sip, sip - throw, smash - never
now Casqueiro is the first time more real that imagined. welcome home in 80% real life of our concept for a infrasculpture! Fred and Brigitta will stay some more days in Angelos flat in Puerto de Vega, Curt moves back to the Casita which has the "biggest forehouse of the world" (Fred) now. he'll pick up Märle in few days. Freddy will be Curts assitant the time we are gone. one month, probably a bit more...bye you all, lets keep in e-touch...Loop, cuida bien la casa!
two days later Teresa, Luks and omi leave Navia. they go with two cars, Luks first to Basel, to get the old model from mothership which we produced 8 or 9 years ago when we presented calc the first time (in the theatre of Bregenz, the KUB was an architecture competition then), T & o go first to Biella to hopefully get DROPone installed. the first night we spend together in Biaritz. we want to eat again in the indian restaurant... we say good bye after indidinner - Lukswants to leave very early to make it till Basel in one day - see you in Bregenz, take care!
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