
we do communimage - a moment in time2 in the "Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil" in Mexico City. they don't have a big budget, so we calculate the image down to where they can pay it. the print we show is about 3 by 2 meters. but Mario (the curator of the media-museum there) says that you still see all the details.

21st of June, what a springbuilding the near past!
when we (Teresa and omi) stop somewhere in southfrance for the night, 10 hours later, we get a phonecall from Esther, Luks mother. Luks had a terrible carcrash in the middle of France! he is okay, but shocked, his car is totally smashed, it turned over, no other people or cars were involved. Esther tells that Luks is after hours of police-ambulance interviews in a little hotel now, he tries to calm down, he'll continue with train tomorrow. we can't reach him, Luks has no mobile phone. so we have a walk and try to greet and kiss him through thoughts... we are very happy that Luks is near! what happpened on the highway?
biella, two days later. we could talk to Luks now. still very shocked, but quiet. we are looking so forwad to see him soon in Bregenz! he got a mobile phone now! "my new car" he says and sends little SMS messages. we are looking so forward to see him soon in Bregenz!
but now we see: Tal!
he just arrived from Jerusalem, his bag is bigger than him, great - he will stay some month in Europe! he shows us an incredible photo-work. the project we didn't understand when he explained it in a mail. the "camera-studio". with this camerastudio he took direct images from tiny little fossils. they look like flying meteorites from ex-planets, pieces
which show like forests, roads, tracks and fields. like some world you never saw, but at the same time close to you. "fossils were the first photographs" Tal says. the way they got "second photographs" now shows a kind of presence and clearness, although the images are actually negatives - more blacks, than whites - we never saw on paper. beyond Bechers. Tal brought just small versions of it, the "original" big ones are still in Jerusalem. where could they be presented?
Tal brings also the recorded sound of the cystern in Jerusalem's old city, which we maybe want to play together with the model of Mamila pool. the sound of drops, few drops, no rhythm - surprise/chaos, which fall from high into a huge underground pool. we heard this together when Tal showed us this cystern in december. but we saw nothing, we just heard the space.
the disk and the ring from DROPone don't arrive, problems with the border control. they might have got stuck by controlling the control of the control.
Peter Lütje and Stefan Potengovsky working already in the
Tendopoli informatica - their "tents". down there is an image - the coloured .drunk-platon-tent is Peter's, theres only a little radio hanging inside. the round one behind is Stefans, he covered it now with a special kind of shimmering silk. behind you see DROPone as we installed it some weeks later, when we returned from Bregenz' opening.

we are installing together with Tal his collectors item ... SECRETS and our model from sleeping house marCo sent in the meantime to cittadellarte. Steven arrives from UK, he brought mysterious suitcases full of stuff he wants to arrange to a. "history" of modern art. Cees prints of the central heating system in the house of his mother arrive too, Suwan is working on a orange video-wigwamm with Anna.

Franz we meet the first time. but not the last time we hope!
Cees introduces Uscha Pohl to us - UP&CO gallery, NYC.Uscha likes the sleeping house model and asks us if we wanna do a doublepage in her styleguide, she presents every year. hmm, our bedhouse in a styleguide? but its not design or style. she tells us about this special styleguide which doesn't care about a huge overview, but a special, irritating one, that puts "art", "design" and "fashion" also in question. we like it. we'll send a file from the real sleepinghouse
when we'll be back in Casqueiro, soon...
shit, marCo sent the disk and ring for DROPone from switzerland, from outside europe...now they have to control even the control of the control of the control. we imagine that the last borderpeople in europe are happy when packages from switzerland are coming. they can use all formulas and technics to make it pass the border. we wait a week for it now, and can't wait more. we let Roberto and Paolo in on the DROPone-problem - we draw a detailed manual, step by step, they will install it when they'll bring the parts. Roberto has done Michelangelo's installations all around the world for
many years. he will find it easy - we hope...
Luks dreams every night of the crash. he wakes up and remembers that he was totally cool in the moment it happened. like saying "that was it, relax, that's it". he got out of the car, which was laying on top and started right away to get his stuff together. than already cars stopped, people came to help him, police... "everybody was extremely nice" he says, "I don't know what happened, I had a something to eat just 10 minutes before, I felt awake and wanted to continue". however, thank god Luks is still is calc's first engineer and secretary!
we meet in Bregenz end of June. first we go get Luks from the trainstation, we can all live in the house of Curt and Märle, while their are having Casqueiro. Luks looks good! we install our office in C&M's house and start the next day to phone all parts for spacePLACE together. we really have to coordinate everything well now, little time for a lot of different work.
but with the help of the KUBpeople, especially Markus and Mäx, we don't have to worry. Ross Sinclair is already around! tons of wood, raw trunks, strong cut-smell. he does fortress real life,...
Richard, the one who helped us already in Linz and will start to work with us in Casqueiro from September on, comes. good! two hands and brainhalves more to do this mountain of work. we have to buy a little soundsytem and promise each other to never leave it at home when we drive away. we work more than a week in the KUB, everywhere in the house and in the city people work on their installations and preparations for their events and performances.we always like this circusfeeling a lot. on this level, while more or less clear things get build up by more or less clear plans, everyone is nearer to the other, because our hands are talking too. and isn't it always saying a lot HOW artists build up and arrange things or let it be done? there are so many ways as artists, but mainly there are like two tribes:
the hand-in-the poket-master-tribe and thehands-in-the-material-pupil-tribe. they live in peaceful groupshow-coincidence.
and Lyn, darLyn is also here! she brought Lilly and they are the Art-Service. its written on their car and on ballons they blew up. they talk to people in the streets, ask them what art in the past KUB-context they liked, what not and why.
one day and night we go to biella - Tal, Lyn, Lilly, Teresa and omi for UNIDEE's opening! Luks and Richard will continue work on the sleeping house model. now we are already fixing the glued pieces to the structure, we like to work the weekend. 8th of July, Biella, so many people. Hague, Cees, Suwan! congratulations Michelangelo and Maria and all the amazing Staff! bien hecho! we meet all the artists in residence, Natascha, Gloria, Benoit, Juan, Biju, Esther, Steffen, Jaume, Tom, Leopold, Armin... partytime - everyone knows everyone and nobody knows nobody. UNIDEE is open! apply when you are an inventor, visioneer, revolutionist or explorer! the ano zero exhibition was as "light and empty" as we hoped. imagine. we'll (Teresa, Tal, omi) be back in a week or so, bye.
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