
back in B - KUB, Luks and Richard did good work, we are already near a first view of the whole..

Islandic love [in the first view] corporation arrives when we sit in the black KUB-cafe. ssssssshhht and we understood each other. camping at Lisis: Lisi Hämmerle, the best gallerist of all, invites for camping: people who work in any of the event-exhibition-...- contexts can sleep in the gallery (matraces) and expose (walls, floors, windows, etc.). an art and life village grows. Mona and Dominique from @home live there. we go there when Lisi organized a haircutnight. Sylvia comes. and cuts. professional hairtist. camping. we install Tal's collectors item ? "SECRETS" the second time in camping.
and we put the models model from spacePLACE. the model Teresa, Luks and Alvaro did when omi went to Madrid.
KUB-opening, 14th of July. crowded, speeches, talks, chats and
gossip, nice. Ross asks us to take some diggimages because
his camera can't see nothing. we try

spacePLACE would be stronger we think if we would have had two more weeks. but its not weak now, just not "finished", still...lets take distance from it.
so many people come to see us! Luks and Teresa reserved a half restaurant, because they heard that KUB organizes nothing that night. full albanian pizza-house. artdays nonstop, yesterday was the inofficial friends-of-the-house-opening, tomorrow the opening of Orlan in magazin4. Luks is going back to Basel,
he'll fly soon back to Spain, a lot of work and summer is waiting there. c u soon! Magazin4 - crowded again, loud. we meet Charlotte and Janine from ARTLAB! they worked in the theatre next to the KUB. as part of KUNST IN DER STADT4. Orlan is nice too. the weather strange, autumn-like, really cold sometimes, raining a lot. Thomas, who has a castle we heard, invites all artists and friends to a chillout party. we will meet Charlotte and Janine again there, see you tomorrow / its really a castle! even a picturebookcastle - top of the hill, eagleview. veryverynice! best food, fine music, people, children, excellent wine - everybody dances late at night. its so good to "see" people you talked with talking with all their body suddenly! pity, that Luks, Paolo, Lyn and Lilly and Ross left already. the castlespeakers have club-quality. Orlan dances like a happy girl.
from Curt and Märle we hear that they covered the S2roof with slate now, Alvaro and Freddy are managing everything. they feel okay first time without the aborigines calcis there.
back to biella 10 days Teresa, Tal and omi want to work/talk with the a.i.r.
now also Yoav arrived, sababa! a friend of Tal from Jerusalem who will also be an a.i.r. Teresa gets sick, Fever, cold, she stays in bed some days, reads and sleeps. we tell her all the news and steps from healthy world. the a.i.r. do very different work.Tal and omi meet them all and have talks about it. Teresa stops smoking! we also propose together with them and Sylvia (a young webdesigner who came for a month to help) a first concept for UNIDEE's own website. a very simple, clear structure without any tricky programming, so "everyone" can do updates and changes later. we want to get nearer all the a.i.r. when we return in september.
and we talk with Michelangelo. about God, the World and Bolzano. Bolzano?
didn't we mention it? Marion Daminai called us some
weeks/months? ago and told us about a very interesting
sounding project in Bolzano. they are planning there a new part of the university, scientific faculties, and they develop the "art" for the "sciencehouse" already from zero between the architects and the artists. they can imagine that calc and M.P. do another colaboration for a "mediaspace". we called Michelangelo then and decided that we accept the invitation if they officially will invite us. this happened some days/weeks later when Erik Steinbrecher mailed. he will cordinate/curate a show in ar/ge kunst gallery - Bolzano. we are invited to "give an idea" what our work in the university will/could be. but we really can't know/think now. we just know that we want to work with telematic tools and programs to open a specific "netspace". a knot in the net. we sit on cittadellartes afternoon sun-shadow-border and have the idea to work with one of Michelangelos minus objects (painting for meeting). we imagine to install it right on the glassborder/streetwindow of the gallery, so one half would be out, one in. the reflecting glass between the two who sit in the wooden frame, would not only overlay the two, but also making a conversation impossible. we draw several "lines" between the two, to clear this acoustic hurdle. then we find the oldest system we know: the yohgurt beaker telephone! we like that! it could be a good start for this project. yes, we will propose that to Erik soon.
ooops, we almost forgot: we have to send our proposal for
AUA EXTREMA, a project that east-switzerland does for the EXPO.02. we got invited to share a competition. its all about water...a jury will select who go into the second round, in the end 8 will be realized - travelling "sculptures" who shall provoke interest and discussion for what they are presenting 2002 in Biel. when we still were in Casqueiro and sat with Curt together he came up with the idea to do a huge spirit level. now we imagined with Teresa and Tal that we enlarge the idea with sound, who comes from the bubble-splash, because the spirit level has to be installed on soft tilting grounds, and with a conected website, who reflects the journey of the spirit levels and the "levels" of the place where it is now. fast concept, borderpeople get happy, a package for switzerland is coming.

okay, we have to pack, Casqueiro is waiting! we are back in about a month and a half, hasta pronto amigos!
lets drive along the cote d'azur...lets take time for the trip. Teresa, Tal and omi leave the Cittadellarte in the morning. Tal started to do a telematic collectors item. a kind of diary he sends every week or more by mail to friends. reports from the ownroad. 4 days we need, or five?, we stay again in too-much-Menton, and in some other places, Teresa still is a bit sick, still not smoking, we send the proposal to Erik - the yoghurt-line...
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