
begining of August - back in Casqueiro!
with Tal in Casqueiro! Luks and Märle and Curt, everything looks good. the animals, the plants, the walls, the structures, the new roof, only Tita the goat looks sick. she shits stinky water. we have to bring the doctor.its a virus, we have to give her 5 days a milky liquid, antibiotika, to kill it. Tita is getting really old. she hardly makes it up the slate stairs.
fax from Andreas Maier, Centre PasquArt, Biel:
sorrysorrysorry but no money for the show...we already
smelled it. Paolo also mailed us some days ago that they are proposing a twiggyversion of LKWII. but we are not interested. we won't show images, no. actually these are good news. we just need some days to realize: all the time for the Biella and Bolzano-projects, and some web-jobs we have/want to do. .
Curt tells us that there is a very good view from where you drive up to Talaren to take images from the sleeping house for Uschas styleguide. Tal and omi go there - true, amazing view, just one spot where the bushes and tree give a view. from here it seems even more landed. we send Uscha this image:

Curt and Märle leave to Bregenz. Alvaro and Luks. will organize
the finishing of S2 (all glass fassades) till they return - probably February 2001. but we can use it already as a sunday picknickhall or open studio.

Janine from ARTLAB, London, her husband Bernie and
their daughter Cecile show up! you see - now it would be perfect to have a FRED here, we just would open the "black cube" and a world would appear, a whole house! lets think about it!
by the way - for the same architects who developed FRED and SUSI from KFN-products, Johannes and Oskar Leo Kaufmann, we are doing the website for the whole studio now. for all projects, not just the systems. soon, we hope around middle of september www.kaufmannkaufmann.com will be online. have a click!
Janine and Charlotte will visit us in the cittadellarte, when Teresa, Tal and omi will go back there in Oktober. good idea! we want to present them to Michelangelo, he will like their (way of) work. Janinefamily is here just a day'n night. the first time we hope!
Teresa, Tal and omi visit with Soto his exhibition in la casa de cultura in Taramundi. paintings. Teresa and omi bye two little ones and get one as a. present. Soto likes Richter a lot. sharp/ unsharp overlaying Richter-structures on one, fantastic landscape on i-2 and on i-3, the present. we find Soto an interesting searcher. what did we do with 24? also art, no?

Soto proposes to trade the paintings for 8 meters of the good canvas we have left from the sleeping house covering.
marCo calls - the spirit level made it to round2! the jury liked the idea. okay, so we have to profound it till november.
Erik didn't like the proposal so much, it doesn't fit the whole and the window is already used by Heimo Zobernig. we understand and like the concept he explains, that the Bolzano exhibition shall bring up the same or similar questions like our projects in the university would bring up. "where am i here? is this art?" border-inbetween-works. we have to sleep over it...and talk to Michelangelo soon about these changes... anyway we wanted to call him soon and tell him that we just finished the UNIDEE.01 site and sent it online.
again we get a visit from Bilbao - Kasilde and Fermin show up with Soto, who brings the paintings and cuts 10m canvas from the big role. good moment to install Tal's collectors item ? SECRETS n III. Alvaro finds a blue carpet for the "secrets-island", Soto and Fermin leave a secret in the bottle. they will show us the artschool scene, when we pass by the next time Bilbao. SECRETS will be installed till end of February in calc's mothership. Fermin proposes to bring it then to Bilbao, conected with a talk Tal could invite to.
Damian Krpan, who does all models for us we can't do, like the sleeping house models, sends an SMS to tell that firstbOx is ready. Curt and omi (father and son) will present firstbOx during Sons & .Fathers - Oktober in the Cittadellarte. our idea is (because we really don't know who inspired whom in our early days of cooperation) to show a painting and a playbox with 100 wooden cubes, who have the same six colors on their sides, like the painting. so the playbox gets the "image-bank" of Curts geometrical paintings.

21st of August, quiet day, the ventilators are the loudest.
fast changing skylights, dark lab, lighten lab... Jesus still didn't show up, "tomorrow" is already 2.5 month ago! si si las fiestas, las fiestas.
after a little reportage some spanish newspapers made about
the sleeping house we get a lot of visits. we have to put signs where people just can walk in: visits only after calling! Soto introduces almost every day friends from Bilbos artschool to us. thats good - yearOFF starts already - we will visit back!
22nd of August. we hear that Raul, a friend of us, died last night in an accident with his motorcycle. .
we will miss Raul a lot. we want to dedicade him this whole year, all our projects and wishes. no te olvidaremos Amigo!

bright day, today Tal is leaving. he'll. travel to Barcelona and after some days to Biella, where we'll meet again beginning of Oktober. he takes the secrets from the bottle with him. he changes his mind - actually we don't know why. so no secretbottle in Casqueiro, no in Bilbao. only the blue secret-island we leave in the entrance. pitty, all our friends thought about their secrets and wanted to put them.

Richard arrived a week ago! he lives with Gemma downtown Navia and likes what he finds. we have a good feeling, great to have him here, he can do a lot! for example working over the whole calcaxy, when Teresa and omi are gone in oktober. days are still warm, we go to the beach everyday. Richard likes our sandoffice.
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