
teresa and omi leave for Torino in a week already. Richard makes (with the friendly soundhelp from Mark Bain) the last plans for the spirit level. he will direct the project till the end, the start, somewhen in may, when the level will surge the first time.
isn't it a wondrous coincidence: the food package reaches Stefan on
his birthday! ha!
we are leaving tomorrow. adios Ricardo, when we'll return you'll have left us. it was great to have you in the team. lets stay in touch and meet in Vaduz in two weeks when we also meet Curt, who is.managing there the production of the spirit levels body.Ricardos last work was a sign for the park in L.A. we'll produce it like that.

Torino. Judith ? (we came to aprreciate her when we installed sandkiste in Bolzano) Judith is here! she came to offer her colaboration and started to work right away! she'll do the curating for arte al centro 2001. how good to know her close!
we meet Chef Kumalè from the Couscous Clan, he'll curate the cookery
part from BIG Torino 2002. he tells us that in Turin are living 143 ethnic groups and "today arrived 4 tons of fresh mint from Morocco for the arabian community".
together with Ciacinto Di Pietrantonio, Corinne Desirens and Michelangelo we make the list of the people we want to invite directly.
we have the idea to do a password protected website with all the selected projects and a forum, which will increase the probability of cooperations. soon we'll know these projects. end of june, beginning of july - have a look at www.bigguest.net
teresa and omi drive to switzerland and austria, to visit friends and the spirit level, which is nearly done. Mario Zandernell and his team did a great job! when we see how Mario works with metal we can imagine the first time to work with it. we meet Ricardo, who will install now the sound part inside the spirit level. we ask him if he wants to come back to Casqueiro a month to work with us in the development and realisation of bigguest.nets . interface. a day later he tells us that he will. muy bien! him and Valerie, his love, who did the same intermedia-school...good. lets work together in may/june, we'll send you emails about next questions and steps.

we're driving back to Spain. first stop in Biella, we do some sketches with Michelangelo for BIG Torinos logo. we are abstracting (transfer) the playground from Torinos realspace, where the most of .BIG will happen. Teresa and omi do some digi sketches before they leave. this form can be anything, an animal, a spaceship, a word, a map, a circuit board, an extraterrestrian and much more. we should play with its image possibilities, change it to extrems without leaving the basic form.

our car doesn't start up. night and saturday and shower. but the man with the tow truck has good humor. he checks the motor, finds a broken fuel pump and says "no problem". he heaves our car onto his truck and we drive to Turin. midnight, last highway exit before Turin, the good humor man lets us jump out in front of a huge representatives hotel, "they always have free rooms, don't worry. here, i write you the address where you can pick up your car tomorrow, its very near".
"I'm sorry, all full, there's a big convention downtown, you will have difficulties to find an empty bed tonight", aha, "can you please call us a taxi?", "oooohh, no, sorry, all taxi drivers are on strike today..". well.
we.stand in front of the hotel, decide that this is comedy, not a drama and there comes a taxi. a strikebreaker? yes! he likes our problem and only 500 meters further we find an empty bed. Hotel Venezia, the elevator makes 3 meters in 5 minutes, the radiators have woollen bonnets and the boss calls his wife mami.

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