
ha, what a right moment: the books from Stefan arrive on omis
birthday! 5 books! omis takes Mythos Internet to the health resort in galicia! we are leaving now. 4 days to bad and pool.
we celebrate two birthday's: yearOFF got zero and omi 40!
after coming home from Galicia omi fills a package for Stefan.
almost everythig is to eat, things you just find in spain, little local supermarket jewels, but also Ducados and fresh safron from Feranjos.
philosophy(food) -food(philosophy) exchange.
omi flies to Turin, to work on UNIDEE 2001 and to hear what
cooperation Michelangelo proposes for BIG Torino 2002.
10 days in the Piemonte, Teresa and Luks stay in Casqueiro,
the new digi-equipment should arrive soon.
after we proposed the internet as the guestland for Turin's biennial
they want us to curate that part. we wonder! and worry: would this
work be contraproductive for our yearOFF? we talk on the phone,
finally we say: no, the questions we have to work on, the people
and projects we have to find, help us to get clearer about our own
questions and future. the theme Michelangelo gives to the
whole event - BIG SOCIAL GAME - is what convinces us to say
yes: lets invite for the guestland projects which are strongly related
to social questions, problems, dynamics...but we neither want
to reanimate the utopia from the "supranation", nor the dreams and
speculations of the global village or brain-.no new worlds and no
virtual realities, but playing.
omi gets shown all all the squares and spaces where BIG
Torino could happen, actually the whole city, depends on your
proposal. he does a ton of digis for Teresa and Luks and for
Michelangelo wrote a text about the Big Social Game. together
we work on the other texts we need for the invitation, personal
letters and general data (data.doc > 294Kb).
UNIDEE2001 talks in cittadellarte. what people to invite?
we propose ARTLAB (Janine & Charlotte) from London and
FUNKY PROJECTS from Bilbao for this years ARTE AL CENTRO
exhibition. and Stefan Münker for an expert week.omi is still reading
"Mythos Internet", one of the books Stefan wrote/sent. good reasons
to call him -> .-.-.- < Stefan would like to do an "expert week"! he says
that they'll come definitely at easter, "lets talk about this week then".
in Casqueiro the new computers arrive! Teresa, Luks and Ricardo
start to install what Luks prepared the last weeks. we change after
10 years off digital organic bricolage to high fidelity networking!
Teresa says that the Bar Central in Navia is for rent! can this Bar
be our Bar?? lets have a look! we'd love to have an own public
platform in Navia again.
Torino-Ranon in 55 minutes. all together in Casqueiro again!
how wow now! time seems an open space. and Richard does
a cool new card for calc. more and more we are doing these
business cards (in german we say visitenkarte) for projects.
all projects have adresses, so they also have visit cards
Malex reservated www.calcaxy.com and www.calclab.com.
we want to restructure everything in calcaxy, but when?
fotobot is ready! some prototypes.jpg's arrives from Martin, Zürich.
we like it, but we would have done it more asymetric, more fishual,
less metal, more plastic, like a cyclops, not a cyberclops.
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