
21st of april 2001, where did all the time flow?
since we are in the YEARoff (no exhibitions) we have
more work than ever. but also more time than ever for
different projects, than installing our ideas in artspaces.
for the first time we are acting on the other side of the
curtain. we were invited to curate the next "guestland"
of Turin's next biennial, 2002. but later…
middle of january - first we have to do the interface design for
"hello mister president". we want to do something simple, clear,
without vla vla (visual bla bla), but inviting, like an interface to
say something on a mountain, and the mountain to the people,
looking on the mountain or a mountain-web-cam-shot.
Johannes is in Davos already. he tells that they are closing
the whole town like a security concentration camp.
more policeman than inhabitants, more bodyguards than bodies,
all streets blocked with fences and barbed wire. in the next days this will be a closed society. no demonstrators, no democray allowed - judges of prejustice annual meeting in the powerjail.
but one little window stays open, a window nobody from the warders side gave importance to:
omi has his last AETHER3-talk. he will be conected (telephone)
again with Stefan Münker from Berlin and he's looking forward too!
the first talk was great. lets say lets hear...also the second one!
this is rare: get to know somebody just by the signals telephones
are transporting. omis first telephone friend. Mc Luhan was write,
sometimes. all recorded talks will be played in an installation
Penelope (Wehrli) and Kyra (Stratmann) will show in March in München.
Stefan says that he'll send omi all the books he wrote. philosophy
and media, "i'll send you something too", omi says.
belleville needs ideas for the body of the fotobot. in order to boost
.the in-between-design, we propose a "pulpobot", sucked to a window
with no direct contact to the floor. omi makes some sketches.

they like it, they'll develope the prototype...
Michelangelo (Pistoletto) calls and invites us to come to Turin.
he asked for proposals for the "guestland"...guestland?
this land can be anywhere, but the rest of the biennial has to be
european. as more we thinktalk about it as less we can
see a "guestland". .for what? we won't get Israel and Palestine.
Michelangelo gave the BIG show (Bienale Internazionale arte Giovanne)
a title > Big Social Game. maybe India? Shiva, programs, movies. no.
we propose the internet. whatever this is, but why not a no-land for
the guestland? but not "virtual reality" - real reality.
finally everything works together for hellomrpresident - the script Malex wrote, the laser beamer Johannes installed and the website from where people from all around the angry world sent their short messages.

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