
the wire to Claudia and Gernot starts to swing again!
in an e-mail they even offer to help us in restarting calc next year.
Gernot is working now in an e-game lab , claudia keeps working on planhaus...
2001 - perfect year to welcome them here!
Bilbo! founded in 1300, first realcalc visit in december2000.
Soto, Fermin, Ismael, Kasi, Jose, Ainara, Dani - all our friends who
visited us this summer are around! there's an opening of a groupshow of
(almost all of) them the night we arrive. art on walls. a underwear naked
girl on a sofa, a pornopainting (which reminds us a lot in what Esche
Leissing did 10 years ago), some projections, good vino tinto, noticeable
nice people. we never knew where Bilbao was when we passed through.
all full of terrible and wonderful buildings, highways and chimneys, but
where is the 1300-Bilbao?
two nights before we'll present calc and its net in La faculdad the
bellas artes, ETA plants a bomb in a neighbour faculty (of journalism).
the police finds and defuses the bomb.
the "seven streets" of the old bilbao, we found them! from here the
guggenheim is just a crumpled can on the skyline horizon. Isozaki
will build two luxary towers between the Calatrava bridge and the
Gehry-Guggi. Sir Foster's subway jaws near. Bilbo goes Architown.
do we like that? do you like that?
next day - 21st of december, el dia de san tomās 11:00 am:
good morning, we are calc and we like to be here. no bomb's,
just art. we show some projects (by databeam) after teresa
talks about where we came from, why and how we try to be
calcies, what is UNIDEE and why we collaborate. two hours,
good broadcast rate, few questions, open, curious eys. we
propose to establish a thread between calc and the students
and to go now downtown where la fiesta starts. both is
welcome - lets go. Asier, one of the young professors, comes
with us. nice man! he knows so many people that we know
too - artcircus phenomenon... but with Asier there swings the
"net project" - we are moving in the "same" net of people and
projects and didn't know! he tells us about a project he wants
do soon in Belfast. he wants to invite more than 1300 couples
to do a simultanous kiss! in Belfast!
interesting detail: Asier tells us that they have 9 people from
Navia studying art in Bilbao, thats a lot! more than from all other
little towns! does it have to do with calc and and the Manolo,
Yolanda and Paco, our friends who teach artes plasticas in
Navias highschool?
we want to come back soon, we never again will just pass by
this city - Bilbainos, see you soon...
the incredible credit!
belleville, namely Swami Martin Ginger Roth lends us
money - enough to change the whole digital junkequipment
in the calc-lab!! thats amazing, in a few weeks we will be able
to work on another level. while the machines are much faster
and fater, we can get slower and more concentrated in the
questions and ideas. lets see.
new e-tools before restart calc 2001! we'll pay back this
money by working for belleville till cyberhelvetia is entirely
realized. perfect deal for us! muchas gracias colegas!!
Michelangelo Pistoletto calls - we talk about UNIDEE2001
and BIG TURINO 2002 - we should meet soon, in order to find
first conceptlines and desicions for both projects. we will fly
to Turino end of january, beginning of february...working week
or two...we agree to prepare meanwhile rough concepts on
both sides to see where ideas overlap from the beginning...
"lets phone us soon again...for a fantastic 2001!"
Ricardo did a yearcube for Yheppa, who will do a .cubeyear,
a play with "cubes and light"... print your 100dpi-version. 130KB download!
hey! Johannes made it! HELLO MR. PRESIDENT. will be
realised, he got the okay from the sponsor, the mayor,
the farmer who owns the field and the man who owns
the window, from which massages will be projected!
we'll do the interface beginning of January.
Penelope asks if we could take a picture of the assembled
construction kit she sent us when AETHER3 started. she
wants to show these images (everybody got a different
c-kit) before entering the space where the talks can be
listened, January 2001 in Munich...
Teresa just finished the pages for Nikola - the
he did in cittadellarte this summer...
31-12-2000 - only 7 hours till the milleshift!
we'll have a dinner tonight in Alvaros house. later
we will go downtown to dance...
happy new year, may all your wishes come shoe!
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