..Reto is shooting the image bellow..we see this landscape of transport-systems while drinking wine and playing with geanets space on a
terrace..its like an image of the three most influential..most powerful transport- resp. communication-systems..the spiritual rocket, the materialistic crane and and telefonicas tantacles..
..Malex and Reto are leaving in some days.. lets go to Chipiona before..
visit the sea and look at desicions from another angle and light..
..swiming in the atlantic..sleeping in the warm sand..folding bed and shadow 5€, only shadow 2€..in the end we get two shadows for three
for 2€ ..sharing the feeling that we did a good step this week..with geanet..with Reto!..bienvenido a bordo gordo!..and going on playing
with it..we decide to also make possible that you can leave a voice message when you’re adding a new spot on your map..
> 18th OF SEP bringing Malex and Reto to the airport of Malaga..
ciao belli!..hope you’ll find some time soon to start the programming.. we’ll go on to work on the BCD-book now, but before going to Biella
we won’t finish it.. send us some tech.text please..
..breakfast in a hardcore busstop.. c u on__..
..and another croniquilla arrives..
..only few days left and Teresa and omi will leave by car to Biella..they are preparing the workshop with the residents..there are only two days left for that..and together with la panaderia they decide to concentrate only on one question : how did you come here? draw the most important paths and spots..and play again on a transparent world map with colored threads to inform our map(s)..
..the little publication about geanet is going well.. so far..some days ago Stefan Münker sent us his text! ..now they’re translating it to english and french in Marseille..soon you can read it..or wait..we’ll finish the whole and then put a PDF into here..> end of this chapter..
..for Bolzano omi and Teresa are preparing some drawings of agora03..starting the from studies from the female Pelvis (image above..) ..from the Pubic- to the Public Arch..in Biella they have to decide immediately with Michelangelo which form exactly they want to realize and give the plans to Bodino.. Bodino can realize the structure in only 4 days! Maria (the architect who worked with us during BIG and for the
M HKA show..) knew them and made the contact – mille grazie Maria! ..as soon as we have decided the exact form Topo will do the autocad-plans..
..in the meantime the women-house-for-Dajla-request is decided..they’ll do the project..and they start to negotiate..and search for some money..
..aproposito solidaridad > SI > los postales..they only choose one..guess which one..right, the less ambiguous..the most conventional..the sky..
..good cargadero! nosotros nos ponemos de nuevo cuando volveremos..y viva Dajla y Utrera.. let us know if we can tele-do something.. bye amores..we’ll be back in two long weeks..
..everything on board..the drawings for Bolzano.. the big transparent map..the laptops..all the new music we burned..
> 25th OF SEP. > peniscola..one night at Teres and Josés
house..you know, Teresas mother and her boyfriend..hola
guapos, sorpresa!
again..we are leaving and y la gente del SUR mandan novedades.. hoy una crónica chica..>
-----Mensaje original-----
Enviado el: sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2004 7:46 Asunto: Romería en Tapana
Crónica de una romería en Tapana, Vava´u,
Reino de Tonga.
En el fondeo de Tapana, donde se encuentra el entrañable restaurante "La paella", de unos españoles María y Eduardo, y cuyo menú es: gazpacho, tortilla de patatas, croquetas y paella, el 23 de septiembre de 2004 tuvo lugar una romería, la de la "virggen" de Tapana, con su manto rojo (un restillo de la tapicería) y sostenida por un báculo (bichero. Los romeros, vestidos a la usanza, y con la música de sus motores, se acercaban en los dingys y desembarcaron en la playa; allí una tríada de autoridades daba la bienvenida, portando luces (solares de jardín); a la derecha figuraba la
primera dama romera con el traje de faralaes y su flor al pelo; en el centro, un personaje, ataviado con tricornio y capa de tuno, espíritu mixto de Franco y el Duque de Ahumada, lanzó un discurso y con una voz trémula y una mano tonta que subía y bajaba, decía: "Españoles, habéis recorrido muchos mares para participar en esta romería con la "virggen" de Tapana.......; pronto se yuxtapuso el espíritu de Ahumana, se fue calentando y empezó a querer atizar a los congregados. Después, los romeros, presididos por las autoridades, muy devotos todos, acompañaron a la "roja paloma" e hicieron el recorrido desde la playa, subiendo las escalerillas hasta el
restaurante, con cánticos de sevillanas mal recordadas, algún "porón pon pero" y alternado con algún que otro bailecito aprendidos por algunas por la mañana ¡Viva la roja paloma! ¡Viva la virgen de Tapana!.
Una vez arriba, entre el baile y el mal cante brindamos con el último "Beronia" navegado desde España y degustamos las ricas viandas preparadas por las tripulaciones de los cuatro barcos españoles (Calcetines, Cormorán, Aldo y Sur) y uno italiano (Maistracc). ¡Toda una fiesta en el Pacífico, a la usanza de la lejana tierra patria!
Como veis, os tenemos en el corazón. Muchos besos,
Marisa y Lois.
..shit..we forgot the digicam..aiii...we wanted to pass by Marseille to shoot the images Sylvie and Yanick couldn’t take..and take some measurements..aii..on our way back..
..but no, before! ..they are also supposed to be part of the “methods-meeting”!.. remember? we’ll do an extension of their terrace their..project > Cap Canaveral.. soon in this BOOC©..
..on the road > the “methods - program” arrives.. full program..they are looking forward to meet all this people! >
> paper_program.doc
> 26th OF SEP > cittadellarte, Biella - hola bon jour hello ciao shalom selemaleikum grüezi UNIDEE04! hope we have a good space-time together!..
..this image above Dani sent..global working lunch..you know Dani, Dani Cuberta from Sevilla..the shortmovieman..
great to see him here! the others..starting with Margarita from Dublin, which is the woman left from the winebottle, clockwise > there is Peter, who we met already in Antwerp when he was cooking on Marias birthday and for the citta-show-opening, hidden behind Peter there sits Alejandro, who omi met also during the Medellin workshop, Isabel from Barcelona, omi, Teresa, Pratul from Orissa, Tara from New York, Rafram from Jerusalem, Ishan from all over India, Helana from Antwerp, invited guest artist.., Will from Montreal, hidden behind Walid from Palestine there’s Cagil from Istanbul, next to Walid eats Mary from London and the big back is Mateos.. from Milano.. Beatrice from Milano-Weimar didn’t arrive yet...she has something to do in London.. and Tania from St.Petersburg either..they should arrive tomorrow..but anyway > thats a good world to play on the transparent map!..
..right after we came we were showing Michelangelo the agora03 drawing.. we fix sizes and ask Topo.. he sends a first plan the same day..
..it was a good idea..when Teresa proposed to do the workshop the other way around..to play first on the map and talk at the end about what we are planning with geanet..Margarita made some images..
..we only do little changes on Topos plan..less peanut
more pelvis..slight asymmetries..Topo sends two new drawings..we’ll build #3..
..and we dicide the color..an elegant signal orange > RAL 1028..