> 8th OF SEP Lieve Foncke and Jan Mast are arriving in Sevilla..they came all the way from Ghent to talk about geografia affettiva and a possible collaboration with what they are building up ..
..and more wind from the north > the superflexibles mail again:
Date: Friday 10th September
Time: 18.00 - 24.00
Place: Blaagaardsgade 11.b, Copenhagen
Activity: Andreas Rosforth plays Brazilian Baile Funk
Guaraná Power Bar is open every Friday and Saturday from 18.00 - 24.00.
The aim of Guaraná Power Bar is to host a continuing discussion of the aspects of intellectual property rights. The activities in the bar will vary from music events and film screenings to presentations. Guaraná Power Bar is the place where you can hang out, discuss and party.
Events calender:
More information about Guaraná Power:
Guaraná Power is now available for distribution in Denmark (and internationally by request) see more detailed info here:
"GUARANÁ POWER is an energy softdrink produced by a guaraná farmers cooperative from Maués in the Brazilian Amazon, in collaboration with Superflex. The farmers have organised themselves in response to the activities of the multinational corporations XXXXX and XXXXXXX, a cartel whose monopoly like position on the purchase of the raw material has driven the price of guaraná berries down 80%, while the cost of their products to the consumer has risen.
GUARANÁ POWER employs global brands and their strategies as raw material for a counter-economic position while reclaiming the original use of the Maués guaraná plant as a powerful natural tonic, not just a symbol.
GUARANÁ POWER contains original Maués guaraná for energy and empowerment."
..our few days with Lieve and Jan go very well! we are showing each other what we’re touching.. what not..and see very soon that we could.. together..YES..lets do a workshop in Richard Foncke Gallery in 2005..
lets think about how we can link kunstonline and geografia affettiva (geanet) ..kunst-online wants to become more visual and structural on levelTwo, thats also why this could make an interesting mutual sense..
..the bienal de flamenco is going on right now..so Jan and Lieve are going to see their first flamenco concert! ..Jan shoots the images above..he makes so many in the three days they are here..
we’re talking about the workshop and decide to focus on the notion of common memory..and on space > how we can translate within a one week workshop questions of memory which reflect on geanet and kunstonline to the gallery space in Ghent? or should we look for another space, one which is less “arty” and maybe makes it easier for some people to enter..Lieve wants to invite architects..sociologists..she is mentioning Pascal Gielen...remember? he was the man who wrote the main text for the catalogue according the show we curated in M HKA last year..would be great if Pascal wants to partizipate!
thanks for comming! see you soon up in Belgium..maybe we find a way to see you there before the workshop happens..
..one plane takes off the next on touches down > Malex arrives in Malaga > 10th OF SEP.. for one working week..tomorrow als Reto comes.. so we’ll be playing/working the first time within this new team..geanet-team! Teresa does a worksleep.. forgeting everything to remember all..
..aiiii..omi can’t pick up Malex in Malaga as promised..he completely forgot about this three postcards..and he also promised to send them today..tres postales para SI..para navidad.. postales de solidaridad..
“diferentes”..”artistico”..with pleasure! ..flying through folders..landing on
three images..adding some words..playing with ambiguity..save’n send >
Malex!..Santa Justa..bienvenido hombre! how was the trainride all the way from Malaga?.. wanna see the man with the seven hands? we got some tickets for the Paco de Lucia concert..cositas buenas..in 2 days..
..good week! Reto’S here now too, amaReto! ..before we see Paco
we see “PARA LAS SEIS CUERDAS” from Charo Cala..a kind of flamenco theatre piece..our friends Kike (Enrique López de Haro) and Dario (Dario Mateo Berciano) did the stage setting..and Nando (Fernando López de Haro) played one of the three guitars..in el Teatro Central.. fine evening..the piece is a tribute to an old sevillian flamenco guitarist..his life and play..so many japanese people here! our two special swiss guests enjoy a lot too!
..after some days of talks and walks and drinks and palms..we can
outline geanets prototype > we want the LOLAmap (LOngi- LAtitude..), he IPmap (home is where your IP is) the LISTmap and the SITEmap (clickmap..) functioning.. like if this screen would be click- and in-form-able..>
l°°ks get news and let us know.. he’ll definitely be gone for some moths end of november..being in Basel and doing a lot of therapies..he’s quite confident..the doctors tell him that with a clear decision and continuity
he can revoke the last 10 - 15 years..and walk as he was able when
he was 25 years..menos mal! ..there was even a suspicion for multiple sclerosis, but thanks god these tests were negative..
..he also tells about whats going on in Navia > the mayor shows him and Juice some plans about how “they” want to “improve” el Parque del Naranjo..> excactly what we didn’t want! - that they propose and predecide..they still didn’t understand that this open piece of village-land is the peoples play- and decision-ground! so l°°ks an Juice tel them, that they can realize nothing of that > of course we don’t want a concrete path running all along the stone-bench..neither those streetlamps!
..and the little river we don’t want to fence, but to realize what Juice proposed once.. ..well, first the people have to see these proposals..get the possibility to make own ones and then we counterpropose.. we still don’t have the contract signed which leaves these things clear.. and become very unsure - maybe peoples rights are better protected if we keep the park in c a l c s property and do a contract between the people and us?
...cittadellarte is writing..we didn’t know that there was a selection
for the “methods-meeting”.. anyway - we’ll go.. to meet the
U-residents04..in only a week!..
we, the curatorial team of the workshop “Methods – reseach projects on art society relations”, have now finished our selection process and are glad to be able to invite you as one of the participants of the workshop on October 2nd and 3rd at Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, Italy.
We chose six artists groups, working internationally on the question of creative processes within social contexts.
The chosen groups are:
Bureau de Compétences et Désirs, France
c a l c, Spain
Katja Lindqvist, Sweden
OUT/Isola Dell'Arte, Italy
significans, Germany
Stalker, Italy
As already mentioned in the announcement of the workshop, every participating group will also act as a counterpart for one presentation. Therefore we will send you until the 22nd of this month the text of another project, which we ask you to prepare for the discussion, thinking of possible questions and critical points.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to call us...Looking forward to having you all here,
Juan E. Sandoval, Filippo Fabbrica,
Federica Cerutti, Julia Trolp
..we’re looking forward to meet all these people..and to see how
they’re doing..and what..and why..
..after Reyes was asked from this NGO > AAPSS - Asociación Amistad con el Pueblo Saharaui de Sevilla if she wants to propose an architecture for the saharaui women in the refugee camp of Dajla.. southwest sahara..a kind of women-house..the UNMS – Union Mujeres Saharauis came up with this idea and wish.. and she brought this question into the round of the women around.. >