> 23rd of June > omi’s leaving to Madrid today..
to meet Paloma and the printer people in order
to check the quark-files for the Si-memoria2003..
seems to be all okay..later he goes downtown to
make some images of the facade for which we’d
like to propose something...
..and continues his way up to L.A. the same night..
..good morning, hola L°°ks, hola omi, hola Casqueiro!
omi meets the mayor to tell him about the plans
ragarding “Casqueiro for sale”..who knows..maybe
he got some good ideas..tips..
nil return..but the visit was worth it anyway, because
omi could see the detailed plans for the renovation of
L.A.. remember? a long while ago we presented the
firms of almost all neigbours and a small documentation
about the things we want to have fixed, changed or
some busy days later > they put la memoria 2003
also online > PDF-download.. click memoria..
L.A. > they didn’t do anything for many years, but after
we did the parque del naranjo-project also direction of
thinking changed in some heads..well anyway > mid
of October they want to start the works! from chuckhole
to street lighting..
..while Teresa continues to work on the dossier about
he last 13 Casqueiro-years..
> 1st of July > UNIDEE 2004 starts in Biella! welcome Peter
and Dani and Alejandro and all the others that we don’t know..
its strange to not be there..to not welcome this people like all
the years before..but its also good to just imagine..and to
concentrate on our own stuff..see you end of September
when we’ll do a workshop together..
Juan sends and image again >
..he was also trying to visualize some specific projects and
their “cartographicle net-face”..like Arting Jerusalem..ufff..btw
> we still didn’t do the mamila p°°l pages for this web-site..
we should..Liron already started to organize the next event,
and we’d like to propose a small exhibition which shows what
we were planing and why we can’t go on...
..we hear that our proposal for el convento..downtown Sevilla
..didn’t make into the f*ing second round! the juryminds were
more than conventional..if we would have known that..
another round egg in our happy drawer.
but really sad is is only our fridge.. these 18.000 €
would have filled him/relaxed us many months..
..and a colombenglish mail anouncing the manydee-site
Teresa and omi did...>
Dear All,
In the link http://manydee.cittadellarte.it/
you can have a look to the new pages for manydee
that c a l c created for Arte al Centro exhibition.
As you can see just a very small part of the manydeers
has dawned his or her own information.
Our desire is that this new web pages will be a good step
in order to keep our comunication alive, in a much more
dinamic way.
You can send a short text speaking about what you are doing
now and two photos of you last works to Juan@...
Do it as soon as possible!
Thanks to c a l c for you work.
all the best
..and some written news from the worldsailers again! la nueva >
Crónica desde el archipiélago de La Sociedad (Tahití, Moorea, Huahine, Tahaa y Raiatea)
> 5th of july ..and 10 days later > omi’s back in Sevilla again..
the panaderos are still working hard on Linares...(link zurück...)
omi starts to work on fridgefilling job two...the magazine
for SI...you know, we have this old c a l c working-agreement..
it always worked well..well, if one makes money and the other
makes art, the money gets shared and the art gets part..the
problems we share anyway..
..Karin Frei anounces a book launch..regarding the “paradiseproject” in which c a l c is part...>
Information about the next events in relation to
“visions of paradise”
Thursday October 7th, 2004, 7pm
@ Buchhandlung Kunstgriff Limmatstrasse 270
8005 Zürich
Thursday October 14th, 2004, 6:30pm
@ Centre Culturel Suisse
34, rue Francs Bourgeois - 75003 Paris
Official invitations will follow.
Keep in touch.
Warm regards, Karin
does Karin mean the magazinelike
catalogue she sent the other day?
while Teresa and omi and los p a n a d e r o s are sweating
in the sevilla-oven (up to 50°C!) and l°°ks’ enjoying
a charming mild summerstart in L.A. Malex sends
some images he made this july morning in Zürich >
Stefan, who is already thinking/writing on the geanet-text
sends an interesting link (deutsch only) > Wikipedia wants to link knowledge to locations < smells like geanet spirit..
<> but back to the web_cam_ping..
..we decide to use one of the “doorwalls” to transmit our
live_ piece..the border between the inside and the
outside..as a sceen between the real and the hyperreal..
> to organise a little street party, invite all our neighbours,
occupy some parking spaces for tables and sofas...
and project images onto the fine curtain which dances
on that border..
..and another one from big E > Erik Steinbrecher..you remember?
he was the artist-curator-artist who invited us together with
M.Pistoletto to propose a project for the new university building in
Bolzano..we came up with the sandpit then..now Erik is leting us
know about a project he’s presenting in Viennas Kunsthalle >
Politik oder Porno..
..and we wonder if this university project ever knocks on
our door again...
..the c a l c dossier..almost done..but we’ll finish it in L.A.
then.. now we’re making ready our proposal for Madrid >
if these walls could talk..
..leting a building express itself..from inside and from the
the hyperoutside of the net..raining probabilities from the
facade of the circulo de bellas artes..
but now > finishing the other SI job!..magazine #40..
can also be downloaded > here > click revista..
> 22nd of July web.cam.ping night..some days ago Luisa,
Tom and the kids came for some holiweeks!..Eva did a lot
of images yesterday - from the entrances from all houses
in our neighbourhood..Ruben made a little video..riding his
bike all around the same area > images that we want to
project onto the border-curtain tonight..
..its a great night..event..party! really..it works better than
we thought..not so much the webcam-transmission (God
knows what they see and hear in Bregenz tonight..?) but
the event in calle Garci Fernandez 20 > it was a good idea
to invite the people from our uptown during this event and
to let them playfully know what we’re doing > “making spaces”.!.
after the last dance..when we’re cleaning up late at night..
we all recognise that this was a beginnig > streetparty #01..
the curtain > this fine border between in and out and here
and the virtual worked so well..the soft wind made the
curtain dance while images were projected and people
played loud with presuming where they were taken..
as soon as we find some time we’ll invite for a curtain-
cinema-night..when we’re all back from L.A..beginning
of September...
..Peter cook cooks frische fische! > fishual news from
from a UNIDEE barbecuing night..