wow! Märle and Curt are sending an image they just made
from their bedroom..it really snows in Austria!
Nueva Croniquilla de Panamá – EL SUR… 29th of 01 2004.. > > croniquilla03.doc
..que dicen que el Pacífico tiene puertas...
1st of February > back in la piscina - L°°ks stays in L.A. –
we start to work on our workshop for Marseille >
Bureau des Comptences et Desirs.. the first real project
we - la panaderia and c a l c - like to touch and bring
forward together > geografia affettiva..and the idea Eva
proposed: to develop a three dimensional model in space..
in the BCD space..
wow! it stoped snowing in Austria!..another image from
M and C...
now..we’re finishing things for Captown..L°°ks taking
last images from People in L.A. Miss Pi’s and omi are
doing the website, while Karin Frei already arrived to
South Africa..
..and Topo el Deivi cleans the flat..he’s sharing with Teresa..
Luis, our friend and neighbour, virtual captain and
adviser in so many practical questions is sending an e-mail:
Estimad@s amig@s
Os comunico la finalización de la 4ª etapa del
WRC (World Routers Challenge)entre Buenos Aires
y Fortaleza.
Para nosotros, VskTugas I, resultó muy complicada, un error de calculo nos
dejó a media regata en la posición 104 o alrededores desde la cual y no con
poco esfuerzo conseguimos remontar hasta la 8ª en la línea de meta, con este
resultado y los de los rivales, seguimos conservando la 1ª posición de la
clasificación del Campeonato con 34 puntos de ventaja sobre el 2º.
Os aseguro que en la próxima etapa Fortaleza Miami seguiremos dando guerra en
la flota, y esperamos obtener un resultado mejor, si Eolo acompaña y la
suerte no se muestra esquiva.
Os envío como adjunto una imagen de la llegada.
Un saludo Luis
..and an image..all of the sudden everthing looks like geografia affettiva..although this one is channeled by
pixelwinds and only has one goal..to win..
..now Curt and Märle are landing..in Jerez...for a week
with us in Sevilla!.. the sky opens, an early spring shows
up and brings longer days with warmer wiles..outside the
walls..the city starts to smell like orange blossoms..and
its the first time that we see and citrorangetree! >
Märle does the “first official la piscina - baybship image”..
..and Teresa leaves to Biella..to work on this concept..
with Juan and Cristina and others..lets finish the L.A.
-captown site when you’re back..
..a new map from EL SUR arrives, Marisa and Lois are
anchored in the golf of Panamá now..where Eva and omi
actually wanted to meet them went they went to Colombia..
..last November..but EL SUR couldn’t leave from Andalucia
for weeks..and everything changed..
and some images from the other side of the weather..
Teresa writes from cittadellarte..things are going quite
well..huge theme, big job..and a lot of snow fell..like
felt..citta’ never sounded like that..and looked like that..
its the > 19th of February..
looks snows back a day later..it snowed in L.A!..and
rained and hailed..and a fine little film remained for
some hours in the morning..
Eva, Topo, Ruby and omi are going on with the studies
of the space for Marseille.. actually l@s panaderos don’t
have time at all > working hard on the 12 houses for >
l i n a r e s >
..but in the few sometimes there is time for all..omi
builds a model from the room we have there..for this
workshopweek..with students form art - and hopefully
> achitecture..>
..another Isma-mail arrives..arting Bilbo again..;-)
Nos gustaria contar con tu presencia en la inauguracion de HYPERMEDIA DREAMS, la nueva exposición de ismael iglesias, en la galeria bilkin,(Heros 22, BILBAO) el viernes 27 de febreo a las 20:00 tarde. i.i.
..Curt and Märle have to leave already..see you soon
in L.A. and in Bregenz! Eva and omi decided to go
there in April!..when Leander wants to have his first
Communion.. ciao belli, let us know when you arrived..