Ju comes from Torino, L°°ks from L.A. and Malex and Salomé
from Zürich in 2 days! ..but before there are comming this late
happy-new-year-greetings from M HKA..
11th of January ..el Diario de Sevilla publishes this little not
authorized article about Marisas and Lois’ worldtour..Eva met
a Journalist before they left to the Caribbean..a pitty that this
man didn’t keep his word..the article would sound much more
interesting..they also generate a map form their planed route..
beinvenidos tutti c a l c ies! the 1stime that we meet in real
space..and in Sevilla! lets go eat and drink and talk and
lough..and start slowly..
together we close open questions > so for 2004 we say: much
less engagement in cittadellarte..year off, but we propose doing
a workshop during UNIDEE..all priorities to our own projects >
geografia affettiva - Y-LAND - and being open to all what our
new studio, our new city and context might propose..
and Malex is taking about the magic of his date of birth!
the 23rd of May! 235! the number appears “everywhere”..
its unbelivable, even in the world axis contains it: 23,5°!
..and Malex needs urgently a second programer! without a
theoretical and practical help he doesn’t wants to start the
programing work on geografia affettiva.. our goal is to be
prototypewise online end of the year..so maybe beginning
of 2005..
last decisions for Captwown..since we have reat about the
etymological roots of the term paradise we feel better as
part of that show..less utopian and more local..
last beers..we have to do that more often! where we’ll meet
next? hopefully in Zürich where Malex presents us our new
programing partner soon! ;-)
...and..shit..the centro colombo americano did radical
server changes without telling us!..already some weeks ago! www.orilla-orilla.net is offline..what shall we do? Malex mentions our own server again..we have to
proof that..Juan e-mails...he poposes to ask Michelangelo
if the project could have serverspace where cittadellarte
is hosted.. a ver, joder..
everybodies leaving again..omi drives with L°°ks back up
to L.A., la ruta del plata..12 hours driving talking sightseeing..
from out of the car..and..
casqueiro..18th of January..lets work on some little things..
.. on a proposal we agreed on..about developing the
basic concept for cittadellartes communication office..
..while Rubys father is making us a great present: light!
he’s managing and paying the blacksmith who changes
the piscina - garage doors into studio doors! >
..L.A...omi paints the schlafhaus’ criticle spots.. raindropspots..with the material Carlos..Evas brother the ship-architect..proposed..kind of liquid rubber which seems to stand all extremes of weather and light..this paint feels good! if the next rain doesn’t show little puddles again
we’ll paint all joints of the schlafhaus’ screen skin..
Ruby started to work on a competition for Oviedo..
with Jaime..and Lilian..for la Plaza de Toros..where
we saw Lou Reed some years ago..
cittadellarte’s calling – they’re inviting Teresa to work
on a concept for “italia in persona”, la missione culturale
del prodotto italiano..she accepts..she’ll be gone for two
weeks in February..
..and finnaly doing the LAstudio files...the logo and few applications for Juice’ studio..L°°ks does a little website..cuando vamos a poner contenido Juice?
..managing casqueiro is everytime more difficult..we don’t want to miss all our collaborations far from L.A..neither
the collaborations in L.A...like the park, the plans to go on with L.A...the social club..the playground..
..Bryan is sending some images from their opening night and show in the artist_house..the world is changing!
malex is sending another proof of the magic of his date
of birth! the 23rd of May!
but how to keep two places..two studios? we have to find
a solution for this strange situation of deformed proportions..
its getting to expansive when we mainly don’t do jobs but
concentrate on new projects..
..do you remember arting jerusalem? Liron? ..mamila pool..? we still want to do p°°l mamila..bal°°ning this space..not only show some images of what but how and where..
Liron wants to art jerusalem again!..05..we should start
to ask for permissions already..although there are only
approx. 10 promille that we get the permissions only for
one bal°°n we go for it!
..but..lets talk soon about c a l c-ulating our homes, okay?
maybe we all could meet here in casqueiro..after Marseille..
early April?