> 30th of April ..flying back already..Teresa and
Topo are leaving some days later..bye amores..
see you soon in Sevilla! Luisa and Tom and
Leander and Carla want to visit us in July..lets
see when Märle and Curt can come again..
Eva and omi want to look around las sierras
alrededor de Sevilla..to check out how much
a good piece of land would cost..if we could
sell Casqueiro...the next mothership infrasculpture has to be mobile..lighter..
Ruben did a working site for “la plaza de todos”..
and leaves to Barcelona to work on la entrega..
for 10 days..
..Ian writes!..long time that we didn’t ping pong or
spanada something..>
I am getting out of this city! May 1st I am
going to live on the praries.. in a little
town called saskatoon with stacia. We are
going to live together and make a lot of
good stuff. here is one of her things, its
made of wood...
..hope we find some time soon..to play the pixel-
sling again..w e l c o m e to the praries!..
..all priority to the convento now!..doing a model..
a good working model..the theme..as well as the
existing structures and what they ask for are so
Eva and omi would love to see Marisa and Lois
again..July? its so expansive..no Captain send
from God this time..M and L might “stay” longer
where they are now...Polynesia..Australia..
maybe we can meet in September in New Zealand?
..now..l°°ks and omi are doing a small job..a fish
site..> http://www.pescaderialanza.com for people
who built a little factory in the Poligono de Navia..
from now on we have first quality- and cheaper-fish..
..news from far east..Haessen writes..>
hello this is Chung Haessen. I made website,
you can see recent works there.
feel free to forward this site. h.c.
..Teresa and omi are doing the manydee-site..
”simple first step” is online..we hope it serves
and can gr(ow) on..
Felipe marries Letizia..
and Micheal Moore skims Cannes!
http://www.orilla-orilla.net ufffff_finaly online
again..all forum-data lost..starting from “0”
again..but we got serverspace from cittadellarte..
thanks a lot!!..and are really glad that we can
continue to bridge our shores..
..aproposito > Eva is receiving an e_mail from
Alejandro from Medellin > he got accepted for
UNIDEE2004 and is very happy to come to Europe
soon..beside that they (the the people from the
colombian shore of el Puente..) are working on a
forum for the Laboratorios de Paz >
..con los del puente aun hago cosas, sobre
todo lo de los laboratorios de paz. pero lo demas poco. te envio algo de lo que pensamos para lo de laboratorios de paz..
..c a l c navia receives a postcard..Les Reines..
on tour again..they’re playing in the Forum
Barcelona 2004..the ladies look like a parody
of themselves..which means > good..>
> 22nd of May..another chronicle
from Marisa and Lois arrives!..>
Crónica de la travesía por la Polinesia francesa hasta Tahití
> > croniquilla05.doc
> 27th of May..Juan has his inauguration today!..in
in Linzellin..in the end he’s happy with his project..>
soundomat..which is part of SHAKE Staatsaffäre..>
Juan asks if we can do also a mousepad regarding to
the manydee presentation in June in cittadellarte..
something straight and simple..like the website itself..>
..but actually, although c a l c is doing all kind of little
jobs and l a p a n a d e r i a is still working on these
12 houses for l i n a r e s..we are concentrating on el
convento..another “webspace”..an “interface” with
approx. 6000m2..
..but..lets go to a concert now..there is OI VA VOI
playing on la plaza de san francisco..downtown..
its already summer here..they are starting again
to hang huge canvas between the streets..or be-
tween huge wooden pillars like on la plaza where
we are now..listening to very fine music..Topo
el Deivi does some digital images with his new
Eva proposes to interdigitate the existing structure,
the new one and the uses and connection for and
(in)between the spaces..
..since the beginning we play with the idea to make
“open as much as possible” accessions and connections..
to build a webspace..which has no linear hierachy any-
anymore but a multiaccessability..to develop your own
relation..the whole..and you..from very various points
and ways of perception..
..Tom Dale sends an incredible image today..a fox and two
crows having a chat downtown London in broad daylight..
> 31st of May.. only a week left to present our ideas and
plans for el convento..hope that this time we’ll update
this boo© earlier..an let you know..let us know 2..c you..