Malex forwards an e-mail..we’re out..Switzerland
- sitemapping.ch - doesn’t like what we presented..
we were sending geografia affettiva also into this
context..fits all..but nowbody seems to understand
the potential of this project..
mierda...after more then 10 year of changing our work
for theirs we get a fat bill from our accountants..game
over..they want to see money from now on..actually
they wanted us to do their website (they also have a
travel agency..) so we did a sketch and a first concept
many years ago..but they stop the deal..okay..but
give us some months after you didn’t tell us the whole
L.A...sunny miercoles > Juice and Alvaro come for lunch..
they want to talk about Juice’ logo.. for LAstudio..you
remember? omi gave him some first sketches as a birthday
present some months ago..now he wants the fair draughting..
its the 16th of December 2003..L°°ks is comming
back tomorrow evening! and on the 18th omi leaves..
to pick up Evita in Sevilla and to take the plane again..
Ruben sends a mail > Dani shows videos in the
METEORA space in Sevilla..saturday 20th..pitty,
Evita and omi will sit in the plane already..
at the bottom of the mail there’s this:
.....+ una pequeña actuación sobre el espejo del cuarto de baño a cargo de Ruben Alonso.
what will Ruben do on the bathroom mirror??
we are all so tired! we are all so much looking forward
to some open and slow weeks..change of the year,
time-swash..space-wash..restarting c a l c somewhen
next year in january..or february..
17th of december 2003. . see you somewhen beginning
of 2004.. have a good new yeah!