the metro is a very curious phenomenon! like a parallel
world..absolut clean, not one graffity nowhere, people
sitting quiet on their benches..seem to enjoy the static
fly through the city..
from these houses architecture should start..from these
houses architecture starts..all wishes and needs naked..
Julian, Ricardo, Victor, Alejandro and Daniel tell us about
how people were educated for using the metro..for loving
the metro before it was build..for years..
Manolo..the man who owns the house which Eva, Topo
and Ruben are re-nov-ating and which we can use
until the works start as a studio..sends a last mail before
Eva and omi are leaving > Marisa and Lois sent their
. . 25th of November . . thanks a lot! it was great to work
with you..Liliana and Julian bring them to the airport..
chao todos.., lets meet soon online..lets try to help each
other to bring the good things forward..take care..
viva las orillas!
Juan, Cristina, Anis and Filippo stay longer..some more
days..they wanted to do a trip to the ocean, but it might
be too stressy for the baby..and there are still some works
to do for the map..
did we tell you about the map? we already decided the
second day, when we where playing with the ideas for
an analog geografia affettiva, that we want to do a map..
a city map of Medellin..with new weights and centers..
Eva was working on it with Juan until now..now Alejandro
will finish it..the next chapter of the BOO© will show you..
or subscribe to the orillas..then you’ll see it before..Juan
always was insisting that something printed, something
tactile is important to do..adios amig@s..
army everywhere..all the road to the airport..
..on the airport we hear in the news that more than 800
paramilitares are expected this noon in Medellin..to
decommision their weapons..lets hope that these are
good last news!
Bogotá..Paris..Madrid..> Sevilla! hola amores..
having Tapas with Miss Pi and Topo before anything
else..hola piso nuestro!..hola jet lag..where have we
been? where are all our friends?
Natalia writes in orillas-forum: they don’t give me the visa
for Spain..shit, everything for nothing..well..actually a lot
of people will be happy that you’ll stay longer..
Manolo sends another position message from Marisa
and Lois! Eva talked to Marisa, cambio..tienen muy
poco viento, cambio..estan pescando mucho, cambio..
back in the babyship..in the temporary buildingsiteship..
Miss Pi arranged a nice little office in the forest..
Miss Pi and omi are doing a doblepage regarding the
paradise..for this CH-magazine..the magazine for
Captown..we decide to do something with two layers..
with an orange layer and with the plan of L.A. Miss Pi
played before with the first portraits L°°ks did from the
people of L.A...and with those images that we sent to
the printer..but we want to keep it very simple..reflecting
visual what happens in L.A...and to maybe work with
this portraits in the Captownspace.. You proposed to
let everybody in the village write about what for him/her
means paradise..we don’t know..we just let it sleep in
our common attention for some more weeks..
L°°ks like the doblepage too..You too.. L°°ks goes to Basel..
medical all round check up..in some days omi will go up
north.. to keep the house, the dogs, the BOO©..until L°°ks
will be back..just two days before we’ll be on the road
again..to the Caribbean..by the way..Manolo sends a
position again..they are almost there..where we’ll go in
about two weeks..
while Eva and omi were in Colombia the other calcies
were talking about an early date in 2004 to meet..all
of them..also Malex..in Sevilla! good idea, we have to
take so many important decisions..
will we be again so active in cittadellarte as in all the
years before? will we do more jobs to finance new
projects? what projects want to be become real in 2004..?
we could meet right after Eva and omi are back..middle
of january?
omi leaves for 10 days to L.A...first they agree when
to fly to the Caribbean..on the 20st of December..
Malex is still sweating with making the hello world project from Johannes running..
You is working in Biella..she just proposed that
c a l c develops an online platform for manydee..
“..is too expensive”..let them do it with other people
and they’l lfind out what expensive is..! if things
come as we think we won’t have time anyway..
omi alone in Casqueiro..he can’t remember when
he was the last time alone here..was he ever alone
Evita sends some images from the Model they just
did for Linares..you know, these 10 houses next to
a village outside Sevilla..
its a space-division-model..but Eva says that these
forms also approach now little by little to the shapes..
some days before..when omi was still down south..they
went so see a space..an old bakery which could be their
studio and babyship..”bakery” – nice name for an archi-
tecture studio!..the space is okay, but quite a lot to do..
no water..no electricity..
but the price is cool – about 400€ only..hmm..
when omi arrives in L.A. Teresa tells him that they just
saw another space – another bakery! same price, but
bigger and ready to move in! Topo sends an image..
looks like we have our studio, no? lets decide when we’ll
be together again...just before Eva and omi are leaving to
the Caribbean, okay?..”the Bakery” is really a nice name
for an architects collective..la panadería..