on the 4th of march omi leaves to Sevilla again..
and to L.A. and to Lissabon..
Sevilla ~ Evitamor! Sevillas life quality is so high, living's so easy,
the beer so cold'n cheap and all kind of traditions so strong, that
almost nobody feels the need to come up with different ideas..
new ideas..says Eva..
Ita and Ito work and ride bicycle!
Evita regalaba una bici a omito!
Teresa and Mala are working intensively in A.I.M (arte atraverso
il muri) everyday they meet also omi, L°°ks and Malex in a chat
to discuss and find answers. on the 15th we give the concept to
Juan, who is coordinating this invitation. we present LUCE..
a system where all incomming and outgoing steps of people
using the main entrance get translated into traces of light..these
traces would be displayed during the night..the system should
run autonomously via a solar panel..
..visit to Jerez again, Cristina bought a house! good place,
good space, good price, good step..en hora buena!
going a bit more down south to sea the see..and a high
chair for long views..
after 10 days omi leaves to L.A...long trainride from Sevilla to
Oviedo through all different kind of landscapes..amazing how
this world with its 40.000 km diameter and its
people has still so much freespace..
L.A.! L°°ks looks good! since Navias public swimming pool
opened he and Juice are going there every morning...
Juice talks about the architecture studio he wants to not install
downtown L.A....he thinking loud about a name...L.A.studios..
L.A.studio...LA studio...la studio sounds good if you spell it
spanish, like one word > lastudio..a feminine studio..omi offers
to do the grafics..logo..as a present...well as a counterbuisness
better said, Juice is doing so much for the park now! its so good
to have him in the village..and everytime drawing nearer..
the spanish hacienda deletes more than 2000 € from c a l c's
bankaccount! now we are all on 0..even deeper..we realize
that working a year in BIG and not really have developed new
projects or looking for interesting web-jobs made a big hole in
our economy...slimtimes started again...well they never have
been really fat, but now its slimer than since a long time...not
dramatic, but spaghetti..and there are so many ideas in the
air and ready to touch down now! cmmm oooonnn!
after some days omi travels to Lissabon to meet eVa, Ana,
Ruben and Oscar from Sevilla who lives there with Anabela..
taluego amigos..no vemo prontito 'speramos..
Lissboa! its Evas birthday!! happy new year Evita! she and the
others came to decide if they want to do the EUROpan Lissabon
..they will..but Eva's more interested in colaborating with c a l c
on the Luarca problem..
Ana lends Eva and Omi the car...they go to madrid the next day
to meet her and Ruben...all architects! its nice to be with architect-
artists, somehow they think more spacial..one night Madrid only...
omi's leaving next morning..taluego Gusanita . . . with Ana by car
to Gerona and..> Torino again..
o's arriving, Miss Pi and Topo are leaving for almost a month
to L.A. and Sevilla..c a l c traffic's getting tight..but it never feels
like leaving the others, we just shift our geographical layers and
keep on affettivi'..Ms P and T want to work in Casqueiro on the
EUROpan-project for Luarca..but before they leave Ms Pi and o
have an important meeting with Michelangelo and Paolo regarding
all c a l c - tasks in cittadellarte 2003..:
Michelangeolo already asked Teresa (when omi was with L°°ks
in L.A...) if we want to co-curate the cittadellarte-show for Antwerpen..
with pleasure, thanks for asking us..we should go to Antwerpen
soon! and won't take this challenge without You!
UNIDEE 2003..same as last years..swinging between the a.i.r,
the projects and the uffizi..cittaweasels agains, but only 2 intensive
days a week..
..and we get asked if we want do propose a concept for the office
of communication in cittadellarte..ssss..maybe the work for
Antwerpen could be thought and done as its first project..we'll see..
e..hombre!..gratulazione! Michelangelo got the golden lion
of the Venice biennial 2003 for his lifework..although life
seems to just start..over here in cittadellarte..;-)
2nd of April..
Miss Pi and Topo leave today..You and omi work a lot! its great
to have You in the C-family..we're like wider now..we're touching
el puente,and geografia affettiva..and You makes a contact with
Tati who's a curator in Torinos cinema museum - contexts..Tati's
looking for an "interactive furniture" which can host the new inter-
netaccess they want to install in the museum..
Tati (not Jacques, but Tatjana) already bought a projecting system
which make things a bit nerved..but its a pleasure anyhow to work
the fist time with Eva on something like that..and over the cable..
we just have some days until Tati has to present..and we just have
edgetime..we imagine a kind of strange antique UFO which looks
like it came out of the Jules Verne movie you never saw.. like a
space coach..a science fiction glowfly..
mamila p°°l! things aren't as easy as it seemed..hard to get
the permission to set up the balloons..also the costs swimm..
its war and balloons have it more difficult to rise than bombs
to fall..
Karin Frei (remember her? she was the curator-santa claus
who sold all L.A.park prints to a Foundation in Franfurt..) is
back from Southafrica...she was doing a research and a
conceptual work on the notions of "paradise"...now she writes
and asks us if we want to be part of a show touching this theme
in Kapstadt in spring 2004..she also asked the etoy's and other
people we'd like to meet again..yes, we say..yes..lets see your
ideas first, but yes..Miss Pi proposes to do a park for L.A. -
translation/transaction..or maybe to do another geografia
affettiva station?
fine, we´ll meet Stephan Hobbs from The Trinty Session again!
Martin Swami Roth, from Belleville Zürich calls...they also
applied with a project for the Konstanz-thing..but they did'nt
make it...but the projects idea has a big potential (for this
bibliothek it might was to popular..) and Martin asks if we
want to be part..fotobot - Sevilla,Torino..literature..word's
and selfportraits? still secret sorry..if Brussels accepts we
may tell/link it..but c a l c is only helping to find places and
people..writers..You's doing Torino, omi Sevilla..