monday 4th of Feb.- Annette sends an e-mail..
the CDZ-archive is online..
tuesday - working on the CI for cittadellarte..since yesterday
..complete redesign..Miss Pi and omi are doing kind of a
workshop with Armona and Marco from cittadellartes uffizi..
all week..we are looking for a dynamic logo which can change
appearance without loosing recognition..on friday we present
an organic bubble system to all people of all citta-uffizi..they
like it..Marco will work now on all applications..depending on
its reference the logo changes..such as cittadellarte as a
whole entity the c-logo is dynamic/organic as well..it's not
a repeating signal like logos are normally, but a changing,
growing and communicating code..:
metaphorical the c-logo looks like a micro organism, a fractal
structure, or the goundfloor of a cittadella..and these connotations
aren't disappointed by the sign - in fact it is all these things!
a micro organism like cittadellarte is a growing,changing and
exchanging organ in an international body named world, a
fractal structure because each part (field) of citta' is related to
all others and each contains the whole, a grounfloor of a cittadella
because it's the "groundfloor of content" of cittadellarte..
Topo working in preparations for Europan..he and Miss Pi also
want to propose a project for Luarca..eVa works on a magazine
for schools in Andalucia..job..and on first ideas for the renovation
of Manolos house in Sevilla..You's busybusy in the gallery and
L°°ks back home southwest in our mothership forgot to make
some notes for this BOO©..;-)
eVa is taking images of this huge scaffold they setting up on
Piazza Vittorio ..in few days this will be the iron mountain for
snowboarders from all around the world..Red Bulls will spons
down this amazing costs..
compared to sports art has no muscles..but its nice that this
installation beats Jason Rhodes Hamburgthing..("the biggest
installation ever..blabla..")
Liron calls..we talk the first time about our idea for
mamila p°°l..we already sent her the images E and T
where making..she likes the idea..she says that every-
body who saw them likes it..and she also mentiones
that its "politically stronger" because it avoids political
"language"..we start to investigate how this flying carpet
could be parked on its alternative sky/earth level and
wendsday…Tal calls…he's going to Zürich on saturday
already..he's presenting Pettek there.."see you there!
You, Eva and omi will come..", "who is Eva?"..
You is organizing a visit to the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea
..meeting Christoph and Mark and more and some
students and projects and the first typewriter Olivetti did..:
we'll present you our 1st official papers regarding geografia
affettiva, okay? Ivrea wears its festive dress today, tomorrow
the legendary carneval starts..
they'll do an orange war..shop
windows are bunkered like the G8 are comming tomorrow..
we'd like to stay and watch and make some images for the
vitrine and the people of L.A...but we can't..Zürich's calling..
thursday - 13th of Feb > Zürich, eVa, omi, You..trainride..
working on our workshop.. Shedhalle ~ meeting a lot of
people we know..hola Dagmar and Davide, wow, this looks
good..we get a little bay in the entrance to install the short
art history about the park for L.A. a rat ate all the little orange
trees they fostered the last weeks..but there are still seeds..
lets plant them again and protect the earth-hill at night when
the rat is alone in the exhibition..
we meet some women from kuverun..they organize guided
tours and other things related to that exhibition..the best they
tell us is that they presented their ideas also to seniors from
an old people's home..and they proposed to do an orange-
fitness hour in front of our park-installation! we hope they'll
do some images so we can show them to the people of L.A.
..by the way..Juice found a show-case we can install next to
the park..for information like about this show..or images about
the orange-aerobics..
the workshop goes well..we just have some hours..and some
very nice women who come to try with us finding new ideas
for the park..the village..the culture of L.A...
the most important we find is that we have to do the next
steps for the children..for mothers..we should study the
second bedraggled land in the eastend of L.A. and propose
a playground there..an open field for all kind of playing the
we order a Salat for 10 people..Michelangelo, Maria, Armona,
Crisitina, Paolo, Fillipo, Iris, Katerina..and more came from
Biella..they present love difference in this context..and we get
a big bowl with at least 30 green leafes! the waiter askes for
unbelievable 50 €/$!! we are in an "alternative restaurant"..
and in Switzerland..we get the green for 25 after making clear
that it cost them some cents..
Evita und You go back to Torino after some days..omi leaves
the same night for some days to Bregenz to see MamaMärle
and PapaCurt..they come to pick him up in Zürich!
when omi comes back to Torino on the 21st Teresa, Topo and
Eva left to Spain already :-(, just You and him and Iris are here
now..and Juan, Cristina and Anis who came for the weekend..
and to work on our ideas for Colombia..el puente..Medellin..
where we want to do a 2week workshop with students from
various fields..el puente wants to investigate, imagine, propose
and start to realise different ideas to bridge colombia and europe..
some days later Teresa and Topo are already back from
Barcelona, Topo's setting up pattern with Miss Pi in
You, Teresa and omi work on Geografia Affettiva - we want to
realise this program/project as soon as possible! this BOO©
can become redundant then..when we all can inform the surface
and draw our personal and collective maps..we have to invite Malex
to clear some technical questions and listen to his ideas regarding
the transpersonal mapping..we propose to meet from the 7th - 14th
of May..he can come..grrreat! we also need to work on e.r.b.s.e
then..the idea we proposed for this library in Konstanz..
we get the okay from MAZE to redesign their web-site, bene! the
fridge is quite empty..our concept for aMAZEing we'll show them
maybe later, we are unsure about some points..mainly if we
really want to realise the project in their gallery frame..You
proposes to do it not only online, but also on the road..each
time in a different city/context..good idea..we'll see..