
but now Teresa and omi have to leave again, UNIDEE and BIG are waiting! they have a new car (Renault Laguna - station wagon), amazing change. until the last moment of the deal they were unsure if this isn't a luxurystep into the wrong direction, but as soon as they are driving and nothing hurts in the first evening they are convinced that this was a healthy decision. it was an advise of calc's tax consultant. he said calc's paying too much taxes and we should invest that money into our infrasculpture instead of the state....
once again - two days in Menton. swimming in the mediterranean is nice, but in the atlantic its great... first time they stay in the hotel L'Imperial. this sounds like a fucking youth hostel for presidental kids, but its a beautiful and simple place, ran by a nice italian couple. Teresa and omi have a lot of fun on the terasse at night, the night before they will arrive in cittadellarte. and Teresa saw some people standing in a tree.
Laguna arrives to Biella. Maria and Michelangelo prepared a nice room for the calcis. bigger than the ones they had before, with an office-
corner and a terasse. Judith and Juan still are preparing ARTE AL CENTRO 2001, in few days this "show" ("1° international fair of art and production") will open. our installation for hellomisterpresident.com didn't become as good as the plans for it looked like. the big straight cone, which should look and work like an image-thrower appears more than a strange theatrical sausage. Janine and Charlotte (=ARTLAB from London), who also show a work in ARTE AL CENTRO 2001 help us to reinstall it. calc loves ARTLAB! and the first UNIDEE-artists in residence (a.i.r.) arrive: Charley from England (living in paris now), Augustin from Medellin (living in Bilbao now), Consol from Barcelona and Ullrike and Brigitte from Vienna. this years welcome has to be much better than last year, Teresa and omi want to give them a real welcome! with a feedback to everybodies work and a danceparty at the end of the week when all will be here.
in the next days almost all the others arrive - Natalia from Medellin, Oscar from Mexico City (living in Milano now), Maria from Portugal, Raphaël from Paris, Dafna from Israel (living in Amsterdam now) and Hae Seung from Seoul. Some others, like Markus and Dirk from germany (living in Liverpool now), Cameron from Scotland and Yangar from India will arrive later. we postpone the danceparty...
and Yoav shows up too! he came to visit and to finish his "bicycle project".
ARTE AL CENTRO 2001 opening: Johannes is here, as well as Asier and Jose from Funky Projects, Cees and Greta Block (his mother and "woman in devorce") and manymanymany other people...Teresa and omi start their welcome-feedback-week. first they show calc's work (some
projects from the web and the infrasculpture in general), then they listen to all the a.i.r., their projects, ideas, questions and plans. everybody, really everybody surprises them, this will be a good year!
Leif from Canada, Ian's friend, calls. She's near and likes to visit us. "sure", omi says "welcome to cittadellarte", "can i bring my duck?", "your duck??", "yes, a babyduck, I won it last night on a village party...", "okay, Leif and babyduck are welcome..."
we still are running every morning, now with Cristiana, Judith, Augustin and Armona. near cittadellarte, into a forest, along a river, about 3 kilometers. Augustin does Tai Chi afterwards and sometimes we join. running is like ground flying after a while.
Teresa and omi work with Michelangelo on some graphic applications
for BIG, postcards and a folder. by accident the background layer gets
transparent and shows a peculiar friction of forms. we like that!
we take that!
so much happens here! on UNIDEE's side as well as on BIG's side. everyday seems to be week, weeks are like month's, nights are short. and in the morning we go running... Leif calls again. she'll go first to Ireland and will pass by maybe in a week. omi really would like to meet her! since he knows and appreciates Ian "only" by the net, this meeting could be/would be a first meeting with real-Ian. well, real-Leif, yes, but at least a indirect live-virtual Ian.
while Michelangelo is having his expert week with the a.i.r. he invites them to do also a proposal for the BIG Social Game. theres only few time left, but they all exept and start the same week. would be great to have some a.i.r. in the game!
Teresa is starting to design and to programme the new pages for cittadellartes last events. omi is working with Consol, Oscar, Ulrike and Camaron on the new web design for UNIDEE 2001. last year we played with the zero, this year we play with the one. a one that flips into everything we need. we decide to do a diary, a kind of a jounal on the main a.i.r. page, where all special events will be linked. have a look!
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