
driving back home again. from home to home. we stop in Menton. a seagull is drinking from the swimming pool, while
Teresa sits next to her. the sea is still cold. Stefan Münker sends us a good text from Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron. shall we put this text into bigguest.net? we have to write these guys; like
the text a lot!
Teresa and omi are leaving Menton after a lazy day'n night, while Pablo and Luks are still busy with the Chabola in Navia. Menton is full of carfreaks when they leave. Ferraris and Porsches from all around, russian and german playboys with blonde wonderbrabrarellas. whats happening here?? when they pass Monaco they know: Formula1 weekend. omi remembers Juan talking about Montoya, a colombian driver ("he's a heroe in Colombia"), and Teresa starts to talk about Alonso, an asturian one ("if he wouldn't drive the worse car, he would be the best"). Well okay, but lets get out of here as soon as we can. Monaco is a hell of bad taste anyway, but this weekend its even heller.
strange that one and the same route is becoming so different by feeling different. they drove so many times along this highways back to Navia, but everytime its another trip. this time its almost not there so much they wish to come home. home where the friends and dogs are expecting them.
a pitty that they didn't make it before Rolf and Esther had to leave.
but Ricardo and Valerie are here! "welcome back" everybody says to everybody. lets chill out two, three days and start to work then on BIG Torino.
omi does some layouts for "logo-applications", in order to give the advertisment agency some guidlines how far they can go with playing with the logo; they should go very far! the last thing calc and Michelangelo want is a clear "designline":
Teresa is investigating the net, we want some arabian, chinese and african projects too, so difficult to find good ones! Richard and Valerie analize the koncept we made for bigguest.net and start to bing the results into the final web form. how great to have them here! while they are working we can dedicate our energies to our doubts and enquiries.
Iñigo from MANA V.A. contacts us again! with Iñigo we worked many
years ago, when we started with calc in Navia and when Luks and
Josìn won this crazy video clip competition. Iñigo is a film director and script writer, then he was the producer of the video. now he's working in MANA V.A, which is a small company that concepts and produces films, videos and web projects. they invite us to share their first project, a T.V.production, science fiction. Iñigo calls it metafiction, because the fiction is rather philosophical than scientific. we like the project a lot, really, but we can't do another project beside BIG, UNIDEE and the constructions we want to do this year in Casqueiro. MANA V.A. wants us to do the architecture (mainly one interior, a laboratory of a molecular-biologist) and some screen design and animations (from this scientists work), but we can't. we have to be straight now. not more than we know what we can do good. we propose Ricardo and Valerie (MIRSANMIR) to do that job! they meet, they check, the like, they will do it. thats fine, so we can share the proccess at least from the edge...they'll start right after doing their BIG job, in a month or so. will be reported on this pages later on.
a spanish lady calls "do you also do design for mushrooms?" "excuse me, what please??", "well i heard from a friend that you are serious and good designers". "thank you, but what has this to do with mushrooms?", "you know i am just starting to cultivate food mushrooms and i wanted to ask you if you could do the whole campaign for it, you know everything, the logo, the web...." the same day calc gets an invitation for doing a "piece" in England; but they like this mushrooms more than those "pieces". but anyway they can't do it - omi asks MIRSANMIR again...."sure, great, lets meet them" Richard says.
in the meantime omi's parents Märle and Curt arrived! they are happy about the progress of the Cabanon. they start right away to set up all things they brought, lights, tools, Curts colors, their laptop... Luks is checking out if we could have a wireless conection between the cabanon and calc's new ADSL-link to the net.
Teresa starts with Märle and Curt to run every morning. jogging you know. they drive to Navias beach and run around the little pineforest. every morning at 8. they love it! everyday they tell to omi and Luks
how great it is. on the 5th day omi starts too and they didn't stop since than to run, every morning, except sundays.
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