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fresh rain and now :----> 13-09-99 we're working on the interface and the tools for oneDROP - Segno Arte, but before Teresa and tOmi go vienna-wards in about a week, we want to send the last week's events to the curriculum - the park opened! and still summer winding round on greencoast. Luks and omi visit almost all bars in navia. they all give us something to drink for the party, they all "know" about the project, they like it, they like parties in general...we come back with a car full of bottles, everything, except hard drinks. Alvaro and Klaus are painting Alvaro's house white! a triple-party: opening of the park, goodbye to Silke, bienvenido a L.A. Alvaro! Silke really leaves in two days! what a good time we had! and have, come on, lets brake the wall! up until the last moment we doubt if mister mayer sends the workers he promised... but what are we waiting for? briiight sunnny dayy!! we start with hands and lust and also anger #!!&, no workers show up till 12:00.. but Klaus! Silkes Süsser, who came to pick her up. on the first of september, in the afternoon the official-excavater comes! ha! in one day we chop the wall into pieces and carry them away.
they use the wall-stones in Las Vegas (Las Vegas is a quarter in Navia, only 7 minutes from L.A.), where they dry out a swampy space to build a new block. tomorrow we and some nice workers from mayor's team want to finish the "wallbench". when a wall gets a bench a revolution happens. ![]() we can't believe it, 2nd of september and at 18:30 the last stone finds a place in the cement bed! Paco Sandchidrian (painter) paints a great transparent: EL PARQUE DEL NARANJO, Manolo Rata (pintor!) quita un montón de escombro, gracias carino! people come, women, children, tortillas and cakes and wines and dogs. we put lights and Mano Chao... que alegria, verdad?! we are surprised by the village peoples direct- and open way. even more because the austrian TV (director: markus Barnay, camera: Rheinhard Moor, holydays: Jasmin Oelz, Miss Moor and children) is here! but no problem, they act as if they have cameras around all year. a lot of them show joy as well as criticize themselves. "why didn't we do anything all the years?" Teresa and Silke made a kind of image-information-board with all the webimages from the o-show we did in Linz. with a little cleartext about the link between art and park. the people understand fast how it came, and, we wonder again: they talk about it! about "art" and "our park". ten o'clock, the parkbar is crowded! kids are playing in the orange tree and Sidra floats in rivers - La Gaita y el tambor vienen! ![]() we sit on the wallbench and watch the people live. there's only peace where there is food and music...first ideas show up how we could "install" a park for L.A. next year in Bregenz and Biel. we use the hole installation-budgets for the journey of all people from L.A., they bring tortillas and gaitas.. we remember sometimes Beuys' 7000 Eichen when we see the ~150 oranges. we like how these two projects touch each other. but it grows in very different ways. now it grew even together! Paolo Bianchi put an image from from the Linzinstallation next to an image from Beuys' Eichen-Basalt- project...in Kunstforum int. we are happy about this sync! it sync's a lot with Paolo! the parkproject will go slow from now on. the most important step is done, it's open. now a good contract has to be worked out. we want to donate the. park, but keep the "total design right", in the name and voice of the L.A.people. but slowly, first of all we want to ask Juanin if he could come with his tractor to open the hole parkearth, so we can remove all beastieroots...and plant fresh... 2nd of september, we did it! and it just started today! art is how people meet. ![]() oneDROP - Segno Arte, the first project we've done without Silke for a long time. Silke is back "home" in the tirolean alpitecture. she wants to open a firm: SATTELITE or SETALIGHT or ... , we wonder how she'll write it... anyway Silke will be a star! and we miss her! ![]() for the oneDROp installation we work over all on the website for Segno Arte. it shall be clear and easy to handle...as the first text from M.Pistoletto. now we are programming all the art marks he collected during the long run of this idea. it should be online with the opening in Vienna on the 8th of october. pass by and show us your Segno Arte! onDROP will be as DROPone, but with different furniture and workstation, more like a concentrated "myself-dropspace". see C on the 8th! Lisi H. goes Paris! the o-show in her gallery was economically twiggy, but party big! well, no problem, tranquilo, maybe in Paris o-art is better wished and selled. people are still afraid of digi-images, they don't know if there isn't maybe a virus in the image...we have to think more in the "data-contract" we want to sell with the images; the original data and some copyrights... FIAC -paris CALC "a park for L.A." gallery Lisi Hämmerle stand h12 "Perspectives", 15 - 20 sept 1999. we never liked artferys. now that we are presented on one we do like it. we are interested how those simple digi-iamges of oranges reach people. this images mean a tree, although they show only calculated colors and shapes in order of an idea. the special esthetic of digitechnics are too new and too "unjudged" to be boring. no it won't be boring... Lisi produced the same wall-elements as we used in Linz to show the images. tomorrow in Paris! the first time we can not only just work for, but also with money! the firm and the art play well together. one bank sits the other... we are looking forward to do the site for K96, the architects who develop the systems for KFN. we just talked to Oskar Leo, one of them, they already can do a BIMO-prototype! before x-mas, and we go to visit Tal and Israel, it should be online. Ian Feldglocke from oversea Spanada does the new linkbank-extension for the KUB! thats fine! how often we want to beam mister Campbell over! we definitely would like to work with him in a "big project"! could be, could really be that another swiss expoproject, for which we just concepted a special virtual section, brings these possibilities faster as we know now... but will swiss-expo01 happen?? actually it looks like all the visions got snapshots and not enough time to build up this huge swissship for 2001. isn't it ironic?: communimage seems the only "public and common project really working" till now... Ian is the only one we know who has a communimage-up-do-date-link on his website! commi works pretty good, well, some corners really suck! but others glimm like a transartistic visual rap! its time to generate the facettes..., but in the moment theres no money 'round to pay this work. big sponsor wanted...lets see what the expopeople decide and do... it grows anyway. Juan forwards a mail - VIPER - Luzern wants to show communimage! we wonder how! will they contact/ask us too? or is the expanding image also expanding rules? we do nothing and like to not know. let the image expand. last rays of sun in days of concentration, intensive calculations! can we afford a swimming pool? and would it be luxury or healthy or both? but pah! we still have the naked schlafhaus-skeleton waiting for its GORE(R) -skin. we have to call them! will we make it this year? or next spring? never? ![]() 19-09-99 after two weeks enjoing the fields and vibes of casqueiro and its calcdynamics, Märle (omis mami) leaves. we bring her to santiagos airport, which is crowded like never before. whats happening here? Teresa finds out that four heavy pilgrim-charter will leave soon to southamerica...its the "holy year" in Santiago...whole town same as the airport! only in the Centro Gallego der Arte Contemporanea - CGAC, we find "relaxing emptyness", like most of the time in all museums (or churches) ...we meet Manuel Olveira, one of the curators...in the name of Paolo we show him the LKW-project in book form, the video and all the other print-things Paolo did... he likes it, they will talk about it...maybe 2001 LKW parks in Santiago? we would like a lot to work there! Santiago! ![]() on tuesday Teresa and omi will leave for vienna, slowly by car, zigzag-northeast... first to Bilbao to bring a present to our fiberglasssponsors (big prints from TIMEcloud and DROPone..), maybe to see Serras and Chillidas works in the Guggi... see you on oneDROP - Segno Artes pages, which will be linked on http://www.cittadellarte.it from the 7th of october! before we go we want to put the last powerbuildings-images we took in italy...and the link Ian sent us from the man who collects traffic-signs... now - briiightsun came out of windysky. birds don't sing, next autumnstorm seems near, domingo tipico, tranquilo pero animado.. hasta pronto, los calcis ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |