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the A.i.R get nervous. artists without projects get angry, take care! but we have 3 more weeks to meet, hey! our sculpture-neighbour this time is Stefan Potengowski ("potenzgoofy"), he makes an iron-paper gugelhupf next to DROPone (on Thomas Seidemanns cardboardspace-proposal you can see it in the background). from Stefan we hear the first time about balloon-silk and its characteristics. sounds like a perfect skin to install DROPone permantly (but mobile) inside cittadellartes infrastructure. togehter with Michelangelo we decide to study DROPone's structure with a balloonsilk-dress; it's so "solid", that it can be heated easily and serve as a digital workingspace for max. 4 persons (but only one c-station). Stefan wants to visit us in August in Casqueiro, and bring some samples. his gugelhupf also inspires us to tell him about a geenhouse we want to build in Casqueiro. Stefan wants to help us to build it when he comes! we start to draw it into the air... with Leopold Kessler we talk about our installation we want to do in January 2000 in the REM/SE Bludenz....because we like how he makes an alarm clock running backwards by tapping the river Cervo's energy. we tell him about the "fountain-estuary" idea we had... he likes it, "we'll stay wired.." "we will continue, we go on" is the last thing Michelangelo says before we leave Biella after 5 weeks. we saw that DROPone, works as an intimate, concentrated, but also fragile and "unsure space". the space drops. and we imagine the last time together in real life how we will put oneDROP - Segno Arte into Viennas context "see you in Vienna", we say, "see you in Vienna". ciao tutti, ciao A.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.R.R.R.... digiTal Adler, an old friend from Israel, we met the first time in citta', invited Teresa and omi to Jerusalem. to the desert, where he owns a house, and a dog, and a computer...yes, come on, x-mas and total-2000-mas in the holy desert! . slowly, but very slowly, in about 8, 9 days we drive home. from Biella, over the cote d'azur. we stay some days in Menton. swimswimswim. ![]() and come home end of July. a car full of herbs, books, new music-cd's and tunnel images. finally! casqueiro under our feet again! summer, L.A. freshfish and deepsleep! ![]() Johannes is already here! Bienvenido Juan Surfero! with him we did communimage (Juan is from swiss expo's official web-site and is main one responsible ..) and with him we decide the next steps. after Luks, Silke and the Malex-crew realized Juan's idea for a post office, we have to slow down any further facettes. communimage is a expensive tool and image, and Juan has to find first a sponsor who can finance next applications. then, over the question how communimage could be shown in space, we come up with the idea to install it as a room-installation (no digital interaction) in the REM/SE next January...yes, why not, we want to build a model and play with it... we tell Leopold about it and ask him if solar pannels can run a databeam. "shure! but how?" see communimage as an "image in a gallery" at the beginning of January 2000 in the REM/SE Bludenz! or at least on this page. the first of August and the beach calls every day. we pack some things, like a pencil and towel and go to Freixulfe, our housebeach. Ester and Steffen from Berlin (HERZBLUT) come! we all go to the beach and eat an endless paella! Manolo Pasodoble tells us about a mysterious hot waterbulb, which traveled from the gulf of mexico to the cantabrian coast... a proposito!: Peter Lütje and Maike are arriving! when Esther and Steffen left. we met Peter when he was one of the A.i.R. in citta', Meike we only knew from what he told us ("my wife is doing a lightning-career, while I resi-dance!"). they are married and run rraum in Frankfurt. a space, this or that space, in their apartment, which they give to people for a while, so they can inform the room. we are happy to be invited to rraum too!. during their stay in Casqueiro we also work on some new KFN-updates. Peter names the developing KFN baby : BIMO - the BIMObile-system. btw: Silke made us a little com.button, where the few clients-sites we did and do can be visited. ![]() one night, mild, long night with deep basstones weaving round casqueiro, it started that we open rraum III in . in "Navia York", like Peter said. like a glow-worm, parked in space among us, this idea became more and more... an idea. we imagine a public space within the social daily-structure, which opens periodically its real space with new works (all kind of works..) in Navia, and announce it (by web and mailings and print and all) as if it would be in Navia York. kind of the same question like in the hole calc-thing is interesting: can this "kind of gallery" be successful in the sense of influence and thereby change daily life, or not? is it a good idea to open a "modern art gallery" (for a period of a year we said..) in a village where it seems that no nose has any interest in it? how can we know if we don't try? can we know if we don't? no. so - ... rrrauuummmm! Maike said probably after their last year in Städelschule in 2001. we have it fat written in our count-down-agenda! and all visits go, Olivier Feraud, another A.i.R. and his friend Elise come just a half day and a night and a morning,... and where are we? oh yes, at home, at the coast, living on level zero, with a hot waterbubble swinging in front of our housebeach! good! Mister Bedia, Navias mayor, gives us the inofficial okay to help us in further "parksteps". he'll participate with machines and workers which will help us very soon with first big step: to break down the wall to the height of a bench, and clean up the canel and the field. . we want to inaugurate the 2nd of September, dia de San Antolín! no time left! but first the "park-issue" must be accepted by the town-representatives, so we only got 5 short days, when they start the 26 of August... ![]() lets see, but anyhow - we print the invitations and invite! we want music and Sidra, lights and oranges! we do what we can, Alvaro too, who will live soon right next to el Parque del Naranjo. . eclipse totale! we are in the 80% shadowfield and find the strange sunglasseffect nice.but seagulls laugh as ever and the dogs do not even look up... all we hear from people who have been in the 100%field is unbelievable! ![]() Teresa and Silke were in L.A. when it happened. now we will finance the buying of the land with the money we made with communimage. Lisi Hämmerle wants to do an orange- party in her gallery specially for potential buyers of the O-images we did... we hope it works, at least that we can pay the expenses (~1.300.000 Pesetas, and the town pays the rest...). art is to gamble seriously. . after that, end of August 99, Lisi H. wants to take "us" and the O-park-project to the FIAC in Paris..."new tendecies" or something like that...the dimensions of the "market-box" she got there is boring and ugly! we don't know what to do there...difficult...we make a model... and an invitation card. ![]() Luks is working a lot on the proposal he was asked for by Michelangelo Pistoletto for Cittadellarte's communication: to develop a maillist-sytem which garantees a continous information about citta's activities and plans. Hans Extreme from e-toy helps us a lot. he knows 100 times more about it! Luks is also doing researches for the draw-tool we want to send online for oneDROP - Segno Arte in oktober in Vienna... and in two days Aquilino and his excavator comes to break down the first part of the orange trees chains! sky falls into deepdeepsea. last greens showing out of light and Tita shouts for bread. she always gets a bit of bread before to go to straw. 20 - 0 8 - 1 9 9 9 - 1 3 : 2 7 c a s q u e i r o - - - o+T+L+thanxs I A N ! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |