t h e p i a n o , no renzo but kebab! we got a first PDF-
proposal for the Marseille-proyect ready.. its form made that we call it p i a n o..lets see what the kebabs think! >
scot asks for a text for communimage in san francisco..
omi writes a kind of hippiecard.. ironical ballkicking arnoldism > mr. govonor!.. goes like that:
if you’re going to San Francisco..communimage in Arnolds County!
www.communimage.net is a collaborative art project since 1999 and was developed and pre-presented in the context of the Swiss expo2002. Since then the project attempts to entertain a visual global “polylogue” and grows without any censorship or hierarchic control.
The inputs from about two thousend people from all around made that it can be seen and played today as a “city of image”. c-imagecity manifests itself as the free sparkling source code of a free-minded-love-choise-speach-information-society. Welcome to California, the cradle of this Dream!
Is it a coincidence that the proportianal relations between ‘neighbourhood-productions’ and ‘pornographic-productions’ are about the same in California and in communimage (~97:03) ? communimage is californian!
These rights couldn’t be expressed and this dream couldn’t be exposed in some countries on this globe. To be guest in realspace California with communimage means a special spatial honour to its six starting architects. We want to use this opportunity to send greetings to the Governor of the State of California Mr. Anrnold Schwarzenegger, express our respect and share with him the knowledge and the identity of a history which became comon by defending these rights.
Grüssgott Terminator! From shady Europe to sunny California, and our most honest wishes for the ray of light which lets you also see that these rights don’t end where death rows and software copyrights start, but in the free world with the violation of them with the Trailer of a Thriller.
Mr. Governor, be a real heroe again, remember your roots and do a revolution! First in yourself, then within your state and then in the whole Republican Party of the United States of America! communimage!
We don’t know if we’re also speaking in the name of the two thousend continuing architects, we hope, but actually don’t care.. communimage either, and shows that.
Thanx to all c-citizens of California and of communimage for initiating and helping us bringing this piece over, viva la communimagination! may it bring peace to the world!
c a l c
Teresa Alonos Novo, tOmi scheiderBauer, l°°ks brunner,
Malex Spiegel with Roger Lüchinger and Silke Sporn
..but we don’t send it... “too hippie” says the majority.. we send something
cool though.. pragmatic words for a political correct arthistory.
..working on magazine #42 for solidaridad internacional layout..quarking what Maria sends and what we together decide..textures... netting.. giving image to contents in contexts ..fridgework.. one of the best we got..although its pretty bad paid, but what is bad in this correlation?
download > in spanish.. and see what SI does starting from fat NO’s > http://www.solidaridad.org/71revist.html
..the other day un tio en la Alameda was saying that all
these NGO’s are just the goofy gofers of curruptionist..
..smells like fanatic spirit, no?
..there is carneval in cadiz..Cadiz! carneval
queekend in tonguetown!
12..no 13..14..15 years ago we said: we prefer working for money - having a task, a contract and a deal instead of playing the art roulette (“working for myself” serving the collectors taste) .. we said ‘quality of work depends on quality of relation’. Its time to space a booK about it..a real woodbook with theorie >< images and chapters which smell.
our working title = HANDGEBÄCK
our working subtitle = from the mill to the still + vice verses.
reading for gent.. memory, yourmory, wemory.. Topo and omi will go soon..archive - memory..
vali comes! Vale.. son of sister of omi.. friend since 0! with Steffi, su amorcito! a week, a question.. Vale studies architecture.. well, right now he rather avoids its..omi told
him 100 times to come to olécity..to see what we’re doing where and how...Vale doubts in 1000 colours if going towards being archi is the right thing.. the studies are completly overdozed with maths and other very abstract things for a natural born bastler like him.. uncle omi says:
d o u b t ! doubt like if its an answer.. ‘and what are u doing?‘.. ‘i doubt’.
lets roll to Cadiz again.. they say they still carneVli around there! and meet Captain Carlitos.. with sista Eva, Steffi, the doubter and omi the uncle..says: ‘where there is a doubt there is a funk! and Carlitos even knows the place where words are needless.. a real funkfloor!
downtown tonguetown > amaaaazing! MEDUSSA s’called.. who knows if its always that brilliant?..best shakeclub ever! a stinknormal bar..they invested
10 potatos in ‘interior design’, a fooortune in the sound
equipment and and all their lives for finding this DJ!
Vali and Steffi far from home, near to doubts, in the middle of its funcles happiness >
..all built here..whole tongue licked..if there would be still
empty earth in Cadiz omi would propose to life here.. to the rest of the c’s and the p’s.. bye Cadiz..and then afta
some flybydays as if they were made out of jellylove >
ciao Vale, pfüate Steffi.. lets keep in teletouch.. y viva la
architectura libre ;-)
> 22th OF FEBRUARY breakfast..slow..the internal monday-forum > today early..on thuesday.. eva, rubi, papa topo, omito y mama pi..Ghent.. big kick of now, priority task -
inviting people sharing a workshop regarding the open geanet question of the memory.
how to store data - why to store data? how can an digital oblivian be defined and realized?
as always the blackboard is our most important surface..
of bringing into common vision what we generate while
playing with these questions.. and all we (don’t) know about it..memo_ria..la ria autoliquida..
..some weeks.. breakfasts and researches later we got these terms.. tell u later why and how, now >
..madonna! its so great - molamontón! - to be a
doblegroup now.. ca_pa..pa_ca.. its like Alvaro said..
years ago..he said ‘if you paint a room by yourself it takes
a day.. if you paint the same room with a friend it doesn’t take the half of the time, but much less, and the colors become stronger’..
Mama Pi and Rubi > www.despachodepan.com
growing..going slow’n well..
omi sees by coincidence a kind geanet-logo on the
street.. geanet..when will u be ready?
..working all on Alcalá now.. c a s a + o - . n e t
and on reading..talking..writing..searching for texts
and materials for Ghent..and on the extension for
mount kebab..