..elections in the USA..George Doubleyou Bush becomes realy elected..not like last time when he won his presidency in the lawtterie..darktimes.. may a sun rise in global fundilandia!.but lets see.. it always came different..
MiMoo mails..on the torchrun for change..and fresh underwears..
.. ..Virginia y Pilar..geogeo! eVa had the idea to invite them..friends from the ol’days..geographers now ..we invite them to write for/about geanet.. about theirs in relation to ours..after turning around a table on which is space.. affections are drawing this space..these maps..
..to bad they didn’t meet before..the BCDbook would have become fuller..worlder..
> MiMoos postelectionmail..
..and for all the other victims of the official merciless northamerican politics..
..pessimism of intelect..optimism of compassion..
> 6th OF NOV Rubi invites us to Villanueva del Rio y Minas
where his parents have a little weekend house..parillada con Isabel y Manolo, Rubis mamas..
ufff....we all needed some days off..well this one at least..
how strange > coin-ci-dence made that we are a frogteam today!..
guess it was the going-to-the-green-impuls...
..omitakeoff > Rotterdam..Bazar Hotel..Witte de Whit..diamond street..shuttle bus > Van Nelle! DEAF04..
..gsus! its even cocktailer!. the icecubeshaker drowns everything..an upper class factory canteen full of knock
off people..lot to shake..Stephen Kovats is the talkmaster and omi the icecubeclown..geanet-heroe..some get closer to listen and to talk..micro off and talking nose to nose to people..like all the 3 deafdays..we should have proposed a geanet for deaf and the prison..
..there is this washmachinehouse.. downtown..exposed..an image..2012architecten..
..thanks a lot for inviting us Nat and Stephen!..let you know..
..Antwerp!..Peter Verwimp..cooks!.rice and fish..salud!.and works on an obejct for India..Pratul is trying to organizing a show there..working title > LOVE > Peter is drawing two intertwirled swords..
..while in Sevilla the little book and the big square become..
> Ghent..visiting Lieve and Jan and the space..and the city..
gothic..rocket forest.. great space..light and shadow, all here..>
..next geanet workshop will take place in collaboration with On Line > http://www.kunstonline.info/ at the RFG (Richard Foncke Gallery > http://www.rfgonline.be) in Ghent (Belgium) in April 2005... for this occasion we want to reflect on the notion of memory and analyse and display what we call a "common memory" in relation to (affective) geography and the kunstonline.info database. by this date the prototype should already be online, so it will be the first workshop that can have a direct influence on the improvement of the geanet-system.
..Nico!..Nico Dockx..half an hour in GRF!.. the perfect moment to inform our map with a spot.. travel slow..c u Nico..
..c u Lieve..Jan..muchas gracias!.we’re looking forward to work here!..
> 15th OF NOV..omi - way back - Rotterdam - Malaga - Sevilla..hola amores.. que tal la pasta y la barriga?
..Krondstadt..the “project office”..really could come true.. Maria from St. Peterburg writes us.. she wants us to propose this platfrom seriously..and look for money..at least for the stay..the travel expences we could maybe find..
..eVa > Marseille.. 4days3nights..Sylvie..Yannick.. measurements and images for an extended house..
..until end of feb. we want to present something..planed..
..and another report from the islanders from the other side of the world > Croniquilla del Sur desde las islas del centro de Tonga
..working on the little geanet-book..still..and on Feltrificio Biellese.. ..remember? Juan and the a.i.m. request?..little factory..eight employee.. and windows..well..beside knowing about the lowbudget-horizon of our possible collaboration we also like the idea to start light..twilight..
..and again..news from the sailors! > from Nuku Alofa..
..El Sur has mail on board now...:
-----Mensaje original-----
Enviado el: martes, 16 de noviembre de 2004 6:04
Asunto: Por la mar océana
Desde Tonga a Minerva
21º 45´S - 176º 26W / 16.11.04
Ayer, 15 de noviembre, El Sur, de nuevo, se hizo a la mar océana; esta vez salió de Nuku´Alofa, la capital del Reino de Tonga, hacia un arrecife por allá perdido, de nombre Minerva, camino hacia Nueva Zelanda. Él iba con poco
viento de aleta, contento y a unos cuatro nudillos, para recorrer, por una mar tranquila, doscientas cincuenta millas y poder llegar con luz de día al pequeño arrecife (merece la pena buscarla en una carta). Salió solito, porque a los dos barcos italianos aún les faltaba mucho para tener sus barcos a punto.
Desde hace varios días la vida a bordo gira alrededor de la recepción de información meteorológica; a tres horas distintas del día suena un inconfundible cric, cric, cric, de la entrada de los weather fax de "situación actual", "a treinta horas" y "a cuarenta y ocho"; al atardecer nos enganchamos a la red, recibimos varias previsiones meteorológicas y además despierta expectación por si nos trae algunos correos personales, ¿para ti? ¿para mí?
Muchos besos,
El Sur
..already some days after a next report from Polynesia..from Minerva Norte, its going towards New Zealand..will eVa and omi meet them in New Zealand end of winter..?
eVa’s back from Cap Canaveral! ..she brought hundreds of images, measurements..drawings.. and a lot to tell from her talks with Slyvie
and Yannick.. on the long run the terrace-project is a whole-house-
project...you’ll soonsee..we’ll present ideas and first plans end of feb.2005..
> 24th OF NOV > surprise surprise! Ismael and Lourdes from Bilbao are comming to Sevilla! ..they want to see the First International Biennial of Contemporary Art of Seville ..and us...who couldn’t be farer from this Biennial...no, we don’t like it.. the whole show seems to ignore everything what is “contemporary” here..no links, no weaves, no dialog.. just names and arts.. like a peace nobody is going to..
..the next day Marta calls...she is part of the renovation-team of
La Iglesia del Salvador in Seville..and asks if we want to join a
guided tour through the site..sure we want!..
..a new view to where we are living..passing.. stop over a lot >
Plaza del Salvador..plaza de las cervecitas..Ismael misses skycrapers and twilights..he came for Blade Runner and found El Salvador..well,
not too far..but anyway..he also likes these catholic pyramids..
Isma’s asking us if we are interested to come to Bilbo..soon..to talk
about our work..c a l c y l a p a n a d e r i a ..in Espacio Abisal..where they (Soto’s also part..) are organizing shows and meetings and...YES, with pleasure we’d like to meet you up there!.. lets check out online.. dates and spaces..