while we are moving between all possible different points
of views and reflections > look..good example > the soccerday
came close!
simultaneous with Athens L.A. celebrates today – the
> 29th of August - the 6th football match since c a l c
helped to reincarnate the village party in 1998 its new
center was inaugurated..
its a rainy day..and the field is flooded from the early evening
tide..just as we wanted..okay, the rain could have stayed up
home, but the water from bellow will help to make the fight
behind the ball more elegant..less dry and ordinary..
so lets dance - married against unmarried > by the way, did
you hear that André Heller is the artistic director of the next
football world championship in germany 2006? deutsches interview..
..should we let him know about our L.A.soccer-culture?
..the field got dryer..the tide’s retiring, almost ready, just
the chalk lines are missing..
what a pitty Ruben can’t play this year..he left two days
ago to meet Ana..his love..she was working all month down
south in Fuenteovejuna for this theatre piece for and in
and with that village..
..also Topo el Deivi can’t play..his knee crunches and hurts..
but in the end we are enough and we enjoy like never before!
good that Amador, our life-narrator decided to start the match
just in the moment when the tide left..but enough water
remained to make us look like skating fishes..
the teams..
..the married won 8:5..and Eva does a poster from a
sellection from the images she made..we’ll print it and
put it into the vitrine next to the park..where in three days
la fiesta #6 de San Antolín will be celebrated..
if you combine this 4 stripes one over the other..
you have the poster again...
..what a day! ..it was the first match without L°°ks,
el suizo..but he’ll be back tomorrow! great, we could
need some helping hands for preparing la fiesta, but
first of all we just are looking forward to meet him!
today > 30th of August > welcome back L°°ks!
big come and go..Curt and Märle decide to leave
tomorrow..just one day before la fiesta..they prefer
to be back home in Bregenz by friday night, so they
have a weekend before they have to work on monday..
bye amores..take care..send an sms when you arrived,
see you online..lets see when we can meet again..
Ismael..our friend from Bilbao mails an invitation again..
just in time > zapping landscapes..>
..and finally > some news from the worldsailers..they are
still in Polynesia..these islands made that they extended
their trip for a year! .. today they send la nueva cronica:
Como robinsones de los Mares del Sur (un poco).
Neiafu, Vava´o. Reino de Tonga, 06.09.04
..all August, sweet August we didn’t find an empty timehole
to pour in work on the BCD-book..after looking our space of
time of space..we decide to finish this work end of October..
promised..> then we’ll bring the files to the printer!
but now > lets do last grips for tomorrow..la fiesta, okay?
.before Curt and Märle left Curt finished this years park-
banner..you know, we’re asking every year someone else
and after 10 years we thought to hang them all..all along
the avenue which leads to L.A...
..okay, > 1st of September > we have to go now..very soon we’ll
be back in Sevilla and in this boo© and tell/show you about la
fiesta and all other cantrips..read you soon..