> 11th of March 2004 Madrid
..we are all shoked,
paralized..all activity gets transformed from one
news-moment to the other and concentrated in front
of the television in the bar around the corner..is it
true? ..like this feelings from the 9/11 all over again..
we can’t concentrate anymore..what are we doing?
for whom?..its like also our backgrounds and prospects
exploded..and all presence lies in ruins..
..it seems from the first moment that this was another
cruelness directed by Al Qaeda..although the PP..the
still governing party does its “best” to make us think
something else..“ETA did it, ETA did it...” no doubts
about ETAs bloody tradition..but you really think they
would be so stupid to kill 192 people and leave 1000s
in pain, dolor and trauma just some days before the
elections? why? to make sure that those really good
friends of Bush junior and his really good friends will
win the elections?..something’s more implausible??..
on the 12th we and around 700.000 more are demonstrating
in the streets of Sevilla our total rejection for any act of terror, intolerance and fanatism! the Us-war in the iraq and the
official actual Israelian “politcs” included!
..even when proofs are getting obvious to the blind and
deaf the PP’s are going on to invent their electiondevil!
its making everything even more painfull..listen to only
one little dialog..life..today..between the interior-
minister Acebes and a journalist:
Acebes: ETA did it!
Press: Do you have any proof?
Acebes: No, but i have no doubts!
this says all..and thanks to the whole universe the
spanish are not as stupid as those people want them
to be: on the 14th - election day - Mister Mustache and
his loyal following may go a while to the second row..
the night before the elections flash mops organized
maybe the first political manifestation organized by
SMS’..a new form of protest against disinformation!
> article in german..
via 16beaver an e-mail from Sally from Madrid reaches
us..don’t know her, but although we’re in Sevilla we
know what she’s talking about
..Teresa is writing a short – german - text..reflection on
what just happend..and also in relation to geografiaffettiva
and why we consider it an important project..>
..absurdität territorial bedingter Konflikte in einer immer mehr deterritorialisierten gegewart, spürbar in
der delokalisierung der konflikte. die attentate des 11s und 11m als ausdruck des verzweifelten festhalten an dieser identifikation mit territorium/kultur/religion und erzwingen des andern zurück in definierte grenzen.
was heisst für das individuum der verlust der verbunden-heit, identifikation mit der nation? wie definieren und nehmen wir unser lebensumfeld wahr, wie prägt uns diese wahrnehmung, wie manifestiert sich die auflösung der grenzen in unserem alltag und welche neue territorien und relationen zu diesen entstehen.
Europa als studienfeld dieses soziokulturellen phaenomens und geoaff als werkzeug zur erfassung
dieser erosion/progresion des “territoriums”.
terror – territorium
. . .
we’re working on new papers for geografia affettiva..
on its archive site.. Teresa is continuing the model
after we decided more or less how we want to bring
geografia affettiva into the BCD-space – no forest,
but a system of hanging transparent and printed
layers of maps, which we can inform with individual
threads from each of us...
...and again an e-mail from out of the open Renè circles..
the 16beavergroup announces that Michelangelo is in
NYC..and in 16beaver... >
Friday Night -- 03.12.04 –
Michelangelo Pistoletto at 16Beaver
..again and again amazing and amazing how the world
meets the world..and makes world..
..and what links Malex always finds..today a visual
meta searcher> http://www.kartoo.com/ ..type calcaxy..
..or how we’re receiving these “sailing-mails”..on
one side Marisa and Lois who really do it, on the
other Luis who really does it too, but only screenwise >
Querid@s amig@s
Finalizada la 6ª etapa de esta vuelta al mundo virtual (pero no por eso exenta de trabajo y esfuerzo) os envío como de costumbre una pequeña crónica de la misma.
La etapa comenzaba en Miami y el primer punto de paso obligado (Way point, "WP", en el argot) estaba situado en la isla Bermuda, el cual había que dejar por babor, para a continuación franquear el 2º Way point en Nueva York esta vez dejándolo por estribor y de allí ir a meta situada en Halifax (Canadá). Nuestra actuación en esta etapa ha sido más bien discreta ( no sé si por influencia del "triangulo de las Bermudas") pero el caso es que en el paso del primer WP quedamos cortos de barlovento y solo conseguimos
remontarlo en la posición 40ª y ciertamente descolgados de la cabeza de la flota, a partir de ahí nada que objetar al resto de nuestra regata, al 2º WP llegamos alrededor de la posición 30ª y entramos en meta al fin en la posición 28ª.
Resultado discreto pero que nos permite mantener la 1ª posición en la clasificación general a 10 puntos del 2º clasificado.
La siguiente etapa será entre Halifax y Oslo en fecha aún por determinar y procuraremos no acordarnos de Bermudas.
Como siempre os mando en un adjunto la “foto” finish de la regata.
Un abrazo Luis
..getting everything together for Marseille...colored
woolen threads..a system to hang them.. the printed maps..world..europe..marseille..what else?
> Ismael exposes again! > in Bilbo..psychodelic
manual photoshoping..
friday 19th of March > leaving to Marseille..
..experiencing a one week workshop with Damien,
Jessica, Julie, Rebecca, Sandrine, Vincent and Yue
from the Ecole des Beaux Arts and Yannick, Sylvie,
Alessandra, Marie and Florence from the BCD..
from c a l c and lapanaderia>
Teresa, omi, Eva and David
Catherine Chevalier and Jerome from Perpignan
are visiting us! Jerome who was part of the workshop
we did in Perpignan brought a CD..a simulation of
g.a.! he and Jaques made it!..Jerome partizipats also
in the workshop..
..also Michel..one of the professors we met in Perpignan
comes for the opening..with a lot of interesting news..they
are starting a new exchange program between variuos
european art academies..and can image that geografiaaffettiva is one of the tools they’re using to visualize their
relations..he wants to send us their concept soon..a ver..
..inauguration night..Fabrice Gallis de Nice is here too!
met him in UNIDEE years ago..”..how can the affective
really become visual in a project like this?..” his asking..
good question..we’re working on it..although everything
c643d have been much better with more time we are
quite satisfied how it got visualized in the BCD space..
Sylvie prepared a great dinner in their house up on the hill..
..she’s asking if we..c a l c and lapanaderia are interested
in proposing an architecture to extend their veranda up on
the hill...ssss, we are..very much! ..talk later ‘bout that..