omi reserves the domain www.orilla-orilla.net and does
some interface-sketches for the website we want to do
in Medellin: el Puente!
..and Charley is here! he was resident in 2001
and came back to work on his project for a.i.m (arteattraverso i muri) – he wants to put a huge wall-graphic
of Panganeas transformations..the continental drift as a
metaphor for inevitable changes..
omi is going forward and backward Torino..packing things..
Teresa and Topo will take them all to Sevilla while Eva and
him will be on their way to Colombia!
the presentation day!
Oier does the first speech! La Tormenta!
i wish we could add some links to pages they made in
cittadellarte for this presentation or any other online-
translation from what happened this UNIDEE-year, but
they are redesigning www.cittadellarte.it and it will take
some more time..
omi gets a visit from Robin and Scully..the guys who
invented and run http://www.paperkut.net.. they’d like
to collaborate..fine..we’ll check paperkut out until the
end of the year..
the presentation day is good..the show (open studio)
is great! although the parallel presence in Antwerp
made hings more difficult we manage a good day!
and a good night:
first party this UNIDEE-year! dancing night! DJ-omito
(hiphopsoul’nfunk!) and DJ-Daniele (househouse!) do
a good and long job! finally we dance!
thanks God you sent Charley!
Juan, Cristina and Anis are leaving tomorrow already to
Colombia..but before we have to cel-ebrate the r-evolution
day..this year without Michelangelo, and without Ryan and
André who had to leave already back home..where projects
are waiting..again up there in the bee keepers club, where
this long table is..
UNIDEEs final meal..the meal which wants to remember that
this - although it ends - has only started..if we want..welcome
in the network of cittadellarte! we all don’t know and we all
are excited how this (and we) will go on..
Juan, Cristina and Anis are already gone, omi is leaving today
to Madrid, L°°ks’ back home in mothership L.A. is preparing
papers about geografia affettiva for http://www.sitemapping.ch
and Miss Pi and Topo are staying some more days in Biella
and Torino..packing their babyship-things..saying good bye to
and good bye residents2004! hope to see you all again!
ciao Charley, hope to see you soon somewhere, why
don’t you come to visit us in mother- or sister-ship?
“good bye torino”..omi says..a bit sad..today..last day of having
a bed here...it didn’t really work like we were dreaming after
BIG closed and we opened the babyship..or did it? oo yes!
but everything moved to Sevilla..wishes, ideas, plans..dreams..
..”ciao sister Iris, good luck with your thesis..ciao Max..hasta
luego Maria..bye You..see you soon in Spain..maybe right after
just some hours before leaving Francesca, who runs cittas
press office, sends out en e-mail about our colaboration in
Colombia..in italian..
Madrid > meeting Eva in the late afternoon of the 4th of November!
tomorrow they leave to Paris and Bogotá where they have another
last flight to Medellin the same night..Juan’s there already..
he and Natalia will pick them up..volamos flor!
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while the flying c a l c delegation is watching the little screen
in front of them..reflecting about the potential of geografia
affettiva and playing with ideas for the coming workshop-weeks,
Teresa and Topo are driving on their way down south from
Turin to Sevilla..
full car..it was snowing when they left Turin..
..and its a clear warm night when Eva and omi are arriving
in Bogotá..the international airport looks like a little national
one but the national airport looks like the international one..
proportians and measures change and indicate that people
are flying here a lot, si o que?
si! Eva and omi arrive to Medellin, Juan and Natalia are awaiting
them alredy..hola bonitos! on their way downtown Medellin they
get their first lesson in “where am i here?”. they knew that this is
going to be something else, but they are surprised that a lot of
information they hear the first time. “don’t talk in public, somebody
could hear your foreign accent and sell you to the guerilla”..
coming down to Medellin from the north..seeing this huge slim
city-bowl from above..we stop for some beers and a Arepa (flat
bread of corn) and listen..”never take a taxi in the street..the
taxidriver could betray you..always call for a taxi!”..
we can stay in Natalias sisters house the first days..”she’s
in the USA..no problem”..fine! tomorrow we have one last
free day before we meet the students who are going to
work with us! lets have a walk around..”no walks alone, only
if you’re with us or the students, okay?” “okay..its scary here..”
but the fruits are so many! fruits we never saw..trees we
never saw..downtown..how green this big city is..and
how polluted..the buses seem to drive with coal..
Natalia drives us around..its like a village..on the other
hand it looks very clean here..this whole city is like hundreds
of villages..no center..we pick up Cristina and Anis..Anis will
go to the kindergarten the next weeks while we are working!
now we are going to the city center..next day..where el
centro colombo americano is..the center which invited us..
or better said Juan Alberto who is the director of the
gallery there..we are going to meet the students today!