18th of january 2003
omi is leaving again, going the first time to Sevilla,
eVas city! Miss Pi and Topo bring him to Milano.. its
a cold winterday, grey and wet..ciao famiglia, grazie..
> Brusellas > Madrid > via AVE to Cordoba - Sevilla
> EVA 22:00! aiii..
saturday night, first night together in olécity..its raining
but it feels already like spring..some bars got the tables
outside and there are little fires under the tables..raindrops
in our beers..
sunday in Sevilla, long walk through the center, which
was once an arabian-jewish-christian center..long
time ago, but architecture still talks about it on every
corner..and there a lot of these catholic bars..
Plaza Alameda..there is this amazing house, looks abandoned
and we are dreaming to "buy" it and to install the babyship here.
yes, why not moving next year from Torino to Sevilla with our
jollyboat? it could anchor each year in a different city..
monday..rain again..Marisa, Evas mother, and Lois her
boyfriend come back from El Puerto de Santa Maria, where
they have SUR, their sailing boat on the dry dock..they are
restoring it from A-Z before they want to start a sailing trip
all around the world in november..omi remembers the idea
c a l c once had with Kurt Matt, the austrian artist who lives
and works a lot on his boat and in harbours - to use the sailing
boat and its GPSdata as a "drawing kit" and visualise the route,
the wind..
Cristina calls from Jerez de la Frontera, Evas aunt..she
maybe found a house for her project..she worked as a
linguist in the univercity of Cadiz and would like to set up
a language school for imigrants..but also invite other groups
and initiatives to give workshops, etc...Eva will be the
architect who brings the house into the shape this activities
need. Eva and omi are taking the train to Jerez. Jerez!
the cradle of Flamenco and the cradle of Eva!
and the one of Tio Pepe..
in Jerez there is this incredible type-center, where people
can learn to use the type writer! its like looking through a
obwohl..die zukunft kam anders:
Cristina shows some houses to Eva..an old little factory, a
salesroom..they are interesting but non is really convincing
and they are all quite expansive..she'll go on to look around..
after one night in El Puerto de Santa Maria where
Cristina and her family lives E and o are leaving to
Arcos de la Frontera ..the "white village" which Eva had
as the theme for her archi-diplome..amazing village,
somehow lost in tourism and tradition
but full of spaces which could open up their meaning
to the present again..in her diploma Eva proposed to
not build a youth hostel (as the theme she choosed
was defined..), but to restore all kind of abandoned
little structures to have the "hostal" all around the
village..Ita and Ito (evita and omito..) talk about to
bring the project as an exhibition and a proposal to
Arcos..but how and when and..
there's this view in Arcos..this perspective down to
this farm house..omi has the feeling that this earth
has babyship-potential and c a l c has olé-potential..
Dagmar Reichert writes and phones to the calcies:
the new agora will be shown soon in the shedhalle
Zuerich..Dagmar askes if we want to do a workshop
regarding the park for L.A. project which we're
showing there..D sends also a short text which explains the "attitude" of these workshops..will we?
we will..but who of we? Miss Pi will be in Barcelona
with Topo then..Looks back in mothership..okay Mala
and omi will go..maybe Eva can come too..see you on
the 15th of february in the shedhalle!
17:00 riding back to Sevilla..meeting las niñas..archisectas..
late at night - after drinking beer in the jewish quarter..ex-
jewish..next to the ex-arabian quarter..this city was a model!
was it? it looks like..
going to EL Mundo, flamencobar…lifeconcert..porritos..
cervecitas..the only country we know where imigrants -
los gitanos and their music - make nearly 100% of the
identity - arabian/indian…viva el flamenco!..what feelings
behind every word.."this morning my heart was
discussing with my head" the singer sings..
wednesday - workday - 08:30 omi is a bricklayer!
manolos house..where Eva and Topo are doing a
renovation-reconstruction..and there are comming
officials from the townhall to check if the works already
started..and they haven't.."we need urgently a worker
who starts, otherwise we won't receive the permission
to go on.." while some advocates are weaseling all
around the house omi demolishes the fake ceiling in
the bathroom..it works..the advocates and manolo are
happy..tapas y sssiesta..
omi's writing on the icon..the project we want to present
to the luci di artista initiative in Torino..Miss Pi works in
babyship on the interface for Unidee-2002..Mala in the
maze-gallery organizing one show after the other and
trying that c a l c can redesign the their website..L°°ks'
back home in mothership - updating the last version of
the BOO©..Malex in Zürich proposing to change the
server..si, venga..we had problems enough with our
spanish mailbox..
reserving a train to Barna on saturday night - another one to
Marseille on sunday morning..the babyship-calcies Miss Pi,
Mala and omi will meet there with Sylvie and Yanick from the
there's a mail reaching the calcies@calcaxy.com ..from
Annette Schindler who runs the plug in in Basel..she did
invite us also for curating degree zero..but now its some-
thing totally different: basel_medienwettbewerb.doc
we think/chat about to maybe present the icon for basel..
there the context could be wider and the icon could not
only shine in x-mas times..we'll link this concept when
we'll have presented it..
David Topi is leaving to Madrid..4 days..meeting Ruben
and then the folks from the unemployment office in Sevilla..
Miss Pi still working hard on UNIDEE-2002..
L°°ks and Juice are visiting Luarca>Europan..they don't
like the problem..the do..they don't..they do..but anyway
they want to partizipate..