again a firy day ! when we're arriving to this mountain-restaurant we see a lot of little fires down in the valley,
until the horizon.. smokedancesculptures writing into
the air..but they look peacefull..they say, some a.i.r.
say, that they are burning the leftovers from the rise
harvest.. prepare the field for next year...just as we're
trying to do it ! as soon as we gonna update and con-
clude the u-diary pages you can read more about it.
a.i.r. ! who wants to write about..no wait, we gonna
send you all en e-mail and ask you, höhöhö..
26Kb you see the little fires on the right, down there..
ciao all fresh a.i.r. c you lets keep in touch..
omi's leaving to London..to Edinbourgh..Goldsmiths,
Protoacademy..Teresa to Barcelona.. architecture.. architects..
L°°ks back in L.A., since 2 months living with Märle and Curt..
they bought a lawnmower ! Tarzan is a lawnmower in the end.
in two hours they can have all Casqueiro shaved..they say..
London ! Maria ! Tom ! Aaanjuschka ! and Simon, Ola, Kajsa,
Lyn & Lyn, Consol, Joe, Key, Janine, Bernie, Paolo (ARTLABs
assistent, studying here !), Gavin, Miss Rogoff..Goldsmiths >
the department for historical and cultural studies invited c a l c
omi..entering, brickbuilding, symetric, very huffy concierge..in
the entrance posters for an anti-war-against-iraq-demonstration >
today..now ! it stoped raining, lets have a guiness before the talk..
good guiness > c a l c, why it started, where it went, how it goes,
what we'll do next. good talk ! this is an open round with an open
question. what art are you (doing) ? later in the bar, crowded with
guinessing artstudents..lets talk about you and me, lets talk
about art baby, lets talk about all the good things and the
bad things that could be..good to be here, welcome at home.
Edingbourgh..long trainride..a lot of ties..rules and recommendations..now get up and wash your hands says a sign over the mirror in
the toilet..a Daily Sun is laying around..the ex-butler of lady Di saw
terrible things going on in the palace, Charles knows much more
as he should and if he would talk about it the last he could become
is king..this must be the only son in the world who waits wishfully
until his mam dies..but right now he would be happier if the butler
would have been gone forever.. God save the butler!
looks a lot like Asturias here ..green juicehills, factories,
stormy sky and sun..but light cliffs, not dark..Steve at the
station ! zack and 2 hours later something similar like in
London, little c a l c art(hi)story..but smaller, more quiete,
no whats, buts and hows in the end. thanks for comming!
Aya-a.i.r. came too! and Chris Byrne ! remember him ?
he's the one who invited us years ago to join little colaborative
online-projects..now he's the director of media scot..but in a rush..see you another time..guinessing at a pub,
later to a indian vegetarian restaurant.. some yous, some mes..
windy here, reminds of Santiago de Compostela, all the stone,
the moss..but Bonfire night tonight ! in memoriam Guy Fawkes,
the angry parlamentbomber from 1605 (failed)..
amazing how acts like Fawkes' can get a metaphorical tradition..
a traditional ritual..incredible light the next morning, silverblue
day..the willows down at the harbour shimmer like the surface
of a nervous lake..bye Edi, we'll meet again..
thanks Steve and Karen for hosting the calci.. Steve Duval has the same Ikea bed-sofa as Tom Dale!
back to London for 2 days...saying ciao and visiting again
Tate Modern..why ? because of the bookshop..trying to
find something on architecture and nomadism...but just
evergreens and bestsellers here..like in the shows too,
of course, what you expected ? we've seen better things
from Herzog & de Meuron..the light here > you either
need sunglasses or a torch. but the floor is special.. Beuys has a lot of it..today with discolights,
really, the bulbs go crazy while we see " blitzschlag auf
hirsch ", the basaltstones, the fine drawings of women
and animals..bulb fiction ! twink-twink,
we're sure that some think thats part of the work. " it is. "
Beuys would maybe say..
anyway > the best art we've seen was the London Eye.
not because they fixed 32 kind of sleepinghouses on an
amazing wheel, but because its whole story, its fantastic
engeneering, its superb estetics and its surprise for
everybody, while for instance Anish Kapoor in the Tate
surprises just the classical Disney-contemplation-clientele..
okay, there's a huge aaaahh when you see it first, but
after checking that its a big thing, nothing else, it gets
boring, no ?
or the Chapman brothers > white cube (we don't add the
URL, you'd get a flash-headache..), they present well done
pseudo african tribal sculptures with this ironical/critical
touch...because some of the wooden sculptures contain
Mc Donalds elements..the M..a tribal wooden Big Mac..
good black british voodoo humor.. and art for collectors and to tranquilize its
own consciousness? shady relation between efford and output. why not plug in
this "critic" into real life in a direct way ? because than its
not art anymore, but social working, rendering of services?
up to you what you want to change in your life..
Tom Dale is good cook ! a good artist and a long range
termdetecter..brings a catalogue from Newcastle (they
left for the weekend..) from this danish guy, norwegian ?
fck, forgot the name again..interesting artist! 'saw the Mao and the Bob Hope demonstration? Tom, tell me, what was his
name (may God rest his soul) ? later..now bye, byebye
and c u in butlers county in April..April ? later..beneath..
32Kb maybe we can't see angels because they are only
visible when they are absent.
back in Torino - Annette Schindler from [plug in], Basel writes(german only)..
they are planning a different-curators-different-curating-travelling-archive-kind-of-show..and would like that we participate with our
BIG little torino experience..we only have to fill a suitecase with
material about bigguest.net..and the whole.. and us and..we'll
send you the material when we're back in L.A...ok..thanks for plugin' us..
we see the digiZEN documentation Igor and Davide made
from BIG..in the lingotto..Renzo Piano renovated it..must have
done a lot of ugly compromises, looks like in the corridor of
Brunais sultan palast..rich and cold..but the movie was nice to see..
a fast videocliplike runtrough the BIGtime..grazie chicos, era
de buddha madre !
Teresa is on the road again..omi lands while she takes off
..towards Barcelona..with Laia..to the sea..the light..the deep-breath-no-thing-to-do-days ! omi is taking it easy in Torino,
L°°ks easy..but less in L.A. - the lawnowwwwwer !..Judith's
busy in the MAZE..MAZE invites c a l c to talk about an idea
they had - Riccardo, Luca, Judith..a good idea ! we thought
about it a lot too ! but its triplepublic and therefore under
cover until the concept is through the pre-concept meeting..
in Jan.2003..viva coop !
artissimo..torinos artfair..rainingrainingdays..omi goes to
meet Lorenzo, to visit MAZE's stand and : Charlotte Artlab
is in town ! and Paolito..Artlab brews beer now, artbeer,
artlabeer..for women ! it makes you one if you're a man..
thanks for the lunchparty Lorenzo ! (businesslunch-art-
lunch, two guys in elegant cloths, well okay..one guy,
two mobiles, one bottle of wine, two light menùs,
espressi, dolce and lots of plans and lusts for colaborate..)Lorenzos explains omi a new print technic,
inkjet but with organical pigments..they say that colors
last longer than cibachrome..Lorenzo has this printer,
we'll make tests..maybe we can produce the edition
(c a l c - b(u)ildings) we're "planning" since several years
on this machine ?
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