BOO© = on________!
| we just finished it..finally > the so-far-so-called c-urriculum
transformed into the BOO©..wich can grow and makes it easier to hyperfollow..
you know, our plan since years (..) is to develop with Malex this
hyperBOO© where you can, whenever we talk about you, insert your view/truth/lie/
image/fart..actually its very close to the affective geography- idea,
but not so close to not make two separate platforms.. one day..when
L°°ks and omi are alone @home again! |
but lets wangle the watch and twist back uuuuuuntilll>
beginning of september..atlantic air is getting clearer..
omy flies virgin..Teresa will drive laguna..l°°ks back in
L.A..we say ciao in Oviedo..bus station > madrid >
Brussels > Torino..maybe we never see UFOs because
we can't see that the whole sky is full of them..
how does Torino feel alone..what happens? walks and
walks and walks..Torino looks good, like a lot wants to
wake up here! La Drogheria is omis office now, Judith
passes by! we talk about all the projects we want to do..
soon..here in Torino..but where? we check newspapers
and go to see a huge flat..corso dante..around the corner,
near the Po..good flat, mama mia, what a flat! but strange
vibes and too much money, much too much..lets take time
and find something in the months we are here..Judith got
an offer from a gallery..if she wants to come to the artfair
in Berlin..a week..helping presenting..selling..she accepts.
Galleria MAZE (forgive them this web-site, soon a digipixy
will have kissed it!), via Mazzini..the gallerists also run La
Drogheria..the bar-restaurant-living-room-office we're
sitting right now..the world is small and the web is physical!
L°°ks spends last days with Malex and Salome, the two
hot scientists! they're lo(ugh)ving now in the sleepinghouse..
september becomes more and more spring and summer..
skies are bluer everyday. tomorrow M and S will leave..
back to Zürich..after they will have visited Gherytown..
and Teresa was starting her journey yesterday..see you
in some days in cittadellarte miss president..
o, we never saw this link..until now, end of long and crazy
august…the transnational republicans talking about their
first visit to Torino..checking out the possibilities for their
BIG-pavilion..long time ago..again we realize what fruits
the BIG social game generated..even a babyship! and
aM A Z Eing perspectives..and for you? any news, all you
mute artists out there?? any BIGfruit to link?
btw bigfruit!> omi meets Lorenzo at the beach°..they
talk about this idea of sharing a space..first Judith and
omi are going to meet people from the city..see if they
are interested in helping us..leting us an empty factory..
a flat..any backyard house..and then we can become
more concrete…but Lorenzo likes the idea..chevidiamo..
the beach° is getting everytime more expensive and tieland..
music's okay so far..deep funkycolical afternoontunes mixed
with the sweet and spicy smell of campingkebab from our
marrocan neighbours..river Po running slow..while Teresa,
Laia and David staring aqueous at the cheese trolley in a
two-star-gran-nacion-establisment near Toulouse..L°°ks,
back in sundown country, is watching the waves being sync-
hronized with the moods of the nights..
omi meets Maria again! they have a great dinner and
wave too..eating the half night..and restart possible
colaborations..shall we do the visuals for livingrooms
together? but it got quite quiet from Martins direction..
although he sent images where we maybe could install
the livingrooms..middle of zürich..Platzspitz..the needle-
park..exneedle, now only fir needles..
and Martin wants to move to London for some months..
learn to edit videos..we don't think that 2004 is a realistic
date to present livingrooms..but anyway, lets work on the
research and some visuals to give an idea how this
"cityvillage" will look like…from all sides we hear that
other groups and curators are planning similar things…
kind of cityvillages..where artists invent spaces and
proportions, relations and approaches to socialspacial
problems..questions..also MAZE is working on something
like that..but TOP secret you know ..and a spanish curator
writes, telling us from the "village" he wants to to set up in
south spain and if we want..more..some paragraphs
10th of september..omi arrived yesterday, Teresa, Laia
and David today..welcome back in cittadellarte..all the
other a.i.r. are already here..different music is playing
from different corners of the studio..indian..portuguese..
israelian e-beat (subsonics)..middle of September…
while we are getting more and more liquid sweating in
the tasks with the a.i.r. we receive an invitation from
gokArt to do a project "in" Bolzano…the invitation comes
from Marion P. Damiani…you remember? she invited us
many years ago to join the cartografia show.. and then
again for GET TOGETHER in Vienna…it was always fine
to work with her, so we decide to think/talk about it and
give her a feedback until the end of the month…there
are some ideas around wich we'd like to profound..
Teresa came up with it..it all evolved from the "lowcator"..
the tool/surface we want to realize since years..
where a worldmap can be informed with own moves
and stops and links..working title:geographia affectiva…
we let you know if these terms generated more flesh..
the weather > in L.A. as well as in the Piemonte > heavy
jpg.clouds..changing temperatures and seasons in hours,
mister G.W.B could you please take your Boing and visit
Kyoto, or can't you read??
we'd like to invite also Filippo to think about..when he,
Juan, Cristiana and Teresa went back to Corniglia
beginning of August they started to think and play with
this idea of the affective transpersonal mapping..how a
real-web translates itself into a dynamic mapsite, where
traces and weaves can be done and followed..exchanged..
and how these features can generate new informations
for its mappers..soon we'll meet in citta' to talk about..