all wine we brought from Spain gets drinken..drunken..
later in Paolos flat..here..also the croation grappa Andreja
brought..only the canadian maple-sirup from Valerie we
don't touch..also Fran's Tequila we keep for a next time..
a night to start something new.. e_Xplo-rene's here too..
Lorenzo..some etoy agents....some transnashies.. friends
of Paolo..a frog from australia sings beautiful songs for us..
and Paul is ready to go..at 5..the plane..in some hours..
bye bye baby take care..
we got old bikes from the Citta di Torino..flying through the
citys structure..escaping from a many peoples field to a
strawberry field..everybody is all of the sudden gone
sometimes..for a while..by bike..light like never..finding a
necklace on the lightshadow zone at the corner..walking
home under jacket in rains..talking in strange languages,
but understanding better..spring in Torino..fallin' in lovetime..
we're going to Biella..UNIDEE2002..selection of the residents..
how strange to leave Torino..we both never felt so much at
home since a long time..like we lived/worked here for years..
we need two days..one and a half..and 17 residents are
found..from all over..it's the first year we really can see and
choose other than just art-field-people..we're looking very much
forward to this years unidee-months..July and Oktober again..
this year with more time..to dive into their projects..postbig..
seeing Valerie and Brad the last time, by chance, by
the way, Badessa..ciao Advice Bunny, and bring the
carrots online soon!
Eytan in Torino! Tel Aviv - Milano..before he goes to Berlin..
invitation from the jewish museum..maybe he can show the
Pen Pal Project there..and more..we take time together as
much as we can..we want to elaborate a first concept for
something similar like communimage..and Regina (Florida
Schmid) arrived too! benvenuta signorina Florida! ..and
Hänsel Vogel..our friend from Basel! amazing how our
circle of people changes all the time and at the same time
it stays the same..like we're working on one big project..
the nights..
Eytan! while sitting in roar roads drinking beer and beeing
MTV'ed from the back with can hip hop..working..drawing..
talking about eyland..an idea we just had..why not rewrite
communimage to where it's a pure geometrical, ornamental
image tool..an arabian-jewish-postverbal (or pre..as u like)
image tool..which gives you, based on the infinite possibilties
of the sexangle, a surface to explore it..communicate it..
extend it..a growing pattern..sponsored by the bees..we
draw and talk and draw and talk until we know that he'll
present that in Berlin..another beer..'what you didn't know
Jonny Cash?'..'who? John Nash??'..'Johnny Cash , the
burning ring of fire!'..'a, no never heard of him'
..next day..
making a clear, short concept out of the talksketches from
last night..calling Malex in Züri..telling him the idea of
eyeland..says Malex 'you know John Nash?', 'John whoo??'
I say..says Malex 'Nash, interesting man, wrote the play
theory..all based on the incredible possibilties of the hexagon..'
Eytan never heard of John Nash before..we're pretty
sure its because it's a good idea things are going a
bit crazy..intuitional interferences..when Maria tells
that a friend of her just saw a movie about 'the life of
John Nash..Hollywood..pretty good movie she said'..
we believe it: Eytan will present this little concept in
Berlin tomorrow..eyland..just a working title..think we
should do this project anyway..
another catalogue#2 meeting, bellissimo..Nico's here too!
some days, some nights..hope u can make a big conceptual
#2 step..and to see u outside the office- and artwalls..Eytan
flies to B..shalom and salemeleikum..let us know the Nash-
news..Luisa, Carla, Leander, Tom, Bettina and Martin are
coming..blitzvisit through the show..and see u later at
amanates..and Lorenzo, ciao Lorencito..may I present you
a half dozen of our family..dinner at Samoa..playing napkin-
ball with Leander until the waiter lurks..
call Miklós..' got the images? were okay?'..seeing children
playing..modelling on slice252's Cavallerizza platform..
10th of May - i want to kiss that day!
getting closer to Piazza Castello from Via Roma, it's
getting silent now..every day more..a lot left, many are
leaving..now..the now got new somehow..we're diving,
dancing, cruising..wondering, meeting in a physical net-
space..our routes and rythms are the net, we're the knots..
every step changes tension and temperature..like when
when getting closer to Piazza Castello..with Dafna's amore
banner cuting the street softly, a slice of etoy's orange head-
quarter..Katrin Korfmanns wall growing in the back..and
Torino of course..nothing without Torino..
music and people, meeting the family in amantes..Leander
(6) loves it..Carla (10) likes it..so many piercings and other
to-early-things..'later we'll go on e-Xplo's bus tour..all
around the city..they are making music while we're touring..
touring music, you want to come?' 'yeeaaaahh'..nice ride..
the driver is such a good cameraman..just because Rene tells
him exactly how and where to drive..we're floating around
the corners like a submarin..the music is sound is noise is
music..suspense..Leander telling that its amazing how this
sound changes seeing..Carla felt asleep..tour ends on the
other side of Ria Dora..youth house..young house..electric
guitars (my catc is an alien)screaming videolight fissles..
good night children..buy ragazzi..a domani..hola fresa!
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