3rd of February - back in mothership! L°°ks, Märle and Curt are
awaiting us! the next weeks we want to concentrate in going on
to making the sleepinghouse better, on bigguests projects and
on our meeting in Madrid. we work a lot, but with calmness. that's
one of the good things down here: time/space is wider, nothing
really happens, so you can see better what actually should happen.
in the mornings we run again around the lake on Navias beach.
we missed this body-hour a lot. when we'll work in Turin for some
months soon we have to get some old bikes at least...its so un-
healthy to life just in the head and in fingertips.
reading an article from Eduardo Kac and his transgenetic Bunny
Alba. we like how and what he writes. didn't know that he's a kind
of sister in mind. its raining tonight like never before! or is it
because we're sleeping now in the egg? only a thin cotton skin
seperates us from the outside. raindrops on the sleeping house
sound like falling music. each segment of the oval sounds different.
the form doesn't give any resistance to the wind, we only hear the
dancing green noise of the pine trees, the laurel, the cherry tree,
and the rain..
we are doing banners and tons of mails and we talk about what
we'd like to write for bigguest - related. we understand our work
for Big much more than our project. we are curators, but don't
know what that is. we have to invent our own version.
to communicate with some of the people we invited its like talking
to somebody very close already. like we are working or living together.
but with others its really resinous…but that's big-life, we know why
we're doing that.
Mama Pipi's and Papa Balz's baby comes to earth! a special
soon the three will leave to the other L.A., California. maybe
we'll come to visit you if we go to Colombia with Juan…
Potscholo does some great drawers for under our bed. we found
ideas how to store all our stuff (cloths, suitcases,…) under the
floor and under the bed. so the whole shape will remain open.
L°°ks installs more lights and we put a big table into the entrence,
Madrid - ARCO. we have to prepare our speech for the panel
discussion. what shall we say within a round which is invited
[ARCHITECTURE FOR ART]? we will talk about calc, why we
are and where, what we do and don't. then we'll show some
projects - TIMEcloud, a park for L.A. and the ideas for the BIG
hall… in order to make clear that its more about the dilemma of
the atiitude of art(ists), not primary a problem of new spaces.
we think that's a good idea.
4 days madrid. we visit ARCO and we visit IKEA.
the panel is good. we're surprised that we (Tony Fretton, Adam
Caruso and Arie Graafland) agree on the the not-primary-problem
of architecture, but arttitude. Key Portilla-Kawamura is a great
host! him and the others he invited were very worth to come her!
but it's a pitty that Arco isn't really interested in leting people profound
their meeting and maybe generate some new ideas and informations.
when we all made our presentation and we want to open the talk
to the public they tell us that its time to go! 15 minutes of hyperhand-
shaking with everybody, cursing, leaving. downtown with all the
other panelsurfers…
hours later, diving in the cigarette clouds of the after-opening-party
we make a DJ-exchange-deal with Key's friend Francisco - a CD-
ping-pong for a year, continuous copy-send - copy-back communication
to inform us about what we consider good music.
heads or tails? heads - Francisco starts.
but beside that and the presence of Consol Rodriguez (we know/
love us from UNIDEE..) it's a arty farty lets-get-drunk-party. not
too good. like theres nothing better to provoce than hangovers
and other repetitions. the dinner with Consol the next night is
much better!
IKEA was similar as ARCO, a lot of stuff in open boxes, from the
white cube to the blue cube. but here we can at least afford something.
we buy a closet.
our favorite open box in ARCO was ITURRALDE GALLERY
from L.A., California and the work of Gustavo Artigas: DUPLEX.
no link found…strange…you know where's one?
we mention that because we've been invited to write about our
"favorite work" for ARCO-noticias…we didn't want, but then we
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