it's the 10th of february today, the valley of Casqueiro is steaming
in the early morning sun, the tops of the mountains of work are in
a good light today.
what did we do last weeks?
before we (T'n o) were leaving to Turin right after our fast-period
(smelling like babies again!) we sent www.novaron.ch online - the
site should be as clear, easy and discret as their architecture is.
we had the idea to instal also the firstBOX in a black'n white version,
but now we call it the square. with the square we did all novaron icons…
2002! happy new yeah - feliz si nuevo - gutes neues ja to all of
you, salemaleikum and shalom!
the €uro is here. it just happens. no bang, no big articles, no riots,
no spectacular robberies, just a huge logistic swash. it looks like
fake money, past time money, not a glimm of "art" like the swiss
money or of "mystic" like the US money. just money. for weeks
people talk about it, like they talked before about the weather.
the markets are the sky, this money are the new clouds and we
all wonder will it bring rain or sun. and for whom? we remember
that omi once partizipated Chris Byrnes project > the strange
case of the euro some years before. or just months?
did we already tell that Karin Frei called us? she's a curator and
asks for the orange-prints we did concerning the park for L.A..
she asks if we still have some…"ooo yes, there are still around
10 of the small ones and 4 of the big ones"…she tells us that
she's building up a collection for an insurance company in Frankfurt;
they want to collect "project like calc does" …Karins call comes
in a good moment: we don't have any money to bring the park-
project further, but ideas. it sounds like she wants to buy them all!
great! its good to be insured.
before we'll leave on the 13th to Turin Sandra and Jose visit us.
Jose Rapper, our friend from Navia since our very first days here.
he's studies bellas artes now in Bilbao and Sandra studies
the same, but in Salamanca. how it comes that art became an
attractive job? they show us there ideas for a "showmonth" next
summer in Navia and ask for our colaboration. sure, we'll be part,
but we won't be able to do organization or money-searching stuff…
they want to do several meetings and panel discussions, parties
and exhibitions. for Navia this will be documenta I !
what space we can use? the so called casa de cultura in Navia is
an antispace. hmm, maybe we can rent a big top? Sandra talks
about having a band playing circus music.
13th - Teresa and omi are leaving - just for two weeks - l°°ks, who
writes his name with two degree-marks now, stays. as always. but
this time Märle and Curt are here too, so timeless time won't be
too timeless this time.
first night in a hotel near Carcasonne. we meet family Gaddis from
southengland. they > Mama, Papa have enough from the english
way and weather, they move to the mediterranean spain. their two girls
have to have enough too. Agatha Christie would have liked this place.
we have dinner with family geddis, Mama, Papa and the children and the
owners > Mama, Papa and the mother of the Mama. Papa was captain of a
Boeing for Air France, Mama a stewardess, and Grandmother
had the house. the evening is nice. miss Mama tells us that since
they have a website they have 40% more guests! and we all get
angry later, sad, worried when talking about the 11th.
we drive to Menton the next day while L°°ks starts to work on
some dhtml-scripts for our new websight - calcaxy 3.0. its planed
since a year you know, but… long ride, few words, many stops,
little music, glad to be in a family. we stay 2 days again in sunny
retiree paradise Menton. the chinese restaurant is so good!
nothing. sleeping. reading the menu, watching TV and preparing
ourselves for 10 crazy days in Turin…walking at the coast.
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