Luks sends some images from Amadors work in the Schlafhaus.
he finished the painting!
Luks is now mainly working on the redesign of communimage.
there will be some new features like an activity map and more
surprises. we'll send it online on the 6th of december.
playing again with the BIGprojects and their dimensions in spaces
- on plans, imagining one by one, forgeting none, trying to see
the whole, little by little, hours and hours. what an amazing job
we have here! meanwhile bellissimo goes
online with the first version of www.bigtorino.net! and we should
work on www.bigguest.net , mama mia, but when? but other
problems are more present - Nico meets the first time Robby
and Carlo from bellissimo - because the catalogmagazines.
we like the idea everytime more. Nico starts in the afternoon
to write a first concept-draft for the 4 issues…
everybody likes the stage-arena-idea for Cavallerizza, can we
pay it? will we find sponsors to give us this stage systems and
build it up for us?
while we are projecting a platform as BIG's center 2002, Luks
is doing a platform in front of studio2 in Casqueiro. and organizes
that Potcholo, our carpenterneighbour makes a trap door to enter
the schlafhaus. will we make it until x-mas to sleep/life in there?
will the form warm up easily without any isolation? we'll feel.
the yellowspot sect of design and communication meets:
Michelangelo, Teresa and omi enter the studio of bellissimo,
just around a corner from the central cementary, to meet
and speak about the campaign and the catalog again.
Michelangelo sits down, sees the sleeve with the adhesive yellow
spots, takes the sleeve, takes one spot and sticks it on his
indian forhead-point. Teresa sees that, takes one too, forehead,
omi needs to have one too, Luca enters, sees us, smiles bit
embarrassed and yellow spot > forehead! also Robby and Carlo
can't resist when they arrive - and we all sit under the sun although
its a windy, nervous weatherday. autumn. spring ideas for
the BIG campaign! "we need to talk" - "io no so cosa dire"
meeting N55 in Torino. Jon and Rikke are here - good to see them
again! they like BIG's concept, how we are trying to realize it and
how we took first real-space-decisions. we are looking forward to
N55's project in Turin!
arriving back in citta 02:00 in the morning, everybodies working for
the day of the presentation - day of the open door - showing what
happened the last month.
long time that we danced, too long! lets do a party tomorrow after
the presentation…
the day of the presentation. the a.i.r.'s studio looks different
tonight, cleaner, fuller. one by one people present his/her work,
people from downtown Biella and some from outside came.
talks everywhere…
at 23:00 Teresa, omi and Charlie go to set up another party,
Juan already filled the fridge…some candles, pillows, lights…
the party can begin! and it beginns!! until 5 in the morning we
dance again. Judith loves Mala Rodriguez! whenever she wants
to leave omi puts the first track of Malas first and last album -
(lujo iberico) and she returns, dances and forgets that she wanted
to leave..
day of the revolution. like last year we all get invited to a mountains
restaurant by Michelangelo and Maria. we have all kind of hangovers,
big ones, small ones, terrible ones, good ones. after eating good
piemontese specialities we talk until the early evening. Charlie proposes
in the end to skip the R and call it evolution-day. was it a good day?
it was supposed to say whats bad, could be better, should change.
a lot of good suggestions have been made. lets see what you'll think
and what you'll let us know when you will have distance to UNIDEE.
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