back in cittadellarte the next day we meet Asier (www.funkyprojects.com)
he came to do a workshop with the artists in residence (a.i.r.)
in order to develop projects for the collaboration with
TESECO, a firm from Pisa who invited the a.i.r. to think about...about "art" and "life" and "teseco". we'll see later on UNIDEE what the "answers" are.
Dagmar Reichart, who also worked with Pipi Lotti when she still was
artistic director of the SWISS EXPO02 calls us (never met, heard a lot..)
and tells us about a project she is preparing for Berlin > art works.consulting
(art between society and enterprises). it sounds inviting what D tells us. we tell
her about the actual show in cittdellarte, she decides to come and see….soon.
very soon - Dagmar comes for two days! after she sees the show in
cittadellarte, feels the a.i.r.y ambient, we are talking for one evening.
she invites calc and M. Pistoletto to be part of the show and the discussion
panels. great, we'll meet in Berlin beginning of december! maybe Dagmar
could help us to do next years "art and production -show" better?
a pity that Dagmar has to leave the next morning, we gonna have a bigbig
party! big beats, big shakes. she'll miss an essential part of this university!
t and o and Elisa, who invited them, are going to ROME to the ENZIMI-
festival. calc has the possibility to present communimage in a workshop-
way. in Rome they'll meet also Judith! Rome! omi remembers the biography of
C.G.Jung (was it autobio?), which he read when he was still very jung.
Jung talks about his first time in Rome, that he fainted when he booked the
trainticket (was it in Munich?)…Rome was too archetypical, too much
common memory swashed up. all the trainride from Turin to Rome
Elisa, o and T talk around the 11th. and about other things, but everything
brings them back to the 11th. taking a taxi and go straight to where the
festival happens. it seems that we are outside of the city just around some corners.
it seems Rome is gone! no arche-black-outs, just a strange big town
in nowtime. the festival happens without us. they have everything, millions
of watts, 100 rowdies and 2Mb-onlines. but no idea how a framework
for something tranquil and strange like communimage should be prepared.
we can make our "show" next to a huge screen showing CBB-news (still the
images of the crashing planes..) to the left and a techno concert to the right.
shall we shout for an hour? "no thank you, senseless. don't worry, its nice that
you paid this trip, we are going downtown now". in the toilet cointainers it
smells like you could defibrate a body.
Campo di Fiori! Judith is here now too! with friends of hers. Elvira the curator,
publisher and humorangel, Pierluca her darling, and Roberto and Federica
from artEXE (who invited Elisa, who invited us…),
who came with us after we left the no-show. we see Helmut Berger drinking
a big beer. and an indian magician who is 100 times better (more magic!)
than David Doublefield. "guarda, guarda…!" his friend, the indian polaroid-
snaper persuaded us to be tourists:
this is from l. to r. : omi, teresa, pierluca, judith, elisa, federica, roberto,
the friend of Elvira and Elvira.
its good that we came here! we thought we are coming to partizipate in
a festivals programm, but we are here to meet each other.
back in cittadellarte and BIG's mountain. Elisabeth Samsonow and her
daughter Gaia from Vienna are back in UNIDEE! again she will work
one week with the a.i.r.. and again they'll have a good/wide time, we're
sure. Elisabeth's humour and knowledge is profound! we ask her if she
wants to write something for bigguest.net too…we remember very well
her last years lecture when she talked about the history of the "concept
of the net" and started with the jewish kabbala and the greek concept of
the Pneuma…she says yes! fantastico >> 2002 under bigguest.net >>
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