but now > back in C! fullfatsummer! Navia's crowded (las fiestas!), Luks
looks good! Teresa and omi too! and Märle and Curt are here, they
also look good! and La Casita! Curt painted it red!
the incredible Stefan Sagmeister sent us his new bOOK! an absolute
lookbook. wish we could do BIGs graphic with him! imagine! but
Stefan can't come for month's to Turin, which is superimportant for
the no-logo logo.
and >> gods ways are unfathomable - Gernot, Claudia and Lottiiiiii arrive
the same day! two weeks we'll have time together! beachtime, talktime,
dancetime, lunchtime, nightime. Lotti is three now. Claudia and Gernot
also are getting younger every year. the energy, humour and love they
and La Chabola! Curt painted it black! and the new dog-gate is installed too.
now the c-dogs can't escape anymore. and the neighbours dog's can't
enter to shit around.
Gernot shows us what he does for www.sysis.at , concepts for
interfaces, hyperstructures for games. Claudia is telling us a lot about
what planhaus is doing. the concept of the small, economical and
ecological architectures (sol ) starts to work well! we play with the idea
to convince a big asturian construction firm to do with planhaus a project.
somewhere around here…a house with 10, 12 apartments. we tell Claudia
about haus 1, the projektMahdin did with Jesko and Hampi (novaron). o, almost forgot - we should
do a concept for novarons web site! Mahdin asked us in Menton if we
could do one for them until x-mas. we said yes, with pleasure!
anyway - a planhaus for asturias! we should talk with Alvaro about it,
and with Don iforgothisnameagain, who does big projects like this.
this region urgently needs an example of architecture!!
the calcis show Claudia and Gernot what they are doing for BIG
Torino 2002 . we invite Gernot to write also an article for bigguet.net's
reflection-section. he likes to! "social computing, that's what I want to
write about"…whats that? we will see!
Javier Soto (artista! amigo de Navia!) opens his exhibition in Navia!
called C R I M I N A L H E R M A N O.
you see his actual billy idols right away > Gerhard Richter and Paul
McCarthy. Soto is playing with elements and ideas of their work.
he shows mostly paintings of a young painting man dressed with
a threehole cowl. sometimes this cowlmen wear also red clown
noses. Curt and Märle buy two works. a wooden head, very rough,
like an incomplete Stefan Balkenhol, but with red clown nose, and
a Richter-like unsharp-photography portrait of him, Soto, as a clown
(red round nose).
calc buys one work too, a portrait of a painter-rorist.
BIG PARTY in the Pasodoble - Naguma from Gijon makes us dance!
friends from Bilbao are here, they don't dance: Fermin, Casi, Isma Easy,
Lourdes, Soto, Einara, Nasty and Jorge…finally they start 4 in the morning
in the TRICICLO. we'd like to ask Naguma for one of the next park parties
if they want to play…incredible percussions! and a good singer from
Alvaro invites to the Parque del Naranjo for a Pulpo party. afternoon
lunchparty in the rain. 25 people in his kitchen!! Manolo installs a
VW-van-kinder disco - and we dance again.