
T & o go to Bregenz at the end of september. to de-install
spacePLACE, to visit famely'n friends and to think about
what to propose and do in UNIDEE, where they'll go after
a trip to the "famous Zumthor-bath" in Vals, Switzerland.
Madin and Beetli invite them to come. Madin is Beetlis
boyfriend and Beetl omis cousin....what a valley, what a
village! the bath is much better than the homepage promised,
but not as good as so many people toled us. not at all.
the water is great, entering water is like entering a feeling.
but why do all newbuild elements have these radical angular
and rough shapes and make the feeling harder as the water
asks for? you can take your life while relaxing on one of the
borders of the bath's and cut your neck.
doesn't water ask for round shapes, soft corners? or does
Zumthor want that the water makes softshapes with time
(almost everything made out of slate)? lets come back in
200 years. well, the hotel is funny, sometimes even pretty,
expansive...we reservated a room which was "renovated by
the architect": like sleeping in a design museumshop - table
from Grey, chair from van der Rohe, bed by Zumthor...
but everything is okay after we have the first meal. they know
how to cook here! 3 days chilling out in rosebud water in the
foggy valley of Vals. the moody russian waitress transforms
the ambient in a kind of postsovietic science fiction.
but the best architecture we saw was a little chapel in the
last curve before leaving the village..
cyberhelvetia.ch - still secret, still evolving in a closed circuit
will be a parallel project while we will work in UNIDEE. and
AETHER3 - the project from Penelope Wehrli, you remember?
Penelope invited us and 9 more (like Kyong Park from Detroit,
Milla Zoufall from Berlin, N55 from Kopenhagen or Stefan Muenker
from Berlin too...) to talk on the phone about questions like
"for what would we fighting for?", "do we have 'utopias'?".
these talks will be "shown" in Munich in an ex atom reactor
somewhen in january 2001.
the cyberhelvetia.ch (cybe) our job is dealing with the question
how to present cybe in real life within the swiss expo.02 ex-
hibitions, which will open spring 2002. with martin, one of the
bosses of belleville, who is behind the cybeproject, we agree
to have weekly mail-, chat- and telephone sessions. every
week we will give feedbacks and inputs in order to find ideas
and a first concept till end of october. Luks and Ricardo will
partizipate the process from Spain.
arriving in cittadellarte, first week of october. incredible rain
storms the night before, when we stoped in a small town near
the lago maggiore. heavy showers sounds like big fire.
when we arrive Tal, Steffen, Biju, Yoav and Esther are playing
volley in citta's yard. a strange sceleton hangs on a rope which
is crossing the whole yard. Lyn, another Zero, is here since a
month. the following month will last a year! so many people,
questions, reasons for parties! the "cooperation" with Tal Adler
ended quick. too much things and speculations between us.
check out his collectors item #52!
october in headlines: fresh chaos and order, "the university
of ideas" is born, but only few people seem to realise it.
opening of Eytan Shoukers PENPAL project, and
son's & fathers within the context of THE BORDER. every
week working on cybe too, Benoit Roussel runs a "cinč club",
every wendsday in the performance space.
[Alberto from Veracruz-Mexico writes an e-mail. he saw communimage in Mexico ciudad and liked it. now he wants
to write an article about the project in a fanzine he's doing there.
Johannes sends him two posters from the new years image we
did almost a year ago.]
we present to Michelangelo the idea to make a kind of magazine
for UNIDEE, he likes it, we start right away. the same work
(files) we can use later on to do the web site. the magazine
wants to be radically visual, images and URL's. probably just
on CD and mainly for the a.i.r (artists in residence) - like a
very visual adressbook....
Michelangelo will do the next artistic direction of BIG TORINO 2002
(page from 2000)
the bienal of Turin! he asks us if we want to work with him
for the concept and...yes, sounds very interesting, but we have to
talk to Luks first...
end of october - revolution - two days where everybody puts
everything on the table in UNIDEE. but the table stays almost
empty - evolution. Teresa and omi stay some more days, after
all a.i.r. and zeros left, to talk with Michelangelo about next
year. mainly about how we can conect the exhibitions more to
the contents of UNIDEE. this year it was like a contradiction:
to invite for "heterodox art", but presenting "orthodox art".
we'll work out a proposal when we all are back home in mothership...
now we talk about our last subject for this time: the piece for
Bolzano. together with Michelangelo Teresa and omi talk and
imagine about a window, which can change position and view,
attitude and content. we will continue the talk by e-mail and
telephone, its geting late - ciao amici, ciao, we stay in contact...
but now >> fast forward > nevertheless T & o need a week for
the 1500 miles. time gets slower, but seems faster, when you
are tired and travelling.
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