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-- months month by -- ![]() Michael Jörg goes back! We looking forward to see him again. he came- gottes WG ist unergründlich! - to brief us about a website we might do for for the toothfactory he's working for. We would like to do a toothsite! Paolo Bianchis LKW-Kunstforum is published! we are in very good society! --> nr.: 142 and 143.. EXPO.01 invites us - the swiss goverment invites us* - to share a competition for a "swiss project" --> Nouevelle DestiNation. * martin roth - roth communications and calc. martin invites Anja Maissen (architect), we invite PLANHAUS - Claudia Pöllabauer (architect) and Gernot Tscherteu (interfacedesigner) to work out a concept. We call our group desti.net, and will meet soon in Neuchâtel.. The phone surprises us with Paolo and two invitations for 99. In the OK - LINZ in spring, KUNSTHALLE Vienna in autumn, related to the LKW Kunstforum-theme ... or not? Lets see, but we like to join further bianchis! For Vienna Paolo comes up with the idea to do a "Pistoletto-calC" cooperation. Good idea! What does Michelangelo think? We need a new car - a bit newer, faster, cheaper, more comfortable. We will have to drive a lot! Driving is healthy. And driving lets time for parking. Toti! he could know something - omi calls (Totis is his Karatemaster. He works at Ford..) - he calls around-we drive together to Madrid 2 days later, "there they sell exactly what you want"... wow, selling cars with karaterythm. navia-madrid downtown in 255 minutes. Nobody will believe us. calc buys a turbodieselship, 100km on 7 litres, thats better than flying in heavy touristbombers. omi meets Christoph Abbrederis, the magic pencil, in Madrid. . We should live a bit an work a bit together. Maybe winter in L.A. He got a whole wall full of drawings from artist friends he's traded his own with...With pleasure we will draw one for ABB! ABB surprises us a lot! ![]() Teresa works on BILDINGS in early autumn. . Yolanda gives T&t (+ + +) a 12liter winething! "Bring this wine to Curt's vernisage, directly!" Curt (omi's papa) shows paintings and sculptures (radical geo!) in the ORF-Dornbirn. ![]() We really try to get to the opening, but it snows faster than car can drive. At the french-swiss border in Geneva we watch policemen pointing guns on arabian people in a mercedes-limo. Nobody moves, like a warning sculpture. We go to visit Bregenz and Widnau (family), Paolo in Baden, the OK in Linz, the Pistolettos and the kunsthalle in Vienna, and desti.net people to go together to the "Bern-briefing"... Tranquilo,just close the door and go. With the new camera and the laptops we have all our work and our tools with us. Luks stays in L.A. Chip ahoi amigos, we stay wired. Suerte! . The Laptop is the most important invention in the 20th century. But every nation needs another telephone-plug! These crutches are like "symbols of national intelligence" ![]() but anyway: writing mails in hotelbeds. France is a strange country. The people seem to sit behind white curtains; so much empty space. We meet Paolo Bianchi in his officelivingroom in Baden. He shows us the first concept for Linz - and books from other people he invited. N-55 from Kopenhagen looks very interesting, and Ross Sinclair from Real Life. From the others Paolo didn't find... he works in a book-cave... We are looking forward to LKW - Linz! Johannes Gees from TA-Media, the man who's the chief responsible for expos official website invites us to his office. We've got hangovers from last nights dinner party at Allfreds Preisigs house. We see his new Latex-sculps. What a original material! Could it be green too? Johannes already knows that we drank and smoked too much, Zürich always was a spycity, but there's no problem, we easily find a dialogue... we might listen the same kind of music. He proposes to search with him for three experimental webprojects, he wants to run in the LAB from expo's site. in january 99 we will show up with a concept for WEBILD - We build Web Bild... We want to have this work online end of march 99! . Linz - the O.K. is a huge building with a huge history. ![]() We meet nice people in interesting spaces in there. we like the house-concept: exposing, performing as well as living, cooking, working in good studios, they even have a restaurant and a cinema downstairs. Everybody is busy, in a few days a big show opens. Linz is a surprise. So much more awake than we imagined. We remember the SWAPSPACE-idea. A room which expresses itself... a softspace which transforms by net-inputs. the most interesting space in OK will be occupied then by another show... media...i don't know what... Vienna - what happened? You got so clean and busy. We live with She. She is Vincent, the programm- director from the WUK. what a special, nice man! We buy wintertulips for Maria. The Pistolettos are in a good mood! Two students from Michelangelo, dressed in american military clothes eat with us (they had to dress that way to assist McCartney and Kelly to install their work in the Secession, a few days ago). Maria always cooks sooo well! Michelangelo shows us his first text for "IL ARTE AL CENTRO '99". Where this spring only TimeCloud touched down, in '99 TENDOPOLI will be installed, a tent-village with people and contents from all around the world. The programme is incredible huge, this year 3 days, next year 2 month's. We decide to come to TENDOPOLI to continue the work where we stopped last time. We want to work again with TimeClouds materials, but look for a different form. Maybe a flowercocoon? Rosebudspace. Michelangelo likes the invitation from the Kunsthalle-Wien to do their a CALC - PROGETTO ARTE "piece"... We still don't know the other artists - only Bechtold - Matt seems clear. They'll REZ we guess... We will wait and see how Kunsthalle will brief us... And in Biella we will work on it. We will give the Pistolettos a feedback to their programme-text and will propose maybe a friends-tent. Ciao amici! We visit Claudia and Gernot and Lotti from PLANHAUS. We want to propose TENDOLPOLI to them! They live in a funny chaos downtown. We talk also about our work in two weeks as desti.net in Neuchâtel. We're looking forward to this experience. Will we like each other? Will we be able to develop the projects main part on the net? Will we find answers to the Swiss government's wishes? We like the time- and artbridge-idea between Progetto Arte and calc. But Vienna's Kunsthalle got a bridge already! We see a groupshow from Loise Bourgeois, Jennie Holzer and Helmut Lang. We fell in love with Loise. The space doesn't inspire us. Let's delete some walls. We go to buy good spanish wine for She. ![]() We stop in Bregenz again. Evi Rüscher lets us use her studio infrastructure (grafik-design). She's a Sweetheart! As well as her brother Alois (rüscher source - webdesign, but no own url yet - too much work...)! Alois is living the first cyberlove we know! He met Fatima in a Peru-Lima-chatroom! Now they met in New York and say they want to get married soon. . We have to do a commercial grafik-folder for the multimedia- firm (GTS) who gave us the hardware to install TimeCloud II. More than half of all our "product-money" exchanges happens by "product-product" exchange. Maybe the Nomad tools and ways-of-work also bring Nomad culture- ideals back? GTS likes the folder, thanks to Evi > all went well. "we plug - you play" is GTS' new slogan. ![]() it snows. we meet Silke, a student from Intermedia. We met her the first time, when we did a calc-speech there. She wants to work a semester in Casqueiro. Thats a very good idea! We have to fill out a lot of papers to make it possible. Silke will start on the first of April 99. Thats a big help for us, she maybe can come with us to Linz and Biella. We will see. We do a little web-job for 'the toothfactory'... they wanna redesign the whole site with calc in 99. Oh yeah, we will have a lot to do for Silke... The day before we leave to Neuchâtel to meet the desti.net-team, MALINA is born! Bettina and Martin are the happy parents! T&t are the godparents next spring! Middle of december - way back to C starts. Still snowing. The snoworld sounds different, more bass than drum. Our new old car needs winterwheels. Artists say a lot of good byes. Good bye. Neuchâtel: we all can live in Pipis flat. Where is Pipi? Does she have her own learjet and captain yet? The desti.net-team is formed by three bobs: the a-bob - Claudia and Gernot - PLANHAUS, the ch-bob - Martin (roth comunications) and Anja Architecture, and the e-bob, which is the we-bob. We-bob arrives first, short before half ch-bob comes, finally a-bob arrives, the gypsy bob. They brought Babylotti, Grandma and all kind of extras for travelling with babys and grandmas. Anja comes the next morning. We're all here now! We'll drive to Bern for the briefing. They invited three teams more. The room is crowded, we need more chairs... We all imagined such a high-official briefing that was more professional... Under the title Nouvelle DestiNation they want a kind of a "dialogue-machine", which renovates makes a link between citizens and politicians... We sit a whole weekend together and brainstrom. Finally we decide to put "concepts of life" or "life-projects" into the middle of our proposal. We get the idea so far that we can continue online between Vienna, Navia and Zürich. On our way back to Spain we stay in a hotel, which has the most beautiful bathroom we ever saw. Its the hotel "Claire de lune" in Biarritz, room 18. The Indian food in downtown Biarritz is good too. Back in C, almost x-mas, almost new year, almost sleeping. We get a mail from Steffen and his friends - members from HERZBLUT, some "cultureclub" in Weimar. They invite us to Bauhaus-University to tell them about calc, about our "life-concept". We will go there somewhere in spring '99. Maybe between Linz and Biella. What "life-concept" do we have now? . We do nothing for two weeks, just playing, walking, listening to RADIO TRES, mailing a bit... ![]() let time sink into now. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |