1. projects - en mundo (selection)
2. projects in sito
3. bibliography
4. the calcies
projects - en mundo (selection) top
eine internetplattform fuer “design for the real world” auf der unsere
sehr ins praktisch zielenden ideen und projekte ihre entwicklungs- und
praesentations-oberflaeche haben. auf anregung und in zusammenarbeit
mit Palma Campagna
El gran Pollo de la Alameda
como nacio, crecio y resiste a ser comido –
una docena de años de lucha social en el barrio de la Alameda, Sevilla
konzept, struktur, layout, design, web und oeffentliche praesentationen eines buches, das den 12 jaehrigen sozialen kampf mit kuenstlerischen mitteln um den ersten oeffentlichen „park“ europas und einer der groessten spanischen plaetze als eine art gebrauchsanweisung zur selbstbestimmung dokumentiert. auf anregung und in zusammenarbeit mit Santiago Barber und ambulanciagrafica.
preis der Junta de Andalucia - der andalusischen landesregierung - fuer das projekt sevilla_scan, des prototyps von geografia affettiva im kulturellen und sozialen stadt-kontext sevillas und deren transformatorischen initiativen und bewegungen.
in zusammenarbeit mit sevillas kritikern, architekten, kuenstler und aktivisten, etc.
geografia affettiva – the prototype
workshops zu sevilla_scan mit verschiedenen kollektiven der stadt um deren
beduerfnisse zu verstehen und wie diese den programm-prototype und die
kartografischen moeglichkeiten dieser kollektive bereichern koennen. das resultat
sind konkrete aenderungen oder erweiterungen am programm.
el tinglao
4 x 8 meter grosse „live-kartographie“ waehrend der ausstellung im caS, sevilla
(centro de artes, Sevilla), welche den besuchern der 3-monatigen ausstellung
anhand einer eigens entwickelten symbologie ermoeglicht ihr viertel (la Macarena,
San Luis und La Alameda) mit ihren wuenschen und kritikenzu informieren.
in zusammenarbeit mit Palma Campagna und El Consejo de la Redacción
del Gran Pollo de la Alameda.
architecture week Yorkshire
Artist house - Leeds, workshop zu urbanen situationen (leerraeumen) und interventionen (vorschlaegen) in der peripherie Leeds’. in zusammenarbeit mit Palma Campagna, Laura Quarmby and Bryan Davies
geografia affettive - collective memories
workshop in Gallery Richard Foncke, Ghent
on the question of geanets and kunst onlines
way of storing, accessing and forgetting data
25th - 30th April, GRF, Spijkstraat1, Gent
casa mas o menos - Alcala-01
a (first) project for partizipative architecture
in Alcala - Sevilla, in collaboration with
l a p a n a d e r i a (www.despachodepan.com)
Internet Art
Edited by Rachel Green
Thames & Hudson world of Art
ISBN: 0-500-20376-8
a sculpture for sitting and meeting and ..
in collaboration with Michelangelo Pistoletto
installed in "Freie Universitaet Bozen", Italy
http://www.unibz.it (specific
link follows..)
2,3 october, cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, Italia
UNIDEE + geografia affettiva
27.09 – 09.10 workshop cittadellarte, Biella, Italia
webcam.ping (pong)
Gallery Lisi Hämmerle,
Bregenz, Austria and L.A., USA
visions of paradise
Gallery Joa Ferreira 09 - 31 march
Cap Town - South Africa
BCD + geografia affettiva
20 - 28 of march, Marseille, France
l a p i s c i n a
january > new c a l c babyship in Sevilla
sharing a studio and projects with l a p a n a d e r i a
el puente - orilla-orilla.net
Centro Colombiano Americano, Medellin (November)
in colaboration with Juan Esteban, Cristina Mirandola
Natalia Restrepo, students of various faculties and cittdellarte.
Michelangelo Pistoletto & cittadellarte &
M HKA Antwerp, 04.10 - 30.11.2003
conceived and curated by c a l c and Roni Van de Sompel
curating degree zero - Basel
critic is not enough - arte al centro
Shedhalle Zürich
c a l c + geografia affettiva
one week workshop. art academy Perpignan (June)
mamila p°°l - arting jerusalem, Jerusalem
UNIDEE - 2003 - fondazione pistoletto july - oct.
el puente (puenteamos mares)
Centro Colombiano Americano, Medellin (November)
communimage - a moment in time VI > XXIV Biennale
de São Paulo
curating the guestland of the 3rd Biennial of Torino - BIG Torino
Big Social Game
UNIDEE - year 03 - again mediators during July and
communimage - a moment in time VII > ART FUTURA
2002, Barcelona
the BOO©
the calcurriculum got a new name and interface
spirit level (wasserwaage)
in close collaboration with Curt Scheiderbauer
travelling play-sculpture (water, metal, sound) for AUA EXTREMA,
the western swiss pavillon for swiss Expo.02
BIG Torino 2002 - Big Social Game
members of the artistic committee and curating/coordinating bigguest.net,
BIG's "guestland" 2002
working 2 months as mediators in the University of Ideas in Biella, Italy
communimage - a moment in time IV
in colab. with Johannes Gees, videobrasil-13th international electric art
festival, São Paulo, Brasil
communimage - a moment in time V
enzimi-festival, Rome
communimage - a moment in time I
in colab. with Johannes Gees, Kunsthalle Bludenz, Austria
lebenskunstwerke - kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria
communimage - a moment in time II
in colab. with Johannes Gees, Museo Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico
in colab. with Michelangelo Pistoletto, Museum AR/GE Kunst - Bolzano, Italy
working 2 months as mediators in the University of Ideas in Biella, Italy
in colab. with Curt Scheiderbauer during sons & fathers,
Cittadellarte - Biella, Italy
communimage - the amazing expanding image!
for the Swiss Expo02
a park for L.A.
("LKW - Dinge zwischen Leben, Kunst und Werk"), O.K.Linz, Austria
IL ARTE AL CENTRO 99, Cittadellarte-Biella, Italy
OneDROP - Segno Arte
in colab. with Michelangelo Pistoletto during
"Get together - Art as teamwork", Kunsthalle Vienna, Austria
DROPone - flexible net tent
tendopoli telematica, Cittadellarte- Biella, Italy
timeCloud I
Internet-nomade-architecture, Cittadellarte, Biella, Italy
timeCloud II
Internet-installation, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria
EINFLUSS - Rheinart 97, Au-Lustenau, Switzerland,
mit Ian Campbell, Spain - Canada
N.A.V.E. Net Access Virtual Embarking,
Kunst in der Stadt 97, KUB Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria
Gallery Museum Ar/Ge Kunst - Bolzano, Italy
Jardines Firmados,
Galeria Marta Llames, Oviedo, Spain
doing jobs in calc diseño C.B., Navia, to finance
our lifes and projects,
mainly the infrasculpture calc
projects in sito > top
I n f r a s c u l p t u r e > Casa Casqueiro, L.A. Las Aceñas >
Navia, Asturias, Spain, Torino, Italy, and
now > Sevilla, Spain
“sexta fiesta de San Antolin” in the park for L.A.
doing a dossier
about casqueiro..short history for potential buyers
“quinta fiesta de San Antolin” in the park for L.A.
building the 6th terrace of casquiero in collaboration with Amador
el Pescador next to studio2
moving the 2nd infrasculpture from Torino to Sevilla > c a l c
- babyship “la piscina” sharing the studio and first projects with l
a p a n a d e r i a
starting the planning for "el matadero" > transformation of L.A.'s
old slaughterhouse into a "information center/bar/stage/cinema/ disco", continuing
the installations for the park of L.A. > "el paseo naranjo" in colab.
with Jesús Manrique.
"cuarta fiesta de San Antolin" in the park for L.A.
Judith Mala Wielander gets a calci!
BABYSHIP Torino - we set up a second infrasculpture in Torino, Mothership
was expecting long enough!
Construction of Chabola, the bikehouse, in colab. with Pablo Carrera,
starting plans for Luks sleepinghouse and the re-re-building
the mill, interior fittings for NAVE, the sleeping house,
"tercera fiesta de San Antolin" in the park for L.A. - installing
the road sign: PARQUE DEL NARANJO
Finishing Studio2, changing the digital network (hardware) of c
a l c in colab. with Martin Roth and Malex Spiegel,
"segunda fiesta de San Antolin" in the park for L.A.
Beginning the construction of Studio2, in colab. with Curt Scheiderbauer
and Fred Fürholzer, concept and realisation - park for L.A., in colab.
with Silke Sporn and Alvaro Garcia Lanza,
"primera fiesta de San Antolin" in the park for L.A.
Construction of Casita, second living house, in colab. with Märle
and Curt Scheiderbauer and with Alvaro Garcia Lanza and Pablo Carrera.
Construction of NAVE - the sleeping house, in colab. with Marco Koeppel,
concept and realisation of ALTERNATIVA, a bar for Navias harbour
in colab. with Hilario Suarez and friends.
Construction the Chiringuito - first part of the summerkitchen, concept
and realisation of PASODOBLE, a bar for Navias beach, in colab. with
Curt Scheiderbauer and Manolo Novio de Emma.
Installation of a telematic laboratory. Development of c a l © a x y -
virtual studios for digital artesans in colab. with Gernot Tscherteu
and Malex Spiegel. Translation and/or development of all c a l c
projects under http://www.calcaxy.com,
concept and realisation of BLUEBOX, a culture club for Navia in colab.
with Gernot Tscherteu.
Malex Spiegel becomes a (semi)calci.
Renovation and transformation of the mill into the "infrasculpture c a
l c", in colab. with Alvaro Garcia Lanza.
Purchase of an old millhouse (name:Casqueiro) in Navia, nothwest Spain and
founding of c a l c - casqueiro atlantico laboratorio cultural as
a group of artists, a cultural association and a design company (c a l
c diseño C.B.)
Concept for an "interactive studiosculpture" or "infrasculpture"
during a stay in the Sinai, Egypt.
Contemporary Art of Science and Technology (chinesisch)
By Zhang Yanxiang
660 pages (62 pages in color)
Press name: Science Press
ISBN: 978-7-03-020415-8
Design and Landscape for People (englisch)
New Approaches to Renewal
By Clare Cumberlidge and Lucy Musgrave
224 Seiten
Thames & Hudson
181A High Holborn
London WC1V7QX
published in the United Kingdom in 2007
ISBN-13: 978-0-500-34233-6
ISBN-10: 0-500-34233-4
With or Without Me (englisch)
conversations on collaborations
Galeria SKC Belgrad, Initiator und Herausgeber
(interviewer) Miklós Erhardt, Budapest
ISBN 86-80957-47-X
„...unterm Kakibaum.“
Buchidee und Kurator: Erich Steinbrecher,
Herausgeberin: Marion Piffer Damiani
Revolver - Archiv fuer aktuelle Kunst,
Frankfurt am Main, 2005
ISBN 3-86588-160-2
el gran pollo de la Alameda (spanisch)
Aktionskatalog, 12 jahre sozialer kampf rund um die Alameda, Sevilla,
zusammen mit Santiago Barber, 2005, 2006
ISBN 13 978 84 611 1046 9
CH Creatio-Helvetica
Jahreszeitschrift für literarisches und visuelles Schaffen
Édition CH+Infolio
130 seiten
ISBN 2-88474-530-0
NAVE – Net Access Virtual Embarking
Galerie Lisi Hämmerle,
A-6900 Bregenz
Mobil-Tel. +43 (0) 676 315 81 04
Bregenz 1997
AR/GE KUNST Bozen/Bolzano & Galerie Lisi Hämmerle,
A-6900 Bregenz
Mobil-Tel. +43 (0) 676 315 81 04
Bregenz 1996
c a l c – review
By Gernot Tscherteu, 1994
the calcies top c a l c are always: miss pi (Teresa Alonso Novo), omi (tOmi Scheiderbauer), Lººks (Lukas Brunner), Malex (Marcus Spiegel) and Dani (Daniel Gómez Blasco, since 2006) and various friends and guests colaborating in projects |
miss pi 1971 1979-84 1984-89 1989-90 1990-now |
born in Las Aceñas, Spain Emigration to Switzerland Language studies, French, Englisch, German, Italian, Spanisch. Working in Geneve for the Swiss Television, sound illustrations Co-founder of the performance band "Le Reines de Couteaux" with Muda Mathis and Regina Florida. Co-founder of the performance band "Les Reines Prochaines", with Muda Mathis, Regina Florida, Pipi Lotti Rist and Fraenzi Madoerin, Basel, Switzerland, performances all around Europe. Meeting L°°ks and omi Concept and Installation of VIA's soundstudio (Video/Audio Art, Basel) Shabramant, Cairo, working with t. Scheiderbauer and Adel Hozayin on "Studio Shabramant". Basata, Sinai working with t.S. and Maria and Sherif El-Ghamrawy - "Studios in the dessert" - first ideas and plans for an "Infrasculpture" developing projects within c a l c |
omi 1966 1970 1977-79 1978 1980 1981-82 1983-84 1984-88 1989-90 1990-now |
born in Hard, Austria my father paints - I assist, my mother drives ralleys - I don't assist I get an own camera, START 6X6! apprendiceship in photography, Dornbirn, Austria going the first time to Spain, feels like comming home travelling to Canada, USA, Mexico Vienna - master in photography Centralafrica, Spain Basel, Video-class, school of design, meeting L°°ks and Miss Pi Co-founder of VIA (Studio of Video/Audio Art, Basel) Shabramant, Cairo, working with Teresa Alonso and Adel Hozayin on "Studio Shabramant". Basata, Sinai working with t.S. and Maria and Sherif El-Ghamrawy - "Studios in the dessert" - first ideas and plans for an "Infrasculpture" developing projects within c a l c |
Lººks 1966-77 1977 1977-78 1978-79 1980-81 1981-85 1985-88 1988-91 1990-2004 |
born in in Basel, Switzerland elementary and secondary schools in the cantons Baselland and Basel, Switzerland practicum in child care establishment for small children computer operator at Hoffmann - La Roche, Basel, Switzerland admittance class at the School of Design, Basel, Switzerland training as a home educationist in Schlössli, Ins, Switzerland classes at the School of Design Basel, Switzerland School of Design; diploma in Audiovisual design, various exhibits with video installations and films, conceptualization and realisation of VIA (Studio for Video/Audio Art, Basel), meeting omi And Miss PI. Secretarial work and computer operating with GSMBA (swiss association for painters, sculptors and architects), Muttenz, Switzerland various exhibits with video installations, reorganisation of the secretary of GSMBA developing projects within c a l c |
Malex 1976 1983-90 1990 1990-95 1995 1995-2000 2000-01 2001-03 1990-now |
born in Melrose (USA) moving from USA to Dornbirn (Austria) and later to Heerbrugg (Switzerland) high school in Heerbrugg (Matura Typus C) 8 months as a programmer at Leica AG (Heerbrugg) meeting Miss Pi and omi and L°°ks the first time study of Electrical Engineering at the ETH Zurich half year at calc in Navia (Spain) thesis at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Group) Research assistant Software Developer at Xwave GmbH developing projects within c a l c |
Dani |
born in Madrid, Spain |